Sciatica is stabbing pain that occurs suddenly when you make a sudden movement or pick up a heavy object. Sciatica appears in the lumbosacral spine and radiates to the leg. How can you tell if an intolerable back pain is sciatica?
Sciaticais unbearablelow back pain . However, not all back pain is sciatica. The hallmark of sciatica is that the pain radiates down to the leg and is aggravated by sneezing and coughing. It may be accompanied by paraesthesia (e.g. burning sensation, tingling sensation), weakening of the muscles of the lower leg.
Sciatica, Roots or Lumbago?
In colloquial language we sometimes use the names "roots", "lumbago" and "sciatica" interchangeably. Meanwhile, they are different diseases.
- Roots (root syndromes) is irritation of nerve endings in the skin and muscles, which occurs as a result of overheating and then cooling of the lumbar part.
- Lumbago is pain most often caused by a rupture of the disc's fibrous ring without putting pressure on the nerve structures. This injury is also accompanied by severe pain in the lower back, but it does not radiate to the leg.
Rwa Kpszowa: Laségue test
Contracture of the gluteal muscle and the tensioner muscle of the broad fascia of the thigh are most often confused with gingivitis, but then the pain is somewhat differently located. It is located in the buttock, then radiates from the side of the thigh to the knee. In the case of kpeschitis, it appears in the lumbosacral spine, from where it radiates under the buttock, to the back of the thigh, then the side of the shin, down to the foot.
In contrast to both ailments, the Laségue test helps, which consists in lifting the leg straight in the knee. In the case of rash, severe pain occurs already at the limb elevation angle by 15-30o .
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