The basis of the 7-day silicon detox are grains rich in silicon: buckwheat, millet (millet), oats. It is recommended for people who have poor digestion, problems with the skeletal system or joints, struggling with parasites and fungi, e.g. candida. It is suitable for the elderly, including those with heart disease. It also helps to keep the skin young and elastic.

Would you like to cleanse yourself in the least radical way possible, without giving up your taste? However, you can not imagine eating practically the same dishes for 7 days? Or maybe you are wondering if - in old age - you should cleanse yourself at all? If the answer to any of the above questions is positive,silicon detoxis the proposition for you.

"What is the common denominator of the millet and spelled detox invented by St. Hildegard of Bingen? " - Maciek asked me as we were developing plans for the next cleansing treatments. "Both of these methods use groats?" I answered hesitantly with a question. "Almost … Both of these methods use silicon-rich grains!" my excited husband corrected me. “Imagine a gentle detox based on cereals (including millet, spelled, buckwheat and oats) and fruit and vegetables rich in silica. Plus a small amount of easily digestible raw material and a lot of baked or steamed vegetables. Horsetail to drink, "silicon water" and additionally nourishing (and also containing silicon) and cleansing beet, carrot and apple juice, and in addition diatomaceous earth "- he happily exchanged. I liked it.

What is the reason for our delight with silicon? Silicon is called the element of life. As Nadezhda Semyonova writes in the "School of He alth": "Silicon is an atomic structural unit that connects the brain with the body. When there is not enough silicon in the body, the work of the connections is disrupted. The result is disease (…) ”. Silicon is responsible for the absorption of about 70 minerals! This list includes calcium, fluorine, and zinc, among others. If it is missing in the blood, its content in the walls of the blood vessels decreases, the elasticity of which is responsible for them. It also takes part in the production of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and youthful appearance of the skin.

Who is the silicon detox recommended for?

Detox,which we have developed is great for the elderly, including those with heart disease. For everyone who has poor digestion, problems with the skeleton or joints. For people who want to keep their skin youthful and elastic for longer. Also for those struggling with parasites and fungi such as candida. This is an excellent method for people who have experienced the yo-yo effect. They fall into the diet from the diet, slowing down their metabolism and disturbing the sense of security - the sweet taste of cereals restores them. In turn, due to the warming thermal nature of most of the cereals used by us (the exception is millet, which is neutral), this detox can be used at the beginning of spring, autumn or winter. We do not recommend using this method in summer.

General rules for detox:

• Ayurveda specifies the hours of eating each meal. Determining this rhythm of the day is especially important during cleansing. We will also use it in a silicon detox. Try to eat breakfast between 7.00 and 9.00. Lunch in the afternoon (from 12.00 to 14.00). Remember that this is the most important meal of the day. Ideally, you should eat dinner before sunset. However, we can generally assume that it is optimal between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. and at the latest 3 hours before you go to bed.

• Don't drink during meals. The fluid dilutes digestive juices and extinguishes the so-called digestive fire. You should drink about 30 minutes before and after a meal.

• Prepare all meals fresh, on the day you are going to eat them. Do not reheat food in the microwave oven.

• Wait 2-4 hours before you sit down to eat your next meal. By this time, the previous one should be completely digested.

• Do you have a headache or nausea during the detox? This is the body's normal reaction to the cleansing process. If you feel unwell, you can skip one of the meals. However, make sure you drink enough water to help remove toxins from your body.

• Don't snack! Eat only at scheduled times.

• Start each day with 1-2 cups of warm water with lemon and ginger. Drink it as soon as you wake up. About 20-30 minutes later, have a glass of beetroot, carrot, and apple juice.

• We only eat one type of grain each day. We have prepared buckwheat, millet, oat or spelled day. On the third day (and on the sixth), choose spelled or oats depending on availability and which one suits you best.

• Use organic vegetables and fruits if you have this option during your detox.

• Silicon detox, like all of themother methods described by us, especially in the case of serious disorders and chronic diseases, should be consulted with a doctor (attending or integrating, i.e. combining natural and conventional medicine). It can also help you choose the best cleansing method.

What is best to drink during a silicon detox?

Water- one of the basic conditions for safe and effective cleansing of the body is drinking plenty of water - up to 2-3 liters a day. As with Ayurvedic detox, we recommend warm water with lemon and / or ginger (proportion: about 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 2 slices of ginger to 1 liter of warm water). Always carry a thermo jug with prepared water with you.

A great drink that will increase the amount of silicon in your diet and cleanse the body isbeetroot, carrot, apple and lemon juice . Why? Beetroot is known for its blood purifying properties. It moisturizes the intestines, has a beneficial effect on the liver and helps with constipation that may arise during detox. Its action is enhanced by carrot juice, which stimulates waste excretion, has a diuretic effect and removes putrefactive bacteria in the intestines. Carrots are also a highly alkaline food. Both beetroot and carrots are sources of silicon. Apple, in turn, thanks to the content of pectins, has the ability to remove cholesterol, toxins and even heavy metals.

During this detox, we also highly recommendhorsetail tea , 20% of which is water-soluble organic silica. Horsetail also includes bioflavonoids and organic acids. The presence of plant equivalents of estrogens - phytosterols - makes it especially beneficial for women.

Note: you want to additionally enrich water with silicon and thus improve its so-called physicochemical structure? As Siemionow, already quoted in the School of He alth, writes, black flint donates homeopathic doses of silicon dioxide compounds to water. To take full advantage of its properties, you can use filtered water or pour the bottle into a large glass or ceramic jug, and put a pair of black flints at the bottom. They can be found on a dirt road while walking or ordered online. Before use, they should be scalded thoroughly, e.g. by boiling them in a pot with water.

What supplements should you take during a silicon detox?

Diatomaceous earth- diatoms are over 30 million years old! They are made of microorganisms similar to algae that have undergone the cementing process. They exist in the form of diatomaceous earth. It has many he alth benefits among which to notedeserves cleansing. A single dose of diatomaceous earth contains millions of negatively charged diatom shells. They attract, among others positively charged bacteria, fungi, molds, toxins, pesticides, drug residues and even heavy metals! Moreover, this earth, which is approximately 85% organic silica, contributes to the proper functioning of almost every important organ, incl. heart, liver and lungs. Note: you can take diatomaceous earth mixed with your morning water (it is best to mix it in half a glass of water because of its earthy taste) according to the instructions on the package - from 3 to 15 grams a day (starting with the lowest dose and observing your body's reaction). Diatomaceous earth (food grade; diatomite) is available in he alth food stores and verified online stores.

How can you support the cleansing process?

Diaphragmatic breathing- did you know that even more than 70% of toxins from the body are removed just by breathing? One of the most effective, and therefore the simplest and unused, ways of breathing is diaphragmatic breathing. Just sit comfortably with your spine straight and place your right hand on your stomach. As you inhale, you fill your belly like a balloon, and as you exhale, you deflate it. Breathe in this way for 5 to 10 minutes. As much as possible during the day try to consciously influence each of your inhalations and exhalations so that they become diaphragmatic.

Note: During the detox, you can do this exercise up to two times a day: in the morning after shower and at night before going to bed. Additionally, you can close your eyes to help you calm down and calm down.

S alt baths- I remember my surprise when, during one of the delicate detoxes that I carried out years ago, I was suggested to bathe in 10 kg of s alt! "Madness!" - I thought. In spite of that, I decided to try it. It paid off. After a few days, I felt a few kilos lighter. S alt didn't just draw toxins out of my body. It also helped me get rid of puffiness, i.e. excess water. Later, I used s alt baths (2-4 kg) also during pregnancy, when at the end of the last trimester I started to suffer from swelling … Maciek explained to me why bathing in s alt water (also sea water) is so beneficial. Thanks to s alt, the body gets rid of toxins, but absorbs the microelements contained in it. A mutually beneficial exchange begins. We recommend bathing in Himalayan s alt (it contains over seventy microelements).

Note: when bathing in s alt, always use the unrefined one, e.g. stone (so-called for preserves),marine or himalayan. It is worth knowing that the physiological concentration of human s alt is 0.9%. The more s alt you add to the water and the greater the difference between the above-mentioned physiological concentration and the s alt concentration in the bath, the more powerful the cleansing process will be.

Three-day silicon menu

DAILY before breakfast: beetroot, carrot, apple and lemon juice Ingredients: • 1 beetroot • 2 carrots • 1 apple • juice of 1/2 lemon. For juicing, we use a juicer or a screw squeezer. We drink it about 30 minutes before breakfast. Note: make fresh juice every morning. If you have digestive problems, drink the juice diluted with warm water.

Buckwheat DAY Breakfast: buckwheat and fruit mousse Lunch: buckwheat with a pickled cucumber salad Dinner: cucumber soup with buckwheat

LAMB DAY Breakfast: millet with baked apples Lunch: millet with steamed sweet potato Dinner: Indian tomato with millet

OAT or SPELLED DAY Breakfast: Oatmeal / spelled without cooking Lunch: Groats with curry and steamed fennel Dinner: Oriental barley soup

This will be useful to you

A detailed nutrition plan during a weekly silicon detox, along with recipes, is included in the book by Karolina and Maciej Szaciłło "Detoxes for he alth and beauty, or how to cleanse your body" (Wydawnictwo Zwierciadło). You will also find descriptions of 6 other weekly cleansing treatments: Ayurvedic detox, Chinese detox, "liquid" detox, chlorophyll detox, fruit detox, and a drying and immunity-boosting treatment. is the media patron of this book - we recommend!
