The finality of death can seem almost unbelievable, especially when it hits a parent, someone whose presence in your life has never wavered. You finished growing up and happily reached adulthood, but you still needed (and expected you to have) your parents forever.
Losing a parent's support, guidance, and love after their death can leave a tremendous void and unimaginable pain that may seem impossible to heal, even if their death is expected.
It is also not uncommon for the relationship with a parent to be complicated, which resulted in a swing of conflicting emotions.
Anyway, losing a mum or dad can be difficult regardless of the situation, and may be accompanied by a number of unpleasant emotions. Your loved ones may be hoping that you will get over your grief fairly quickly, and that your employer may expect you to be on the next day at work.
There is no right or wrong way to mourn the loss of a parent, but these strategies can prove helpful as the coming-to-over process begins.
How to live after the loss of a loved one? These measures can help you deal with regret

Remember that grief is a normal, he althy process that looks different to everyone. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, be patient and understanding as you take the time to work through your loss.
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