Raising a child is a great challenge for parents, raising a daughter is a challenge for a father. She is the apple of his eye, and he is the first important man in her life. It is the father that greatly shapes a woman's character, self-esteem and views. Whether she will be a confident, open, independent woman in the future depends largely on her father.
The stereotype is that men most often expect a son to be born. Maybe the future dads think that they will get along with the boy more easily, and they will feel better when playing with their son as a footballer or a racer. Because how to play with dolls and mold fordaughterclover wreaths? Israising his daughtermore difficult for a man than raising his son?
Raising a daughter is a challenge for the father
Meanwhile, for a man the birth of a daughter is often not a disappointment at all, on the contrary! One look at the sweet face of a little princess is enough to make Dad go crazy for her. Female infants are usually smaller and more delicate, which creates a natural protective instinct in young fathers. Daddy is often devoted to caring for his little daughter. This is a great opportunity to make emotional contact with her. It has been proven that girls are more focused on the faces of people who care for them, they learn to interpret their facial expressions faster - while boys are more interested in movement, objects and phenomena (therefore the agreementfatherwith their son it develops most fully a little later, through joint activities and games). Therefore, it is worthwhile for dad to have close contact with his little daughter from the very first days: he would bathe her, carry her in his arms, change her clothes, take care of her. These seemingly trivial, simple activities will facilitate the creation of an emotional bond between the father and the daughter in the first weeks of her life. This is important for their later relationships: in the eyes of his daughter, the father grows into a hero and a great companion to play, who can do everything and knows everything best.
The role of the father in raising his daughter
In the father-daughter relationship, the stereotype usually does not work: a loving mother - a demanding and disciplining father. On the contrary: dads tend to be more understanding towards their little daughters than moms. They forgive more and faster, sometimes eventhey pamper you. As a result, the girl often has better contact with her father than with her mother, who is more demanding and critical of her daughter. It happens that mothers envy their daughters of this unique agreement with their father. A man should cherish that feeling. By devoting her time, interest and tenderness to her daughter, she not only gains a unique feeling in return, but also prepares her daughter for many life roles. That is why the close contact of a father with his daughter has a significant impact on her adult life. From an early age, a daughter builds herself an image of a man whose father is her ideal. From him, he learns about relations with men, the truth about them. Thanks to him, she will understand her husband and sons better later in life. The girl also learns a lot from watching her parents. Seeing how dad relates to mom, he develops an idea of what a male-female relationship should be.
A relationship with a father has a great impact on a woman
Her relationship with her father also has a significant impact on what kind of woman she will become in the future. Open, independent and treating men as partners, or fearful, complex and dependent on the opposite sex. The daughter looks at her father's eyes - that's why it is very important that she learns from him that a woman should not only be beautiful, but also wise. When her father goes for walks with her from the very beginning, he shows her the world, assists her in her first steps, enjoys her successes - he educates her to be independent. He should also be able to explain to her if he does something wrong - so that she still feels that she is accepted and loved. For a daughter, the sense of security that her father gives her is very important. If he knows that dad will help her in every situation, he feels that she is loved and important to him, he will build self-esteem on this belief. It is fundamental for the functioning of a child in a group of peers, as well as for building relationships with men, when daddy's old daughter becomes an adult woman.
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