The history of contraception is as long as the history of our civilization and may surprise you more than once. Amulets made of cat bones or rinsing the vagina with herbal decoctions are old methods of contraception used by our ancestors that amaze with ingenuity and sometimes terrify. Fortunately, today we have a choice of over a dozen much more effective methods of contraception, and scientists are constantly working on new means or improving existing ones. Thanks to this, everyone can find a tailor-made contraception.
The history of contraception is full of incredible facts. Today we smile while reading about old methods of contraception, but even 100-200 years ago childbirth was one of the common causes of death among women. In addition, very strict moral criteria and the fact that having an illegitimate child was viewed as a disgrace meant that people often went to the extreme to prevent the pregnancy from developing or to defeat the fetus.
See what methods of contraception were popular in the old days.
"Before it gets dark, spit over your left shoulder …"
To protect against unplanned pregnancies, our ancestors often resorted to strange and extreme methods. Swallowing tadpoles, drinking mercury, spider compresses - these are just a few examples. Amulets were also popular: from the bones of a black cat and dried weasel testicles or from the wax of mule, as well as rituals: sneezing, jumping backwards or sitting on four fingers before intercourse.
Formerly there were also methods of contraception, which today seem … slightly disgusting. For example, a text from 4,000 years ago recommended that women cover their vaginas with a paste made of resin, a mixture of sodium carbonate, and crocodile dung. Especially the last component of the mixture may sound repulsive, but it has been proven that crocodile faeces are acidic, which may be a barrier to sperm and prevent fertilization.
Casanova, who lived in the 18th century, mentioned the use of condoms made of lamb intestines or goat's appendix among the then fashionable methods of contraception. Women, on the other hand, eagerly used vaginal caps in the form of… hollow lemon halves.
20th century and popularity of the condom
Fortunately, in the twentieth century, with the development of medicine, arose more humanemethods of contraception. Rubber condoms were the first to appear (back in the 19th century). At the beginning they were very thick and reusable, but the production of thin and disposable condoms started quite quickly.
The first modern method of contraception for women was an IUD - it appeared as early as 1909. The well-known contraceptive pill came into use in the middle of the 20th century. Successive contraceptives have already appeared in an avalanche - female condoms, patches, implants and many others.
There is something for everyone
There are many different types of contraceptive on the market today. Methods designed for women predominate: tablets, patches, implants, inserts, spirals, injections, sponges … Full spectrum - it is not difficult to find a tailor-made method of contraception.
- Nowadays, we can choose a contraceptive method that is tailored to the needs of each woman. The choice of contraception depends on reproductive plans and non-contraceptive benefits such as regulation of menstrual cycles, reduction of menstrual blood loss, elimination of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Contraception, apart from preventing pregnancy, brings benefits in the form of alleviating acne, improving oily hair and skin and other changes in the woman's body due to excess androgens - explains Prof. dr hab. n. med. Violetta Skrzypulec - Plinta, specialist gynecologist - obstetrician, endocrinologist, sexologist, head of the Department of Women's He alth, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice.
- Today we can offer our patients various methods of hormonal contraception. Tablets used daily in different regimens, with different content of hormones. Patches that are used once a week are recommended for women who do not want to remember to take a tablet every day, are very thin or have gastric problems. For women with problems of proper hydration, vaginal rings are recommended, which are inserted once a month. There is also a long-term contraception in the form of implants of intrauterine systems under the skin (the system protects against pregnancy for 3 or 5 years). The choice depends on the patient's preferences and expectations. Well-chosen contraception will allow women to enjoy sexual life in various life situations, including those who are breastfeeding a child, suffering from migraines, patients with diabetes or some systemic diseases, says the expert.
We have much less funds for men - an old, good condom works best. Of course, it is now available in a wide varietysizes, shapes, colors, flavors, with a full range of "additives" (insets, gels, etc.). While work is underway on male hormone injections and pills, there is still a long way to go.
Tailored contraceptive pills
One of the most effective methods of contraception for women is the contraceptive pill. Its great advantage is that we currently have several dozen contraceptive pills of various brands on the market. Unlike her ancestor in the 1950s, it also contains a much lower dose of hormones and causes far fewer side effects.
We have one- and two-ingredient tablets. One-, two- and three-phase. Preparations with and without placebo tablets. Pills in the 28, 21 + 7, 24 + 4 dosing schedule. Individual tablets differ in the type and level of hormones, and recently, preparations with an ultra-low dose of hormones have also been available. Every woman can find a preparation tailored to her needs.
Although the contraceptive market is increasingly diverse, our society still lacks awareness and knowledge on this subject. World Contraception Day is a good time to chat and seek information about our sexuality and contraception.
The article was prepared on the basis of press materials of the campaign Antykoncepcja tailor-made (