Pregnancy and childbirth was such an extraordinary experience for Anna that she changed her profession and became a midwife. Today she is a mother of three daughters and teaches a student at the Medical Academy. As a midwife, she feels professionally fulfilled and each birth that she can participate in is a great event for her - a fascinating miracle of birth.

I could give birth every year - Mrs. Anna smiles, but I think she says it quite seriously. - It is such an extraordinary experience, incomparable to anything else. And it started 10 years ago … - I just finished my studies, nutrition technology, and got married. Soon I also gotpregnant , which did not cause me any problems. My husband and I went to childbirth school because we wanted to give birth together from the very beginning. We were as excited as we were the first time, but I had yet to imagine that having a baby would have such a big impact on my life.

First childbirth

Whenchildbirthstarted, we went to the hospital in Karowa. Iga, a midwife we ​​knew from the birth school, was on duty. She looked after me wonderfully, giving me a lot of freedom - I only lay for 20 minutes (during KTG) and I was on the move all the time. Perhaps thanks to this, the delivery lasted only 4 hours, although I gave birth for the first time and Ala weighed almost 4 kg. The contractions took their toll on me, yes, and I reacted my impatience with pain on my husband, who endured it very bravely. But when our daughter appeared in the world, we both felt that the most important thing in life had happened. We cried with emotion. A miracle happened, and although this is a very banal statement, it is in such categories that we think about that moment. Now, when I stand on the other side as a midwife, I also very often get the feeling that I see a miracle. It is this feeling that makes this profession so extraordinary.

Decision to become a midwife

Childbirth fascinated me so much that when it was time to look for a job after a year of taking care of my daughter, I submitted my documents to the Medical Vocational College to become amidwife . Everyone in the family knocked on the forehead - I was 27 years old, had a good job, and I should look for a job, not start all over again. Fortunately, my husband Jarek supported me a lot. He knew how important it was to me. And I wanted toparticipate more often in this fantastic event of childbirth. I started my undergraduate studies at the Medical Academy (the nursing college has just been closed). Already during the first practical classes, in the hospital at Karowa Street, I found a midwife who was giving birth to me. I remembered her immediately and then I learned a lot from her.

Second birth

Soon I was given the miracle of birth again. In February 2003, in the third year of studies, Hania was born. And I remember this birth very well. "My" midwife Iga was with me, there was also my husband, of course, who turned out to be indispensable at the time. I was sitting in a tub of water, and just as the midwife said it was time to get out - the contractions got so intense that I couldn't do it! Jarek literally took me out of it on his hands! Hania turned out to be a beautiful pink baby, as big as her older sister. Strongly distanced from the problems of everyday life, she literally grew up with a smile on her face.

Midwife job

Hanka was born in February and I was supposed to finish my studies in June. So I had to take a dean's leave. Meanwhile, in May, a professor, the head of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Didactics Department at the Medical Academy, calls me that from October she wants to see me at work - there will be a place for me in her Department. Only first I have to write and defend my thesis, and I have two young children at home! Fortunately, Ala was already in kindergarten, and I hired a nanny to look after Hania. I took the written work to the supervisor on Friday and I wanted him to read it on Monday. He looked at me as not quite normal, but somehow I managed to get him. I defended my job on time and started my first job in October 2003. Not only was I able to take part in the births, but also to pass my knowledge on to future midwives. I did not even think it was such an interesting and satisfying job in the past. It even seemed a bit boring to me and I couldn't imagine myself in this role. And it turned out that teaching classes gives me a lot of fun. It is great to work there - the professor has created such a friendly atmosphere that I really feel bad when I can't work. And this was the case during my third pregnancy, which - unlike the first two - was complicated.

Another pregnancy - with problems

It was actually my fourth pregnancy because I had my third miscarriage in the 9th week. After this miscarriage, I wanted a baby terribly, but I had to wait a year to get pregnant (I had a cluster). When it finally worked out, I was scared, I didn't want to get attached to this pregnancy. However, the genetic ultrasound at 13 weeksweek showed that everything is fine. It calmed me down. And four days later, I woke up in the middle of the night… bleeding heavily. My husband wasn't home, just me and the kids. I didn't know what to do, wait until morning? I decided to call my mother-in-law and went to the hospital. I spent three days there. The doctor doing the ultrasound said she did not see anything disturbing. Unfortunately, two days after returning home, I was bleeding again. This time the ultrasound was done by my attending physician (he was not in Warsaw before). Test result: a detached bearing. For the next two months I was advised to lie down, fortunately I didn't have to be in bed all the time, but I didn't leave the house for two months! Whoever did not survive it does not know what it means. I missed a job terribly. In the 6th month, when the risk decreased, I returned to work, as it turned out, for 1.5 months. At week 31, I was awakened by painful contractions. It was the night from Friday to Saturday, and all weekend I was supposed to have classes with fitness instructors (preparing them to work with pregnant women) who came to Warsaw from all over Poland. It was not appropriate to cancel them. I don't know how I survived then (the contractions repeated the next night), but the classes went as planned, and on Monday, again the hospital, examination and diagnosis: a shortening cervix. I was administered heart medications, which made me feel terrible - I had terrible headaches, visual disturbances, palpitations. Fortunately, my professor, who changed my medications, called me and recommended a pessary - a silicone "collar" that prevents the cervix from opening. I lay at home until the 35th week of pregnancy, and then I did everything to give birth.

Third birth

Gabrysia was born instantly, in less than an hour. This time Mrs. Krysia Komosa from the hospital in Solec was with me. Childbirth with Mrs. Krysia is a completely different, new, wonderful experience. She is a midwife from whom our students should learn the profession: a fully independent, responsible, wise woman with intuition. I gave birth with the lights off, on my knees, leaning against the bed. Contrary to the previous two deliveries, now I decided to scream to myself and I must admit it worked amazing. We knew it would be a girl again. Third daughter. And that's good, I thought. As far as I am concerned, there are never enough daughters. The girls are great. The husband is of the same opinion - the lack of a son is not a problem for him. Friends say that we will have a difficult but interesting future with three girls. Each of them is different. Ala - introvert, observer, wise and sensible girl whoanalyzes everything. Hania is a person who is not afraid of anything, does not look for problems where there are none, and she will surely manage in her life. And Gabrysia? It is hard to say, but as a child born in the sign of Gemini, it will probably surprise many of us. The girls have nice relationships with each other, they play a lot together, although they can also give themselves a nickname. They take care of Gabrysia and you can see that she is doing it well for everyone. Gabrysia's appearance was very difficult for Hania. She was having a hard time "dethroning", we even thought that she was sick. She was very apathetic, she slept a lot. After the research, it turned out that everything was fine, but it was difficult to adapt to the new situation. Fortunately, after two months it was fine.

Midwife by calling

I am a happy mother, but also professionally fulfilled. I know that then I made the right decision to start new studies. I love what I do, it gives me great, great satisfaction - both welcoming new residents to the world, supporting young mothers, and teaching new midwives. There is still a lot to do in our obstetrics. In hospitals, I am offended by the subject treatment of patients and the lack of respect for their intimacy and the excessive medical treatment of childbirth. However, I sincerely hope that this will change, it is already changing. Also in striving for such changes, I see the meaning of my work. It was worth starting anew then, it is worth fighting for your dreams.
