An effective diet is usually understood as a difficult diet, requiring a sudden change in diet. However, there are a few simple rules that will increase the effectiveness of weight loss and make it easier to survive a rigorous diet. One of them is small portions.

A few weight loss can be achieved just by changing the amount of eaten meals. However, this effect is only possible if we implement a simple rule permanently …

Effective diet=small portions + 5 meals

Smaller meals are more easily absorbed by the body and digested faster, and the nutrients they contain are better used. Large portions of food overload the digestive system. The digestive processes run slower then, and the excess food is stored by the body in the form of fat reserves. The most damaging is especially rich dinners, just before going to bed, when our body has no chance of burning extra calories.

Five meals a day help you to break down your digestible calories per day and provide your body with regular energy injections. Over time, this reduces the desire to snack outside of designated hours and at night, and our body itself begins to demand food at the same time. The break between meals should be 3-4 hours.

Effective diet: how to break down meals?

The ideal 5 meals a day should be balanced so that the first and second breakfast together account for about 40 percent. the daily portion of calories, lunch 30 percent, afternoon tea 10 percent. and dinner 20 percent. Dinner should be eaten approximately 4 hours before bedtime. If we dream of a slim figure, the last meal of the day cannot consist of products containing sugar and white flour. All meals, regardless of their quantity, should also be eaten slowly, so that the body has time to feel full and the eyes to enjoy the view of delicious food (scientists have proven that people busy with something else during a meal, e.g. eating in front of a computer or TV screen) , they eat more!). Many nutritionists also emphasize that digestion begins at the time of chewing - the smaller and more thoroughly the bites eaten, the more efficiently our body can handle them, absorbing all the nutrients it needs.

Effective diet: water - the elixir of life

He alth, slimsilhouette, firm and moisturized skin - all this requires water. Preferably mineral, still. You should drink it regularly, at least 2 liters a day. It's best not to drink your food, because it dilutes the digestive juices in this way. It is much better to drink water before or after a meal. There is also no need to drink a lot at once, it is enough water served in small portions, but regularly.
