Winter depression affects many people. Without sunlight, we become apathetic, depressed, we feel like nothing. If we do not have enough natural light, we just fall into the winter depression. And no kidding with her. Depression does not go away by itself, and if left untreated it leads to death.

Where doeswinter depression come from ? On cloudy winter days, the light intensity is 2-3 times lower than on a sunny spring day and as much as 100 times lower than in summer, on the beach. Therefore, from late autumn to early spring, every tenth person suffers from winter depression, known by experts asSAD-seasonal affective disorder( seasonal affective disease ). Women are four times more likely than men. Although specialists do not see its genetic basis, some families experience the condition more often than others.

- I am an energetic person - says forty-year-old Ewa. - I work a lot, over eight hours a day, and besides, I have a husband, a child, a dog. I have to go shopping, cook dinner, check my son's homework, clean up. Every day is full to the brim. But I do not complain. I like work, I like it when I am needed. I have no problem getting out of bed at six every day and doing ten things at once. This was the case until last fall. Suddenly, one day in November, I couldn't get up. I was lying in bed and I thought it all didn't make sense. Why am I chasing like this? Who needs it? I trudged to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and cried out. I was a little relieved. Unfortunately, I started having a morning "dim" every day. It was getting worse and worse. I avoided people, I closed in on myself, I forgot about many things. I was getting hysterical when my husband asked what was wrong with me. Fortunately, he did not give up. He took me away. A half-hour conversation was enough and it was already known: I am depressed.

Winter depression - causes

Endocrinologists are sure that the occurrence of seasonal depression is related to the functioning of a part of the brain called the pineal gland. This endocrine gland produces melatonin - the so-called sleep hormone. At night, the level of melatonin is the highest, so we become sleepy, tired and the body sets to rest. This is how our circadian rhythm of sleep and wakefulness works. The amount of melatonin depends, among others on how much light reaches the brain through the eye. If there is hima lot (e.g. in summer) - the pineal gland secretes less melatonin, when there is little (e.g. in winter) - more. Then we become sluggish, apathetic, we feel like nothing. Due to less natural light, the concentration of certain substances in the brain (called neurotransmitters) also changes, including serotonin, which is responsible for our moods. When there is not enough of it, our sadness and irritation intensifies, we feel reluctance to perform any activities - even pleasant ones, such as socializing or going to the cinema. We close in on ourselves. Our body also functions according to the rhythm of the seasons. In winter, our activity decreases (after all, some animals hibernate) and the metabolic rate slows down a bit. In spring, the endocrine system will start working more efficiently: it will produce a little more adrenaline, norepinephrine and dopamine - compounds that trigger energy in us. SAD can be dangerous to us. If seasonal depression lasts a long time (even 5 months) and its symptoms worsen, it can even lead to a suicide attempt. To prevent this from happening, we should undergo phototherapy, reach for special preparations, modify the diet and move more. If, despite following simple but effective advice, the sadness and depression persist - it is better to see a psychiatrist as soon as possible and ask for help. There is no point in the fact that depression will go away by itself without treatment. And if left untreated, it adversely affects our body, e.g. weakens immunity, as a result we are more susceptible to other diseases.

According to an expertDr. Michał Skalski, psychiatrist

When a loved one has symptoms that look depressed to us, we shouldn't tell him to "pull it up". It won't help. But we must not pretend that there is no problem, that this is just a seasonal melancholy that will pass by itself. It won't. What to do then? Say that we know he is suffering, support him, be interested in his problems, do not underestimate his complaints. Do not cheer you up, do not persuade you to watch comedy. There will be time for that. Let's try to persuade such a person to see a psychiatrist - you do not need a referral. It is also not necessary to go to the clinic, because the doctor may come home. However, we must persuade to a psychiatric consultation with tact. It is worth saying that we are worried, we worry that the friend has a "dim", but with the help of a doctor, he will come out faster, etc. The most important thing is that we do not leave our friend in need.

Winter depression: symptoms that must not be ignored

If you notice the following symptoms for at least 2 weeks almost every day, you may assume that you are suffering from seasonal depression. In this caseconsult your doctor.

  • cry-prone sadness
  • sudden anxiety, anxiety
  • trouble concentrating
  • irritability
  • avoiding people
  • feeling of helplessness, loneliness
  • aversion to any action
  • loss of interest, indifference
  • big appetite, especially for sweets
  • weakening of sexual attraction
  • excessive sleepiness
  • in women - the increase in premenstrual tension (PMS)

How to protect yourself from depression

  • learn to say "no" sometimes
  • don't crowd your emotions, break the plate if necessary
  • clearly say what you want, what you mean
  • forgive yourself
  • do not be offended and taken advantage of
  • don't keep thinking that you have to change for others to like you
  • do not strive for perfection at all costs
  • remember that you live primarily for yourself
  • ask often: how do i feel, what i want
  • find time to relax, hobby
  • do not isolate yourself from people
  • rest the way you like
  • get help from others at work and at home
  • don't just live your family's work or life

Winter depression: treatment

Treatment consists in supplying as much natural light as possible through the eye to the pineal gland and supplementing its deficiencies with light from special anti-depressant lamps. In winter, it is good not to save on electricity and to properly illuminate the apartment.

  • Walk for at least one hour every day. Also on cloudy days, because some light is breaking through the clouds. If the sun is shining - do not wear dark glasses so that the light can pass through the retina.
  • Plan a holiday in the fall / winter season preferably in one of the warmer countries.
  • Get a special lamp (eg Bright Light, Bioptron, Fotovita) and light up twice a day: in the morning and in the early evening (at least 2 hours before going to bed) for 30 minutes. These lamps emit light with an intensity of 2.5 to 10 thousand. lux (ordinary lighting at home gives us 300-500 lux), in the full range of the daylight spectrum and without harmful ultraviolet. They do not sunbathe, like quartz lamps or solariums. Phototherapy should be started at the first signs of seasonal depression or after switching to winter time. It is 60-80 percent effective. cases.
  • In winter, use the quartz glass for a few minutes a day or go to the solarium once a week, even for 10 minutes.
  • If you spend a lot of time in closed rooms, light them with more powerful bulbs.Especially compact ones, called energy-saving ones, are recommended. Their light does not pulsate and its spectrum is identical to that of sunlight.
  • Be sure to place the desk close to the window. Do not cover it with heavy curtains, blinds, blinds.
  • When watching TV - do not completely darken the room, at least leave the bedside lamp or wall lamp on.

When you have seasonal sadness, you feel more craving for sweets and carbohydrate products. No wonder, because such food stimulates the production of serotonin, and its higher level improves the mood. So do not protect yourself from sweet fruits (e.g. grapes, peaches) and sometimes be tempted to eat a piece of chocolate or cake. Carbohydrates are also found in e.g. bread, groats, cereals, rice, corn and potatoes. The winter diet should also include vitamins A, C, E and B group, as well as micronutrients: magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium. So eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.

Winter depression: drugs when things get very bad

Antidepressants are supposed to fight symptoms of depression and improve your mood. Most of them have to be prescribed by a doctor because they are sold only on prescription, e.g. bioxetin, deprexetin, fluoxetine, seroxat. They are sold without a prescription, among others magnesine, melisana, persen, deprim, kalms, psychotonisol, hyperherba. Most of these preparations are based on St. John's wort extract. If we use phototherapy, we should consult a doctor about the possibility of taking herbal medicines - St. John's wort in combination with light can cause allergies.

You must do it

Physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins (the so-called happiness hormones), substances that positively influence our moods. So - get moving!

  • exercise for 15 minutes every morning
  • walk at a brisk pace every day for at least half an hour
  • if the weather permits - go on a bike trip at least once a week
  • if there is an ice rink somewhere near your home - go ice skating
  • go to the swimming pool, gym or fitness club twice a week
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