Osteoporosis cannot be cured. Therefore, it is worth doing everything you can to prevent bone thinning. The recipe is simple: exercise and a proper diet, including calcium and vitamin D.
When we are 20 years old, our skeleton weighs an average of 15-20 kg. The so-called we reach peak bone mass, i.e. the strongestbones , between the ages of 20 and 25. This high level persists for about 10 more years. Then the bones begin to lose weight, an average of almost 1 percent. weight per year. It is a natural process that lasts until death. However, the rate of bone demineralization may be faster (even by 3-5%), e.g. when we smoke cigarettes, abuse alcohol, drink a lot of coffee, move little, ourdietis not enough calcium and vitamin D. In womenosteoporosis , i.e. bone thinning, is also conducive to frequent births and early menopause. And although the disease also affects men - their bone thinning processes begin 10-15 years later.
Osteoporosis is accelerated by calcium deficiency in the body
The inside of the cut bone is deceptively similar to a sponge, which is why this part was called a spongy substance. It is surrounded by a more compact substance - compact bone. An important component of both parts is the collagen mesh with calcium s alt crystals. When the collagen network becomes irregular, thin and the content of calcium compounds decreases, it means a decrease in bone mass and the development of osteoporosis. The bone becomes brittle, porous, light. Bone tissue density and strength decrease, so it is easy to break, e.g. during a fall.
A daily dose of sun is an effective prevention of osteoporosis
A diet that prevents osteoporosis must not lack calcium and vitamin D3 . Calcium is known to be the building block of bones. Vitamin D3helps calcium to be better absorbed in the small intestine and strengthens the bones. Vitamin D is formed in the skin under the influence of UVB sunlight. After passing through the liver and kidneys, its active form is formed, i.e. vitamin D3 . If we want to influence its level in the body - spend at least half an hour in the sun every day with exposed skin.
ImportantWhere to find vitamin D?
Up to the age of 20 we need 400 IU per day. vitamin D. Then, up to the age of 65, 200 IU is enough. a day and then oursthe body needs a dose of 400 IU again
The most vitamin D in 100 g contain:
eel - 4700 IU sprat - 1500 IU sardine - 1500 IU herring - 1000 IU red salmon - 800 IU pink salmon - 500 IU mackerel - 500 IU tuna - 200 IU a glass of milk - 110 IU
Where to find calcium?
Most calcium contains:
Parmesan (30 g) - 336 mg milk (glass) - 300 mg orange juice with added calcium (glass) - 300 mg canned mackerel with bones (85 g) - 263 mg lean yogurt (115 g) - 225 mg canned salmon with bones (85 g) - 191 mg boiled kohlrabi (85 g) - 179 mg dried figs (5 pieces) - 135 mg tofu soy cheese (115 g) - 118 mg boiled broccoli (85 g) - 88 mg canned beans (170 g) - 80 mg cooked white beans (85 g) - 45 mg
Diet rules that counteract osteoporosis
Vitamin D can also be found in fish and milk - but these are not the only products that should be included in the diet often.
- Dairy products should be the basis of the menu. The richest in calcium are ripened rennet cheeses (the so-called yellow cheeses). They contain 6-10 times more calcium than cottage cheese (this is the result of technological processes). Unfortunately, yellow cheeses have a lot of fat and are high in calories, which is why we cannot eat them without restrictions. Two slices a day are enough. Calcium is also found in processed cheese and cream, but it is also high-calorie.
- If someone is allergic to cow's milk protein, they may be tempted by goat's milk (and its products). It causes much less allergies and contains more calcium than cow's.
- Don't forget about the fish. They contain vitamin D and calcium. But when choosing, for example, canned sardines, eat them with the skeleton, because it mainly contains calcium.
- Although calcium from dairy products is better absorbed (in 30%) than from plants (in 10-13%), but grain to grain … Calcium is found in green vegetables (broccoli, kale, parsley, kohlrabi), legumes (soybeans and beans), fruits (dried figs).
- In your diet also take care of zinc (veal liver, turkey meat, pumpkin), vitamins: K (green leafy vegetables), C (pepper, orange, grapefruit) and A (red, orange and yellow fruit).
People suffering from osteoporosis should avoid the following in their diet:
Certain vegetables (e.g. spinach, sorrel, beetroot) because they are high in oxalate. These compounds, by binding calcium in the gastrointestinal tract, reduce its absorption. You need to limit s alt, strong coffee, tea, cola and give up alcohol because they increase the excretion of calcium in the urine.
ImportantDaily calcium requirement is:
up to age 10 - 800-1200 mg10-20 years old - 1200 mg 21-65 years old - 1000 mg after 65 years of age - 1200-1500 mg pregnant women and nursing mothers - 1200-1500 mg postmenopausal women - 1500 mg
Recipes for people who want to avoid osteoporosis
Broccoli with mushrooms
64 kcal, 46.5 mg calcium Ingredients: 2 large broccoli, a tablespoon of olive oil, 2 large cloves of garlic, 12-15 grams of mushroom hats, a quarter of a glass of water, a pinch of s alt
Cut off the broccoli flowers and put them in a bowl. Peel the stalks and cut them thinly and diagonally. In a large saucepan, heat the olive oil, add the chopped garlic and fry for 10 seconds. Add chopped mushrooms and s alt. When the mushrooms give off juice, add the chopped broccoli stalks, stir and cook, covered, for 5 minutes. Add broccoli flowers, mix, add water and cook for 6-8 minutes. Serve immediately.
Cabbage soup
24 kcal, 29 mg calcium Ingredients: 2 cups peeled and chopped squash, half a tablespoon of olive oil, medium-sized chopped onion, a teaspoon of ground cumin, a pinch of s alt, half a cup of carrot sticks, 3 celery stalks, 6 glasses of vegetable broth, freshly ground pepper to taste
Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and sauté the onion. Add the squash, cumin and a pinch of s alt. Allow it to heat up over low heat for 2-3 minutes, until the squash is flaccid. Add carrots, celery, cut into centimeter pieces and sauté for 5 minutes. Pour in the broth and simmer for 30-35 minutes. Season with pepper to taste.
Redfish fillets with parsley sauce
277 kcal, 78 mg calcium Ingredients: 2 cups fish broth, 2 redfish fillets, teaspoon dried rosemary, half a teaspoon dried thyme, 4 cardamom seeds, a pinch of s alt
Pour the stock into a saucepan. Add rosemary, thyme and cardamom, lightly s alt it and heat to boiling. Place the fillets skin side up in a saucepan. Simmer for 5-6 minutes, not allowing it to boil. Turn the fillets over and stew for 4-5 minutes. Remove the fillets from the pan. Strain the broth.
Sauce: 2 tablespoons of butter, 3 tablespoons of wheat flour, a glass of fish broth, 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley, a teaspoon of lemon juice, freshly ground pepper, s alt
Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the flour slowly, stirring constantly. When the roux is lightly browned, slowly pour in the hot broth. Stir until the lumps disappear. S alt and simmer, covered, about 8 minutes. Stir around from time to time. Remove from heat, add parsley and lemon juice. Season with pepper and pour the sauce over the fillets.
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