Superfoods should be part of the pro-fertility diet of every couple trying to conceive. You should nourish the body well to support the production of sperm, improve the quality of eggs, and help maintain a hormonal balance. They can be introduced in smoothies, soups, creams and other meals - check out the fertility menu.
It is estimated that every fifth couple in Poland of reproductive age has a problem with conceiving a child (about 20% of couples, a total of 1.5 million men and women; some statistics even say that there are as many as 3 million infertile Poles). This problem is getting worse every year. It is believed that the problem of infertility is now 40% dependent on a woman and in 40% on a man, and in 20% it affects both partners.Pro-fertile dietis the proper preparation for pregnancy, reducing the risk of miscarriages and enhancing fertility. Switching to it is one of the best changes for the he alth of parents and their future child. This is evidenced by numerous studies. Nutrition affects the he alth of the body and the reproductive system. Some foods are of particular importance in a fertility-enhancing diet.
Belowsuperfoods for fertility , recommended by clinical nutritionist Sylwia Leszczyńska, author of the book "Diet for fertility".
1. Amaranth and buckwheat flakes
Amaranth flakes, buckwheat, and other whole grain products are sources ofiron, zinc, B vitaminsandfiber . They will help keep blood glucose and insulin levels stable, which is beneficial for maintaining hormonal balance. Buckwheat and amaranth flakes are one of the most iron-rich products (for better absorption, combine them with red and green vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C), which reduce the risk of miscarriage and are especially important in people with hypothyroidism. Whole grain products are rich in B vitamins and zinc, especially important for the spermatogenesis process.
2. Lentil
Lentils are a source of vegetable protein, selenium, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, iron and choline. Vegetable protein from legumes improves fertility parameters in women and men, selenium and zinc - these are antioxidants necessary in the process of spermatogenesis. Onea glass of lentils will provide over 50% of the daily requirement for this ingredient. It affects the quality of sperm, potency disorders and ovulatory infertility in women. Lentils are one of the richest sources of selenium. Beans - a source of vegetable protein and iron - reduce the risk of infertility due to ovulation disorders. Iron is needed for the production of thyroid hormones, its absorption can be increased by soaking the beans before preparation and combining them with foods rich in vitamin C.
3. Wheat germ, wheat germ oil
Wheat germ and the oil obtained from them are a source of vitamin E and coenzyme Q10. They are beneficial especially in the case of endometriosis, ovulation disorders and support male fertility.
4. Pepper
Already half a cup of paprika cubes can cover more than 100% of the daily requirement for vitamin C. The redder, the more vitamin C it contains. This product is high on the ORAC scale, which indicates its ability to scavenge free radicals. Peppers also provide beta-carotene and fiber.
5. Goi fruit
Goji fruits provide a large dose of anti-inflammatory antioxidants, fight antioxidant stress, which is detrimental to fertility, improve spermatogenesis and sperm quality, and have a beneficial effect on erectile dysfunction (e.g. by having a beneficial effect on the circulatory system) and irregular ovulation cycles.
6. Kale, spinach, broccoli
Green-leaved vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli are perfect for cocktails. They are a source of folic acid, magnesium, iron, vitamin B6, vitamin E, and coenzyme Q. Women who take care of an adequate amount of folic acid in their diet are less likely to develop anovulatory cycles. Green-leaved vegetables contain a high dose of magnesium (which is a component of the green dye - chlorophyll) and are rich in antioxidants.
7. Salmon, sprats, sardines
They provide protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and calcium. Omega-3 fatty acids improve fertility by regulating the hormonal balance, regulating menstrual cycles, and improving cervical mucus. They favorably influence the ovulation process and generally improve the quality of the uterus by increasing the blood flow to the reproductive organs, lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases and therefore are beneficial in erectile dysfunction; Sprats and sardines, due to the fact that they are eaten with bones, are additionally a source of calcium. It is worth knowing that the smaller the fish, the less contaminated.
8. Oysters, mussels, seafood, caviar
These are products with the highest nutritional density, rich in fertile ingredients,beneficial for both women and men. They are a source of vitamin D, omega-3 acids, zinc, selenium, vitamin B12, coenzyme Q10.
9. Ginger
Ginger contains zinc, antioxidants, and magnesium. It improves sexual function, inhibits the inflammatory process, lowers the concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1ß, improves blood circulation and blood flow to the reproductive organs, and improves fertility in men and women. Ginger is part of the spicy curry spice.
10. Natural cocoa
Cocoa is a source of flavonoids, magnesium, iron, zinc, and unsaturated fatty acids. It has an antioxidant effect - a beneficial ingredient for female and male fertility. Even a single administration of cocoa without sugar (805.2 mg of flavonoids in two tablespoons of natural cocoa) has a beneficial effect on the functions of the endothelium, damage to which is one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction. Its effect can be counteracted by the addition of sugar, so sweetened cocoa powder will not be a good choice.
11. Eggs
Eggs provide vitamin D, B12, protein, choline and essential amino acids. The yolk is the most valuable because it contains the most fertility-supporting ingredients. In protein, however, you will find all the exogenous amino acids that the body is unable to synthesize itself.
12. Berries
Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries are rich in antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C and flavonoids. They seal blood vessels, fight harmful free radicals and inflammation, can lower the risk of miscarriage, protect sensitive sperm cells and improve spermatogenesis. Like pomegranate, they are beneficial in erectile dysfunction. These fruits are high on the ORAC scale, which indicates their ability to absorb free radicals.
13. Spirulina, kombu algae, wakame
These are good sources of magnesium, iodine, omega-3 fatty acids, iron and chlorophyll. Powdered spirulina is a great addition to cocktails with green leafy vegetables. You can prepare a salad from algae. These ingredients provide high doses of iodine, may reduce the risk of miscarriage, and are needed for the production of thyroid hormones. High iodine deficiency has been observed in women with reduced fertility. 100 g of algae will provide over 100% of your daily iron requirement.
14. Young barley
Young barley contains antioxidants, vitamin E, glycoside flavone, iron. It protects omega-3 fatty acids against oxidation, has a beneficial effect on the level of lipids in the plasma, lowers the concentration of LDL-cholesterol, the so-called "Bad cholesterol", has an anti-atherosclerotic effect, protects the vessels, may be beneficial in disorderserection, it also has a beneficial effect on female fertility, incl. thanks to the high iron content. It can be added to vegetable and fruit and vegetable smoothies.
15. Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds provide omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, vitamin E and protein. They are best eaten unprocessed as omega-3s and zinc are sensitive to temperature.
- The richest in omega-3s: walnuts, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds.
- The richest in zinc: pumpkin seeds (1/4 cup - 2.7 mg), sesame seeds (1/4 cup - 2.8 mg).
- The richest in vitamin E: sunflower seeds (1/4 cup - 18.1 mg), almonds (1/4 cup 8.97 mg). You can improve their performance by combining them with citrus or vitamin C-rich foods such as red and green vegetables and fruits.
- Richest in iron: pumpkin seeds (1/4 cup - 5.16 mg), sesame seeds (1/4 cup 5.24 mg).
- The richest in selenium: Brazil nuts (even one nut can cover the daily requirement for this element).
Specialist in the treatment of infertility and reduced fertility diets. A graduate of the Medical University of Warsaw and the University of Social Sciences and Humanities. He runs the Institute of He althy Nutrition and Clinical Dietetics "Sanvita".
Book"Diet for fertility"is a kind of compendium of knowledge for future parents, answering the following questions:
- what affects the he alth of eggs and sperm?
- What dietary components are needed for the body to secrete hormones and their activities?
- Why is diet crucial in trying for a baby?
- Which products have a positive effect and which may be harmful?
Eating according to the guidelines when planning a child and following a fertile diet is something that anyone can do, regardless of where they live, their fertility or current disorders, age, time and money. We all eat, so why not use food to improve your well-being, improve your and future baby's he alth, the proper course of pregnancy or increase fertility?
"Diet for fertility" also includes advice of other specialists, important in the context of fertility, with whom the author collaborates on a daily basis: Jakub Rzepka, MD, PhD, spec. gynecology and obstetrics; Małgorzata Jolanta Kaczyńska, a psychologist; Piotr Miśkiewicz, MD, PhD, spec. endocrinology and internal medicine; Natalia Wawszczyk, physiotherapist, spec. urogynecology and obstetrics; bow. dent. Eliza Ganczarska-Kaliszuk. In the bookyou will also find a balanced menu based on the recipes of Mateusz Gessler. is the media patron of the book - we recommend!