An increasing number of people struggle with autoimmune diseases. Very often their pathogenesis remains unknown - it is hard to come by, which is the cause of the constant struggle of the body. There are some ways to limit the development of autoimmune diseases, but it's hard to talk about treatment in this case. It is more of a symptom relief, giving you a more comfortable life. The world of science is still in-depth looking for newer and more complicated methods of dealing with this problem. It turns out, however, that we could have had an effective method under our noses all the time.
Autoimmune disorders are a group of diseases in which the immune system begins to malfunction. It produces an excessive amount of antibodies or T cells (produced in the thymus gland) that begin to perceive the body's own tissues as a threat, attacking them. Inflammation develops - local or systemic.
Autoimmune diseases include various types of allergic reactions and inflammatory diseases (of the joints, intestines, muscles, skin, thyroid gland, pancreas and other internal organs).
The most common autoimmune conditions are celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, Hashimoto's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, alopecia areata, and other dermatological diseases.
In the fight against autoimmune diseases can help … baking soda?
A daily serving of baking soda can help reduce inflammation caused by autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, say researchers at the University of Augusta (USA) Medical College of Georgia, whose research results were published in "Review Immunological "¹ in May 2022. In their opinion, baking soda can support the work of the spleen in the fight against inflammation.
The spleen is a lymphatic and hematopoietic organ. Lymphocytes and monocytes are formed there, and immune bodies are also produced.
The spleen is also a place where the blood is cleansed by removing defective morphological elements - erythrocytes, lymphocytes and thrombocytes.
Studies on rats and humans have shown that after drinking a water solution with the addition of baking soda or sodium bicarbonate, a signal is sent to the cellsmesothelial cells found in the spleen to limit the protective production of immune system antibodies such as cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, IL-15) and chemokines (IL-8, MCP-1, RANTES, GRO-1, SDF- 1).
This signal is a bit like the message “Relax, buddy, it's just a hamburger, not a bacterial infection. There is no need to activate the immune system. "
How does baking soda affect the spleen to facilitate the immune response? Scientists see interactions between endothelial mesothelial cells.
What are mesothelial cells?
Mesothelial cells with a characteristic “cobblestone” structure cover the walls of the peritoneum, which literally lines the walls of the abdominal cavity and uterus. Additionally, mesothelial cells cover the visceral surface of the body cavity.
In simple terms - they cover the outside of the organs, literally protecting them from abrasions. They produce substances (proteoglycans and phospholipids) that allow the smooth and non-traumatic sliding of internal organs in relation to each other.
These cells are also inflammatory mediators. Thanks to the discovery of a decade ago, small hairs, called microvilli, which, by communicating with the environment, warn the organs they cover against the danger and the need for an immune response.
In the spleen, but also in the blood and kidneys, after two weeks of drinking water with the addition of baking soda, scientists noticed an increased population of macrophages. However, changed - not those that promote inflammation (called M1), but those that are anti-inflammatory (called M2).
Macrophages in the body play a role similar to garbage trucks. They have the ability to "digest" various types of garbage and intruders that circulate in the blood, such as the products of cell breakdown. They are among the first to appear in response to an immune response.
Communication between mesothelial cells
Communication between endothelial mesothelial cells is mediated by acetylcholine, which appears to appear as an anti-inflammatory signal. Previously, acetylcholine was mainly associated with the vagus nerve and the cholinergic system.
Meanwhile, the anti-inflammatory message sent via the neurotransmitter acetylcholine does not come from the vagus nerve at all, as was previously believed. The vagus nerve is part of the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for the innervation of all organs in the chest and abdominal cavity.
It is a key beacon on the way of the brain, blood, and intestines. Signaling is smooth in both directions via the vagus nerve.
Surprisingly similar to neural communication - however, it occurs through the mesothelial cells and the spleen via acetylcholine.
This is a completely new discovery because so far it has been believed that the cholinergic (acetylcholine-related) system responsible for an indirect anti-inflammatory response functions via the vagus nerve innervating the spleen. It turns out, however, that the exchange comes from the endothelial cells that make connections with the spleen.
Experimental rupture of the vagus nerve does not disrupt the mesothelial cells that mimic the behavior of neurons. By contrast, surgical displacement or removal of the spleen breaks connections and thus loses the anti-inflammatory response.
This discovery will certainly contribute to a better understanding of the functioning of the cholinergic system and its role in the anti-inflammatory response over the years.
Baking soda can also help with kidney disease?
According to scientists, baking soda can also be used in chronic kidney diseases. One of the many functions of the kidneys is to maintain an acid-base balance, especially potassium-sodium balance.
This balance is upset in chronic kidney disease. More acidic compounds enter the bloodstream. The resulting low blood pH may contribute to cardiovascular problems and osteoporosis.
According to scientists, the administration of baking soda restores the acid-base balance, and this is confirmed by clinical trials. Not only does it reduce the acidic environment, it also slows the progression of the disease.
What is the mechanism behind the inhibition of kidney disease development? As scientists argue, this is due to the aforementioned mechanism limiting the development of M1 macrophages, while promoting the development of the anti-inflammatory type of M2 macrophages.
ImportantAlthough more maps of the functioning of the human body have been discovered, it should be emphasized that more research is needed on the use of baking soda in soothing inflammation and the diseases that cause them.
We are not able to "switch off" the disease in the same way as with a switch. In addition, the source of autoimmune diseases often remains unknown, and fighting methods are based on trial and error.
1. The Journal of Immunology is a peer-reviewed medical research journal that has been published regularly in the United States since 1915.
About the authorMikołaj Choroszyński, nutritionist and gastrocoach Master of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Psycho-dietician, Youtuber. The author of the first book on the Polish market about diet preventing diseaseneurodegenerative "MIND Diet. A way for a long life". He fulfills himself professionally, running his Bdieta diet clinic, because nutrition has always been his passion. She helps her patients by telling them what to eat to stay he althy and look good.