Can Diet Prevent Anemia? Anemia or anemia is manifested by low levels of red blood cells or too little hemoglobin. The most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency. How can I maintain the correct level of iron?
Will a proper diet protect us from anemia? Will iron-rich foods prevent anemia? This is not always the case. It depends what the cause of the anemia is.
Anemia, called anemia, most often occurs because of iron deficiency. However, the reasons for this deficiency may be different. Anemia can be caused simply by a lack of adequate iron in the diet, but sometimes the problem is a malabsorption of iron.
In women, iron loss is a common cause of anemia as a result of heavy bleeding. Then the diet should be especially high in iron. Before we test the blood, anemia is evidenced by: weakness, drowsiness, pale skin and mucous membranes, and fatigue with little physical exertion.
Is a proper diet enough to prevent anemia?
A correct, well-balanced diet should provide the right amount of iron and ingredients that facilitate its absorption and storage: vitamin B12, folic acid and elements: copper, manganese and cob alt, as well as vitamin C.
The principles of an anemia prevention diet
- The best iron, the so-called heme is found in animal products - bloody meats and eggs. This type of iron is best absorbed. Therefore, these products should be included in the diet of people prone to anemia. Also eat fish rich in vitamin B12.
- The iron contained in meat can be supplemented with green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, lettuce, chives, parsley), also rich in iron and additionally containing folic acid.
- Vegetable, non-heme iron is also provided by wholemeal cereals - wholemeal flour, groats, oatmeal, legumes, cocoa and hazelnuts. The absorption of iron from grain products and legumes is, however, difficult not only due to the form of iron, but also due to the content of phytates limiting the absorption of iron. Cocoa has oxalates that work in a similar way. Therefore, in people prone to anemia, eating only these products may not be enough - they should reach formeat, eggs and fish.
- Products rich in iron, try to combine with those that contain large amounts of vitamin C. This vitamin is very necessary for the proper absorption and metabolism of iron. So eat red pepper, parsley, tomatoes, broccoli, fresh cabbage, especially sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers.
- Limit: tea. It contains tannins that make the absorption of iron difficult. So try not to combine this drink with eating iron-rich foods (e.g. give up tea after lunch). Also limit coffee due to its oxalate content.
- Avoid: powdered soups, canned food, Pepsi cola and Coca cola, and cured meats. They contain large amounts of phosphates, which impair iron absorption.
- Iron-rich diet for anemia - weekly menu
- How To Improve Iron Malabsorption In Anemia
When you are diagnosed with iron deficiency
Then diet alone is usually not enough to replenish the body's iron stores. You need to take iron preparations prescribed by your doctor. Orally (then remember not to drink tea, coffee or cocoa for an hour after taking the preparation and not to eat products with ingredients that impair iron absorption. It is worth eating citrus, paprika or sauerkraut rich in vitamin C. If you have a problem with iron absorption in the intestine. If you are thinner, your doctor may prescribe iron injections or give you lactoferrin - a milk protein to improve absorption.