Cauliflowers and broccoli contain valuable plant compounds that protect us from cancer and rejuvenate us. In addition, they are low in calories and full of minerals and vitamins. However, it is easy to combine their taste and deprive them of nutritional value by improper cooking.
The most important thing incauliflowerand broccoli issulforaphanea substance that has the power to prevent certain cancers. Moreover, it may prevent the development of already existing cancer cells. It hinders their reproduction, the formation of blood vessels supplying the lesions and prevents metastasis. Some scientists indicate that the mechanism of action of this substance is similar to chemotherapy! This does not mean, however, that by eatingbroccoliand cauliflower, we will curecancer . If someone is ill, they should follow the oncologist's recommendations, but there is nothing to prevent the use of vegetables rich in sulforaphane as an auxiliary treatment. And everyone will benefit from including cauliflower, broccoli, and other cruciferous vegetables - cabbage, Brussels sprouts and kale - in your diet. Yes prophylactically.
Broccoli and cauliflower - the best source of sulforaphane
The valuable substance from cauliflower and broccoli was quickly closed by the producers of supplements in capsules. They worked out the doses, they spent the money on advertising. All for nothing, because sulforaphane from supplements is 5 times less digestible for us than that from vegetables. The tablets lack an important enzyme - myrosinase - which helps the body to use sulforaphane. But even as we eat cauliflower and broccoli, sulforaphane levels may be insufficient. It turned out that about half of humanity does not have a gene that supports the absorption of this substance. However, there is a solution for it. You just need to eat more vegetables that contain it to get the right dose from them. Once a day is ideal, several times a week is a good amount. These vegetables should be used especially often by people who have been diagnosed with the Helibacter pylori bacterium. Scientists speculate that sulforaphane has the power to destroy it. Cauliflowers are extremely beneficial for people with liver disease and stomach and intestinal disorders.
Youth Salad
White and green roses are an excellent nutricosmetic. They contain a whole lot of antioxidants, with sulforaphane at the forefront, supported by vitamins A and C and beta carotene, whichbroccoli has more than carrots. They are great at dealing with free radicals, which not only contribute to mutations that lead to the development of cancer, but also destroy he althy cells in various organs, including the skin, accelerating the aging process. In addition, broccoli and cauliflower are full of minerals: calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and even fluoride, which we need for all processes in our body to take place properly.
Express cooking
Everything valuable in cauliflower and broccoli will die if we cook them for hours. We will lose vitamins and sulforaphane, and the minerals will remain in the water we pour off. This is not the way to treat the exquisite cauliflower, which Mark Twain called cabbage with a higher education. Piotr Murawski, advising Knorr, offers the following cauliflower cooking recipe: Divide the vegetable into florets. Soak them for 2-3 minutes in cold water, acidified with lemon juice. Then we will get rid of the worms, which also like cauliflower, and shorten the cooking time. Boil the drained florets for about 4 minutes in boiling water with a little s alt and sugar. Divide the broccoli into florets and cook for a short time, preferably by steaming. Then they are green and firm. And full of all the best.
Cauliflower: properties, varieties, culinary use
ImportantHow to avoid gases?
Cruciferous vegetables, including cauliflower and broccoli, are gas-forming. How To Avoid Gut Breakouts After Eating These Vegetables? Provide them with adequate company. Cauliflower and broccoli will soften their effects when served with garlic, ginger, dill or caraway seeds.