The oatmeal diet (aka the oatmeal diet) is quite radical and monotonous. May cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies, gas, and abdominal pain. For this reason, the porridge diet is recommended only to adults and completely he althy people. The advantage of this diet is the loss of up to 2 kg per week.
The oatmeal dietcomes in several varieties: a one-day oatmeal diet, a weekly oatmeal diet, and a long-term oatmeal diet.
Oatmeal diet - rules
The long-term porridge diet consists in changing the menu for two months. It cleanses the body and guarantees weight loss. During the oatmeal diet, you should completely cut off fatty and highly processed foods, alcohol, juices, s alty snacks and fast-food, as well as carbonated and sweetened drinks.
There are three main phases in the long-term oatmeal diet. The first of them is aimed at a radical change in the diet, which forces the body to cleanse itself and lose the first unnecessary kilograms. The second phase is the moment of stabilization and adding fruit and vegetables to the menu. The third phase is needed between the diet and the return to normal eating habits.
Oatmeal diet - menu. Phase one
The first phase of a two-month oatmeal diet should last one week.
Oatmeal diet - menu:
- Eat only oatmeal with skim cow's milk or soy milk or natural yoghurt 3-4 times a day.
- flakes can be seasoned with sweetener or herbs to taste.
- oatmeal should be plain (not instant or ground).
Oatmeal diet - second phase
The second phase of the oatmeal diet lasts a month. During this time, in addition to porridge, vegetables and fruits should be included in the daily menu 3-4 times a day. For lunch, you can additionally eat fish, grilled chicken breast or other light meal.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreOatmeal diet - phase three
The third phase of the oatmeal diet lasts two weeks. This is the time to finish the diet and include more foods in the menu again. You should still eat your favorite porridge once a day.
The remaining dishes can be varied, as long as they are easy to digest. After the end of the oatmeal diet, it is recommended to permanently limit white bread, semi-grain pasta, sweets, s alty snacks, fast food, sweetened juices, carbonated sweetened drinks, alcohol.
Why you should eat porridge
Source: TVN
Oatmeal Diet - Benefits
The advantage of the oatmeal diet is its high fiber content, which prevents hunger and detoxifies the body. This is one of the few diets you shouldn't go hungry on! The oatmeal diet is simple and doesn't require complicated combinations of ingredients. In addition, it helps you lose weight up to 2 kg per week. Oat grain contains amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, easily digestible protein, vitamins B6, PP and E, potassium, selenium, magnesium, calcium and iodine.
Oatmeal diet - disadvantages
The oatmeal diet can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies. It is easy to see that this is a monotonous diet that not everyone will tolerate. For the same reason, it can also exhaust the body. It is worth knowing that oatmeal is acidic. Eating them daily can cause gas and abdominal pain.