Uterine cancer or endometrial cancer is a hormone-dependent malignant neoplasm. Diagnosis: uterine cancer does not always mean that a hysterectomy is necessary. When will you have surgery for invasive endometrial cancer, and when is another method of treating this malignant tumor available?

Uterine cancer(akaendometrial cancer ) arises from atypical endometrial cells that have the ability to transform into cancerous cells. Therefore, the diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia with atypia is an indication for early surgical treatment, which consists in removing the uterus with appendages.

Uterine cancer: when can surgery be canceled?

Uterine cancer is the fourth most common malignant neoplasm occurring in women aged 55-70 years. Only 10-15 percent of endometrial cancer cases occur in premenopausal women. It is in their case that, if they are planning to become pregnant, surgery can be abandoned and hormone therapy may be started. However, the decision to abandon surgery is so risky that it requires deep reflection.

Uterine cancer: surgery or other treatment?

The choice of the treatment method for endometrial cancer depends mainly on the type of cancer: type 1 - more common endometrioid, squamous or mucous carcinoma, related to exposure to estrogen, or type 2 - less frequent but worse prognosis, serous or clear cell carcinoma, of unknown origin, stage of the tumor, degree of differentiation of neoplastic cells (G1-G3) as well as age and burden of the patient.

  • When uterine cancer is at a low stage (FIGO stages I and II), i.e. its infiltration is limited to the uterine and cervical muscle, the treatment of choice is complete excision of the uterus with appendages.
  • In cases of deep muscle infiltration of the uterus or low cell differentiation (G3), local lymph nodes are also removed during surgery and complementary radiotherapy is applied.
  • Sometimes local preoperative radiotherapy is used before surgery to reduce the tumor mass and facilitate radical surgery. When uterine cancer infiltrates the entire uterus and penetrates deeper into other tissues, or when there are distant metastases, combination therapy is always used, combining surgery with chemotherapy,radiotherapy and hormone therapy.
