A bariatric surgery is a serious surgical intervention in the digestive system of an obese patient. It helps reduce body weight to a safe level. After the procedure, however, many ailments may appear, such as pain, vomiting, dehydration. Which of the ailments after bariatric surgery are natural and pass when you recover, and which you must consult a doctor?
- After bariatric surgery - postoperative complaints
- After bariatric surgery - bariatric complaints
- Bariatric complaints - nausea
- Bariatric complaints - vomiting
- Bariatric complaints - dehydration
- Bariatric complaints - defecation
- Bariatric complaints - flatulence
- Bariatric complaints - thrush
- Bariatric complaints - anemia
- Bariatric complaints - hair loss
After bariatric surgery - postoperative complaints
Bariatric surgeryis a very difficult physical experience for an obese body. Exhaustion after such a procedure can be compared to the weakness after running a 42-kilometer marathon. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia because it requires a smaller (with the laparoscopic method) or larger (with the laparotomy) intersection of the abdominal wall in order to reach the patient's gastrointestinal tract. The patient leaves the hospital after the procedure, when the doctors are sure that he has no complications, his condition is stable and that he can recover at home. Convalescence, however, may be accompanied by certain ailments, which are a sign that the body is recovering from such a strenuous experience as bariatric surgery.
Symptoms and natural ailments after surgery that should not bother you are :
- slight swelling of the surgical wound
- moderate pain, discomfort - painkillers available at the pharmacy help
- sensory disturbances at the wound - small sensory nerves may have been cut or damaged during the procedure, which usually regenerate 2-3 months after the operation
- itching or a feeling of being electrocuted - this is a symptom of healing endingsnervous; relief will bring: ice, moisturizing lotions, vitamin E, oils and massages
- redness of the scar / postoperative scars Scars remain after each operation. Their size depends on the operating method, the sutures used and the healing process. Fresh scars are red, dark pink, or bluish in color and fade within 1 year after surgery. After the wound is completely healed, you can smear the scars with special creams, which you can get at the pharmacy. Thanks to them, scars will become flat, smooth, soft, and start to take the color of the skin. Protect scars from sunlight for about 1 year after the procedure, masking them with a bathing suit or a towel and applying a cream with a protective filter (SPF min. 15)
Read also:Skin after surgery, injury, burn: scar care
ImportantPost-operative ailments that require immediate contact with a doctor are :
- body temperature above 38 degrees C
- significant redness, swelling and / or pus oozing from the surgical wound
- wound pain that does not go away with painkillers
- chest pain and / or shortness of breath
- nausea and / or vomiting lasting more than 12 hours
- pain, redness and / or swelling of the lower limbs - may indicate abnormalities in the work of the circulatory system
- urinating less than 4 times a day - may indicate urinary disorders
After the operation, in places where the skin was cut, i.e. the abdominal wall is weakened, a hernia may appear. You will recognize it by a slight emphasis. A hernia is simply a gut that doesn't fit inside the abdominal cavity. It can be painful when lifting heavy objects, coughing, urinating, or having a bowel movement. Pain can be acute and immediate, or it can be mild, dazzling and worsening in the evening or after prolonged standing. The greatest risk of developing an abdominal hernia is within 3 months of surgery. During this time, refrain from heavy lifting and physical work that requires tension in the abdominal muscles. The only way to treat a hernia is surgery. If the hernia does not go away in the supine position, accompanied by pain and vomiting - it may require immediate intervention by a surgeon.
Read also : Abdominal hernia: causes, symptoms, treatment
After bariatric surgery - bariatric complaints
Bariatric surgery involves making all sorts of changes to the anatomy and function of the stomach and small intestine. The purpose of this "redevelopment" is to bring uobesity to reduce body weight to a safe level. After the operation, the patient's digestive system has to adapt to operating according to new principles. This process takes several months and may be accompanied by ailments characteristic of bariatric surgeries.
Bariatric complaints - nausea
Nausea following bariatric surgery may be caused by:
- insufficient chewing
- feeling full or overfilled - observe the body and learn to recognize the amount of food and liquid you feel full of
- hypersensitivity to smells, e.g. certain foods or perfumes, care products - a handkerchief with a few drops of mint oil helps to control gag reflexes
- painkillers - consult a doctor and change medications
- with saliva that runs down his throat and irritates his back wall
- not eating
- dehydration - drinking, for example, mint tea, dill infusion, green tea or water with lemon, cold or warm, helps with gag reflexes.
Nausea that occurs in the first days after surgery can usually be controlled by taking anti-sickness drugs as prescribed.
Bariatric complaints - vomiting
Vomiting often accompanies recovery from bariatric surgery, as it is difficult at first to judge how much food is needed to satisfy your hunger. They may also mean that the gastric pouch has been blocked. The most common causes of vomiting are:
- eating too fast
- insufficient chewing of food
- swallowing too much bite
- eating too dry food
- eating too much at once
- introducing solids into the diet too soon after surgery
- drinking with or immediately after a meal
- lying down after a meal
- eating foods / products that are not allowed after bariatric surgery
To prevent vomiting, chew each bite thoroughly (about 60 times), eat moist, soft, loose-textured foods and follow a postoperative diet. If vomiting is prolonged, stop eating solid foods and start sipping (and not drinking in big sips!) Only clear liquids, e.g. still water, very diluted juices, broth and herbal teas. If you have difficulty swallowing food, food is returned immediately, vomiting lasts longer than 24 hours - be sure to consult a doctor.
Read also:Diet after bariatric surgery
Ailmentsbariatric - dehydration
Sometimes the vomiting is so severe that it can dehydrate your body. Symptoms of dehydration include fatigue, dark urine, nausea, fainting, constant dull pain in the lower spine, and a covering of the tongue. Dehydration can lead to inflammation of the bladder and kidneys. If you suspect that you are dehydrated, see your doctor. It happens that in such situations hospitalization and administration of fluids through a drip are needed.
What to do in order not to dehydrate the body after the surgery:
- get a water bottle and take it everywhere with you to drink water all day
- drink 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid a day - if you sweat more, up to 3 liters
- drink sipping the liquid slowly, not swallowing it in big sips
- avoid drinks with caffeine, which is a diuretic and can worsen dehydration
- if you can't drink because of nausea - suck on ice cubes
Read also:Dehydration of the body - symptoms and treatment
Bariatric complaints - defecation
After bariatric surgery, passing 1 to 3 loose stools a day is normal. I may have an unpleasant odor and gas, but these symptoms usually improve as I recover. If there are more than 3 bowel movements a day and diarrhea persists for a long time - be sure to inform your doctor about it.
After the bariatric treatment, along with the reduction of the amount of food, the content of fiber supplied to the digestive system also decreases. This can result in constipation. You can then take a laxative to help speed up your bowel movements. If constipation persists for more than 2 days - consult a doctor. What to do to make regular bowel movements after surgery?
- don't panic that any loose stool is diarrhea
- the more solids you introduce into your diet, the tighter your stools will be
- discuss with a dietitian the daily intake of fiber in products to speed up or slow down the work of the intestines
- If you have loose stools, avoid foods high in lactose and fat, which can cause diarrhea
- keep a mini-journal to identify those foods that trigger diarrhea or constipation
Read also : Diarrhea - causes, prevention, treatment Constipation: causes, symptoms, treatment
Bariatric complaints - flatulence
Gases are produced by bacteria in the large intestine breaking down food or by ingesting air. They are present in the digestive tract of every human being, but in people after surgerybariatric patients that have a shortened small intestine may have a stronger odor and may be released more rapidly. What to do to prevent bloating after surgery?
- reduce your intake of carbohydrates that contribute the most to gas formation
- restrict bloat products in your diet, e.g. beans, whole grains, bran bread, cow's milk and dairy products, products with sorbitol and diet products
- eat your meals slowly and chew each bite thoroughly to grind it as finely as possible
- do not chew gum or eat hard candy
- do not use a straw to drink
- do not drink soda
Bariatric complaints - thrush
Thrush, or oral yeast infection, is often the result of heavy antibiotic administration after surgery. See your doctor if you notice that your tongue is very red and there is a white, milk-like coating on it.
Read also:Thrush in adults: causes and treatment of oral thrush
Bariatric complaints - anemia
Anemia, i.e. iron deficiency in the body, is a common ailment in people after bariatric surgeries. Symptoms include pallor, weakness, fluctuations in body temperature, chronic fatigue, dizziness and shortness of breath. The correct iron supplement will help you choose your doctor based on your test results. The more that iron deficiency may be apparent. Iron may be present, but vitamin A will be too low, which helps the body to use up its iron stores.
Read also:Anemia - symptoms, causes, treatment, research, effects Dietary supplements after bariatric surgery
Bariatric complaints - hair loss
Hair loss is normal. This is the result of the weight loss process where the body receives far fewer calories and protein than it needs. It happens between 3 and 9 months after bariatric surgery. To prevent hair loss, take multivitamin preparations and 75 grams of protein every day, use shampoos and care products with biotin, and when your hair is thinning, refrain from treatments that may additionally weaken it, e.g. dyeing, straightening, perming.
When editing the material, the following publication was used: "Obesity can be de alt with. Surgical treatment of obesity - a guide for a patient" - Medtronic, 2016
ImportantPoradnikzdrowie.pl supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory content andstigmatizing people suffering from obesity.
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