In the era of great geographical discoveries, spices were a commodity more valuable than gold. The ancients appreciated their taste and aroma, as well as preserving and healing properties. Which of the spices available today can be considered the he althiest? See our subjective ranking.

Spices are dried plant parts with unique flavor and aroma properties. Some of them, apart from the unusual taste and aroma, also have valuable ingredients that have a positive effect on our he alth: they protect against cancer, inhibit the aging process of the body, and help in many diseases. Here are spices that stand out from the rest in this respect.


Pro-he alth propertiesturmerichave been scientifically proven, and all thanks to thecurcumincontained in it. This substance has the properties ofanti-inflammatory, antibacterialandantioxidant .

The most important healing properties of turmeric:

  • relieves painful periods,
  • accelerates repair processes in the brain, incl. after stroke and in the course of Alzheimer's,
  • has anti-cancer properties,
  • soothes digestive ailments,
  • helps with stomach ulcers,
  • helps treat viral infections.

The most valuable in terms of the content of valuable ingredients is the fresh rhizome, but also turmeric in powdered form retains its unusual properties. There is one condition - to be effective, it must be combined with piperine, which can be found, among others in paprika and black pepper.

It is best to buy turmeric in aseparate packaging , because only 20% of spice mixes.

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Cinnamon , which is ground Ceylon cinnamon bark ( Cinnamonum zeylanicum ), is a treasury of numerous substances, the most valuable of which are cinnamaldehyde , which hasanti-cancer properties , andepicatechin , which, together with aldehyde, can prevent the development of neurodegenerative diseases and help their treatment.

Other properties of cinnamon:

  • accelerates the metabolism andfat burning,
  • has antibacterial properties, helps with stomach ulcers,
  • inhibits the growth of protozoa and fungi,
  • regulates blood sugar levels,
  • lowers cholesterol.

When choosing this spice, it is worth paying attention to the country of origin, because research has shown thatCeylon cinnamonhas the most he alth-promoting properties. Chinese cinnamon ( Cinnamomum cassia ) contains morecoumarin , which in excess can harm the liver.

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Ginger( Zingiber officinale ) is one of the oldest plants cultivated in tropical Asia for over 3,000 years, but also known in the Middle East and in southern Europe long before the Romans.

Ginger has a strong effectanti-inflammatory and antioxidant . Effectively supportsin the fight against cancer cells , because it limits the formation of new blood vessels.

Other properties of ginger:

  • heals colds and other viral infections,
  • helps with joint and muscle pain,
  • helps digestion, heals flatulence,
  • relieves nausea, prevents vomiting after anesthesia and chemotherapy,
  • prevents thrombosis,
  • lowers cholesterol,
  • heals migraines,
  • relieves painful periods,
  • increases concentration and mental performance,
  • warms up the whole body.

Ginger is great forsoups and salads . As an appetizer or additive to fish, you can serve slices of fresh ginger marinated in lemon juice. Ginger root, sliced ​​and doused with boiling water for 10-15 minutes, is an excellentdrink(cold and hot) to relieve thirst. In Asia, ginger is used as aaphrodisiac .

Importantly, gingershould not be eatenpeople struggling with gastric ulcers and acid reflux.

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Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepperis made from cayenne pepper, which is dried, ground and in this form goes to our table. Due to its unusual properties, this spice should be found not only on our tables, but also in the home medicine cabinet. And all thanks to the content ofcapsaicin , which hasanti-inflammatoryandanalgesic properties.

He alth benefits of cayenne pepper:

  • accelerates metabolism,
  • helps you burn fat,
  • lowers blood pressure,
  • heals stomach ulcers,
  • reduces joint pain,
  • strengthens the body's immunity,
  • lowers cholesterol,
  • protects against a heart attack,
  • has anti-cancer properties.
  • helps treat high blood pressure.

Cayenne pepper is added to oriental dishes, vegetable dishes, but it can also be used as an ingredient in pre-workout snacks (e.g. porridge). You can also add it to a water bottle and sip it all day.

Importantly, cayenne pepperis not recommendedfor people taking diabetes medications, drugs that inhibit gastric acid secretion, and in combination with certain herbs and medications, incl. aspirin, warfarin, theophylline, ginkgo, ginger and ginseng.

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In China, saffron was already used in the 16th century forimproving circulation ,stopping bleedingandcalming. Tibetan medicine usedtoningeffects of saffron in diseases of the heart and nervous system.

In folk medicine, saffron also served as aantispasmodic, analgesic, expectorantandstimulant , therefore it was used in the treatment of, among others, :

  • colds,
  • scarlet fever,
  • chickenpox,
  • asthma.

Saffron was also used toregulate menstruation , and also as aaphrodisiac . In the past, men with sexual dysfunctions eagerly reached for this natural remedy for potency. In total, in the recommendations of traditional medicine, you can find several dozen other medicinal uses of saffron.

Modern scientists have found that saffron contains numerous healing substances such as:crocin, bitterness picrocrocinandsafranal . The crocin has become of particular interest to scientists. Thanks to its properties, the potential use of saffron in diseases such as:

  • depression,
  • infertility,
  • stomach ulcers.

Saffron isthe most expensive spicein the world. Good-quality saffron can cost as much as40,000. PLN per kg . Therefore, it is sold not in grams but in tenths of a gram. In general, 1 bag contains about 0.3 g and costs about PLN 12. It is worth knowing that due to its high price, saffron is often adulterated. The package of saffron may contain other similar spices, e.g. saflor (safflower) or ground turmeric.


Clovesare the dried flower buds of the spicy clove -an evergreen tree that is native to Asia. The properties of cloves have been known for over 2 thousand. years, their healing effects were used in ancient China. Four hundred years later, Arabian merchants brought the carnations to Venice, from where they reached the rest of Europe.

The healing properties of cloves result primarily from the content ofeugenol- a substance that reduces the activity of enzymes leading to inflammation, inhibits the development of yeast infection, and even the rate of cancer development, but cloves are also used in the treatment of other ailments.

Properties of carnations:

  • will lower cholesterol
  • relieve a sore throat, cough, clear a stuffy nose,
  • relieve toothache,
  • remove unpleasant odors, e.g. of garlic, from the mouth.

Better to buywhole cloves , because when powdered they lose their flavor quickly. The entire cloves can be ground in a coffee grinder, preferably immediately before use. Oil flies out of fresh cloves when pressed. You can also check the freshness of cloves by a water test - fresh cloves float vertically.

Cloves - both whole and powdered - should be stored in a tightly closed container in a dry, cool, dark place. You can keep whole cloves for a year, powdered - 6 months.

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Black seed( Nigella sativa L. ) is a plant native to Southeast Europe and West Asia with characteristic white or blue flowers with blue veins. Its fruits contain coal-black, triangularseeds , whose he alth properties were appreciated even by the pharaohs. In antiquity it was believed that the black seed " can heal everything except death ", therefore it was used in medicine as a specific for almost all diseases.

Modern research suggests that black cumin seeds have a potential healing effect. The seeds showanti-ulcerproperties as they protect the gastric mucosa and reduce peptic ulcer damage. In addition, they protect the liver and kidneys from the toxic effects of chemicals and drugs.

In traditional medicine, black cumin is used in the following diseases:

  • allergic asthma,
  • eczema,
  • AZS (atopic dermatitis),
  • diabetes,
  • hypertension,
  • parasitic diseases,
  • and also with lactation problems.

W ground seeds(usually half, 1 teaspoon at most 2 times a day) are used in medicine, as well as an infusion, decoction or tincture made of seeds.
