Spiny Holly is a beautiful ornamental plant that many of us associate with Christmas. However, not everyone knows that the barbed holly also has rich healing properties. He is our ally in the fight against the symptoms of colds, bronchitis, rheumatism and even chicken pox.
Barbed holly( Ilex aquifolium ) was a plant valued in antiquity, among others byCelts. They considered hollya sacred plant , attributed its magical properties to it - they used it to burn aromatic fires, made spears from it, and believed that it had the power to ward off evil powers. lightning bolts and wild animals.
Barbed holly - what does it look like?
Spiny Holly is a tallevergreen shrubgrown extensively in North America and Western Europe. This plant has distinctive pointed glossy leaves andblood redfruits that appear in September and adorn the shrub throughout the winter. Importantly, the fruits of the holly arepoisonous .
The thorny holly blooms fromApril to June- then it showers with white flowers.
Spiny Holly - healing properties
The thorny holly is a plant that has been used in herbal medicine for centuries. All parts of this plant are valued: leaves, bark and holly fruits - both fresh and dried. Harvest leaves and flowers in spring, and fruits inin late autumn.
Thanks to the content, incl. tannins, phenolic acids, saponins and theobromines of the barbed holly has the following properties:
- diuretic
- antipyretic
- expectorant
- laxative
- relaxing
Barbed holly - application
- dilates the bronchial tubes, which is why it is recommended for people with asthma and bronchitis
- supports the treatment of runny nose
recommended for the treatment of gout
- used in case of fever accompanying viral infections
- laxative properties are useful in treating troublesome constipation
- has an analgesic effect in rheumatic diseases
- used for frostbite limbs as it improves blood circulation
- used to treat epilepsy, pleurisy and prostatitis
- supports the treatment of chickenpox
Barbed holly - how to use it?
Holly leaf decoction
4 tablespoons of ground dried leaves pour 1 liter of water, then cook, covered, 10 minutes, leave to cool and strain. Drink max.3 cups a day .
Holly root decoction
3 tablespoons of dried roots pour 1 liter of water, then cook for a few minutes. Drink max.3 cups a day .
Both decoctions are perfect for all kinds ofviral infections .
Holly Holly Bark Fluid
Cover the dried bark with cold water for 12 hours, then strain. Drink max.2 cups a daybetween main meals. The resulting liquid has excellentlaxative properties .
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