Is it possible to exercise with a cold, how does a cold affect strength training? training sessions. However, is such a decision necessary? Read if it is possible to play sports during a cold!
Is it possible to exercise with a coldand what is the "better evil": giving up training completely when you are sick or continuing exercise despite feeling unwell? Before we move on to the answers to these questions, it is worth noting that athletes, as shown by a series of studies1 , are more resistant than those who do not play sports and are four times less likely to suffer from diseases upper respiratory tract. It should be added, however, that this rule applies to people who engage in moderate physical activity, and not for those whose physical exertion is intense - these, in turn, are more exposed to infections than people who do not engage in sports. An "appropriate", immune-boosting physical activity is considered to be one that works according to the 3x30x300 principle. It means that at least 3 times a week we should spend 30 minutes on movement, but we must choose the type of activity that will make the heart rate reach 130 beats per minute. Among them there are mainly aerobic sports: running, cycling, swimming.
Unfortunately, it happens that no matter how often we exercise, we get sick: what then? To exercise or not to exercise?
Is it possible to exercise with a cold?
Neck test
The test created by Dr. Lewis G. Maharam, author of the book "Running Doc's Guide to He althy Running," which involves identifying which parts of the body are showing symptoms of the disease and making a decision based on the result obtained. Everything revolves around … the neck.
If the symptoms of a cold occur only from the neck up , we can practice. What's more, thanks to exercise, our immunity can improve and we will fight the disease faster - moderate-intensity exercise stimulates the body to produce antibodies.
To the symptomscolds occurring above the neck include:
- sneezing,
- Qatar,
- sore throat,
- headache (but no elevated temperature).
If symptoms of a cold also appear from the neck down , we should definitely stop exercising. Additional stress on the body in such a weakened condition may increase its weakness and prolong the disease.
Symptoms of a cold that occur below the neck include:
- fever,
- cough,
- chills,
- stomach pains,
- vomiting,
- diarrhea,
- enlarged lymph nodes
Disease Progress Test
It is worth remembering that even if we do not give up exercise during a cold manifested only from the neck up, we must carefully observe our body. With moderate (about what it means "moderate" in this case, read below), the symptoms should subside with each training session. If this does not happen, and the disease continues to develop, training should also be stopped.
How to exercise with a cold?
So we know that not always when we get a cold, we have to give up exercise. When continuing training, however, it is worth remembering not to lead to too strong muscle tension, and start each exercise with a low intensity and less load than usual. You should also allow yourself a longer rest between sets and remember to replenish fluids regularly, you also need an adequate amount of sleep during the day. In the event of a cold, it is recommended to give up training in the gym and continue exercising at home so as not to infect other sports enthusiasts. The most indicated disciplines to practice during a cold are: yoga, pilates, walking, jogging.
You should also remember to start treatment as soon as possible after noticing the first symptoms of a cold. It is worth taking the drug with paracetamol at night and using home warming drinks, e.g. tea with lemon or raspberries. A purgative infusion can also be helpful in fighting cold symptoms - this herb inhibits inflammation in the body, supports the functioning of the immune system and adds energy.
ImportantCold causes, among others, Coxsackie A virus (this original name comes from a city in New York State), which causes heart and respiratory diseases. If we exercise infected with this pathogen, we will increase the extent of myocardial damage and increase clinical symptoms, including heart rhythm disturbances, and in extreme cases - circulatory failure.
SymptomsInfections with Coxsackie vitus are unfortunately not characteristic and can only be confirmed by laboratory tests.
Cold and strength training
People who train strength especially care about playing sports during a cold and not giving up a pre-established training plan. Unfortunately, in their case it is not advisable to continue training.
During strength training, we expose our muscles to microtrauma, which later manifests as muscle pain 24-72 hours after exercise, which is commonly called soreness, but is actually DOMS. Inflammation occurs, so our immune system starts working - damaged tissues are regenerated and strengthened. During illness, our body directs its actions towards this regeneration, not towards fighting the disease.
What's more, during intense exercise, cortisol is produced, thanks to which the blood glucose level increases, which provides us with energy for exercise. However, cortisol also inhibits the production of white blood cells, which are responsible for autoimmune processes, and reduces the body's ability to produce antibodies. The issue of the relationship between a cold and the gym should therefore be considered in favor of the former, and strength training should not be given during the disease.
Worth knowingReturn to training after a cold
If dehydration, electrolyte disturbances and symptoms of digestive system dysfunction occur during the disease, you should wait a few days after their disappearance and then start training. If we only experience symptoms above the neck, but resigned from exercise due to the development of the disease, we can return to them immediately after overcoming the cold. However, we must remember the limited intensity of the activity.
If you return to strength training, let's reduce the number of repetitions by about 30 percent, similar to the weight applied.
1. Access to the article about the research at: