Pumpkin juice is a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals. It supports the work of the liver and kidneys, regenerates, has a great effect on immunity, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, is recommended for weight loss, lowers blood pressure - and these are not all of its properties. Pumpkin juice is quite difficult to get in the store, but you can easily make it at home. And why should you drink pumpkin juice?

Pumpkin juicecan be drunk all year round, but it tastes best in autumn, when the shops have an abundance of fresh pumpkin. It has a beautiful color and a mild, pleasant taste that can be enriched with the addition of juice from other vegetables - such as carrots - or a bit of cinnamon, apple or freshly grated ginger.

It's worth it, because pumpkin juice - just like the pumpkin itself - can be an exceptionally valuable supplement to your daily diet, especially at a time when the immune system particularly needs support. But not only the body-strengthening properties are the reason why it is worth reaching for pumpkin juice even every day, replacing it with one of the five recommended portions of fruit and vegetables.

Pumpkin juice - nutritional properties

Pumpkin juice is non-caloric - a glass of pumpkin juice provides about 50 kcal. Like pumpkin, it is rich in ingredients important for the body, including:

  • Vitamin C
  • Tiamina
  • Riboflavin
  • Niacin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Folic acid
  • Beta-carotene
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Zinc

He alth benefits of pumpkin juice

Fresh pumpkin juice has many he alth-promoting and healing properties, used for years mainly in folk medicine.

Pumpkin juice:

  • supports the work of the liver and helps to cleanse the body of toxins
  • improves kidney function, has a diuretic effect
  • lowers the level of bad cholesterol, thus preventing atherosclerosis and its consequences such as stroke or heart attack
  • regulates the blood pressure level
  • can prevent certain types of cancer, including stomach cancer, breast cancer, and lung cancer - because it containsa lot of antioxidants
  • improves eyesight, reduces the risk of macular degeneration, can slow down the development of dry eye syndrome and ensures proper vision at dusk - this is due to, among others, beta-carotene contained in it, which in the human body is converted into vitamin A
  • supports slimming, because it is low in calories, it also provides large amounts of dietary fiber
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and reduces susceptibility to stress
  • supports immunity - has antiviral properties, so it is worth drinking it in the season of autumn and winter infections
  • it is worth drinking in case of anemia due to the iron content.

How to prepare pumpkin juice?

The recipe for pumpkin juiceis very simple - especially if you have a juicer or a vegetable and fruit squeezer, because then you just need to peel the pumpkin, remove the pips and squeeze the juice.

You can also enjoy the taste of pumpkin juice if you do not have such equipment. Then it is enough to peel the pumpkin, cut it into smaller pieces, put it into the pot and fill it with water, the amount of which should be approximately the weight of the pumpkin, i.e. if you put 300 g of pumpkin into the pot, add 300 ml of water. Boil the pumpkin until soft, then let it cool, blend it and strain it through a strainer.

Pumpkin juice can be enriched with carrots, apples, freshly grated ginger, as well as lime and even peaches.

Pumpkin juice recipe with apples, ginger and lime:


  • 1/3 good pumpkin
  • 2 big apples
  • small teaspoon of grated ginger
  • juice from one lime

Peel the pumpkin and apple, cut into pieces and pass through a juicer, then add the lime juice and ginger shavings.

Pumpkin juice recipe with apples and peaches


  • 1 big pumpkin,
  • 4 peaches,
  • 1 cup of apple sauce or apple juice
  • 1 glass of water (optional)


  1. Wash, peel and cut the pumpkin into small pieces
  2. Wash the peaches, cut them into pieces (no need to peel them)
  3. Pass the ingredients through a juicer or squeezer
  4. Combine juice with apple juice or apple sauce
  5. If necessary, add water so that the mass is not too thick
  6. Pass the juice through the strainer straight into the bottle
  7. If you want the juice to stand longer, heat it up, then pour it into the hot jars, screw them on top and place them upside down until they cool down.
  • Grape juice - what does it help for?[RECIPE]
