Medicines that significantly influenced the development of medicine have been used since the 19th century. Many of them, such as morphine or acetylsalicylic acid, are still used today. See which drugs changed the world in the 19th century.
For centuries, beforemedicationscame out, we were defenseless against disease and pain. The breakthrough came at the beginning of the 19th century, when the concept of testing the healing value of various natural and chemical substances was born. The list of drugs that changed the face of medicine can be built in various ways. However, there are some that have started the right progress.
Chloroform - the first anesthetic substance
This is the first substance that was consciously used to put patients to sleep, i.e. to anesthetize patients before operations. The synthesis of chloroform in 1831 ended a period in which clubs or large amounts of alcohol were used as an "anesthetic," which often ended tragically for patients.
Phenol- lowered the mortality of operated patients
The invention of phenol and the knowledge of its bactericidal properties has shaped the view that not only the tools and hands of the surgeon should be washed and disinfected, but also the part of the patient's body that is to be operated on. The widespread use of phenol resulted in a significant reduction in the mortality of operated patients and laid the foundations for modern principles of disinfection.
Morphine, used to this day, relieves unnecessary pain
It was extracted from opium in 1806, which gave rise to the modern treatment of pain. From the moment the drug was first synthesized, operations and treatment of complicated burns or fractures could proceed without unnecessary suffering. The same is true today. The drug is used both after surgery and in many chronic diseases and to combat cancer pain. The desire to create a morphine derivative that would not be addictive led to the production of diacetylmorphine, known under the trade name heroin.
Acetylsalicylic acid - an analgesic and antipyretic agent
This is one of the drugs that has been used since its invention in 1899 and is finding new and new applications. It was originally recommended as an analgesic and antipyretic. Currently, it is a popular blood-thinning drug and widely used by people suffering from cardiovascular disorders. It is worth adding that research is being carried out on its potentialanti-cancer effect.
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