Noni, or Indian mulberry, is a plant whose properties and effects have long been appreciated by the inhabitants of Polynesia. They call noni the “aspirin of the future.” This has been picked up by producers of noni-based juices and other medications who argue that the plant is a cure-all for everything from stomach pain to HIV and cancer. It is known, however, that noni may, in some cases, be harmful to he alth.
Noni( Morinda citrifolia) , or Indian mulberry, is a shrub native to Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands.Propertiesandactionnoni has been appreciated by the inhabitants of Polynesia for centuries, for whom it is the "aspirin of the future". In Polynesian folk medicine, almost all parts of the plant are medicinal raw materials, but noni fruits are associated with special he alth properties. This is why noni fruits, especially the squeezed juice, are advertised (especially abroad) as a remedy for almost all diseases, including very serious ones such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. In addition, noni is said to help with rheumatism, psoriasis, allergies, sinus infections, menstrual cramps, arthritis, ulcers, sprains, injuries, depression, colds, flu and headaches. Unfortunately, noni is not a cure-all. Some studies show that noni does have potential healing effects, but only some diseases are affected. Besides, noni also has side effects.
Noni and anti-cancer effect
A group of Hawaiian researchers caused tumors in mice and then injected them with specially prepared noni juice into their abdomens. Mice that received the injection survived twice as long as mice that did not receive it.
Another team of researchers found that a compound in noni - damnacanthal - can inhibit a chemical process by which normal, he althy cells are turned into cancerous cells.
The maximum daily dose of noni juice is 40 ml. It should not be exceeded
In 2008, scientists from the University of Hawaii decided to check if there was a limit to the consumption of noni extract. People with cancer participated in the study. Some of them took more than 6capsules with extract 4 times a day (i.e. more than 12 grams of extract a day), and the remaining part 3-4 capsules 4 times a day (6-8 grams of extract a day). It turned out that in the latter group, the quality of life was better than in patients who took lower or higher doses of the extract. The patients who took more than 6 capsules with the extract experienced the worst results.
Therefore, noni has a potential anti-cancer effect, but more research is needed on the composition and properties of this plant.
Noni can prevent atherosclerosis
Noni fruits can prevent atherosclerosis because they inhibit the oxidation of "bad" LDL cholesterol. This is the result of a 2012 study of smokers with an abnormal lipid profile. In respondents who drank noni juice daily, an improvement in the lipid profile was noted after 30 days of treatment.
Noni for digestive system infections
Inhabitants of Polynesia use noni fruit to treat diseases of the digestive system. The results of modern research indicate the possibility of using ripe and unripe fruit in the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal infections. The compounds from the anthraquinones and triterpenes group are mainly responsible for the possible antimicrobial activity.
Noni can fight bacteria in the mouth
Indian scientists from the Department of Public He alth Dentistry of SRM Dental College argue that phytochemicals naturally synthesized by noni fruit can fight streptococci in the mouth. Crude aqueous extract (1000μg / ml) from ripe noni fruit effectively inhibited the growth ofStreptococcus mutansandStreptococcus mitis .
Noni can ease the pain
In Polynesian folk medicine, noni fruit juice is used as a gargle to relieve throat pain, an indication of noni's anti-inflammatory activity. Scientists have studied freeze-dried noni root extract and found a substance that prevents pain. It showed an analgesic effect comparable to that of morphine (75 to 81 percent decrease in pain perception), but was significantly less toxic than morphine.
ImportantAccording to a statement by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the government agency responsible for controlling food, supplements and drugs, as well as issuing drug approvals, noni fruit does not cure no diseases, and they also do not prevent them. The studies conducted so far do not give an unambiguous answer to the question whether noni has healing properties. They merely suggest that noni may have therapeutic effects on the body. Intherefore, further research is needed in this area.
Noni - contraindications
- age - noni should not be consumed by children
- pregnancy - tribes reportedly used noni fruit to induce miscarriage in the past
- breastfeeding - too little is known about the side effects of noni during lactation
- Liver Disease - Several cases of liver damage that may be related to noni have been described. The last one is from April 2015. A 56-year-old woman with acute liver failure was hospitalized in Spain, and she regularly consumed noni juice and herbal preparations. A successful transplant was necessary
Noni contains a lot of potassium. Therefore, noni should not be consumed by people with:
- kidney problems
- hyperkalemia
- disturbed heart rhythm
Consult your doctor before consuming noni
If you are chronically ill and are taking your medication regularly, consult your he althcare professional before consuming noni. It has been shown that in people with certain medical conditions, noni can cause harm. In addition, noni interacts with certain medications.
In addition, people taking certain medications should quit noni, for example :
- drugs for high blood pressure - some drugs of this type may increase the concentration of potassium in the blood. Consuming noni fruit or juice along with antihypertensive medications may cause your blood potassium levels to rise too much
- drugs that regulate blood clotting (e.g. vafarin, used to treat deep vein thrombosis) - noni may reduce their effect and thus increase the risk of blood clotting
- diuretics (specifically potassium-sparing diuretics) - taken together with noni, they can increase the potassium concentration in the body too much
1. Stobnicka A., Gniewosz M., Miętuszewska A.,Antimicrobial effects of fruit juices from cranberry, sea buckthorn, noni and goji , "Bromatologia i Chemia Toksykologiczna" 2011, no. 32. www.cancer. org / treatment / treatmentsandsideeffects / complementaryand alternativemedicine / dietandnutrition / noni-plant3. www.webmd.com 4. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25824932