Barely one pimple will disappear before another one appears? Most teenagers fight for a smooth complexion. Cosmetics alone are often not enough and then you have to reach for medications.
Juvenile acneis the most commonskin diseasethat occurs whenadolescencethe concentration of androgens in the body increases. We talk to prof. dr hab. n. med. Anna Zalewska-Janowska from the Department of Clinical Immunology, Medical University of Lodz.
How do acne lesions arise?
PROF. ANNA ZALEWSKA-JANOWSKA: It begins with increased keratinization of the sebaceous glands and more intense production of sebum - the sebaceous canal is closed with a blackhead. For bacteria, blackheads are a better environment than he althy skin, so Propionibacterium acne anaerobic bacteria living on its surface move to the blackheads, multiply there and decompose sebum. Then large amounts of fatty acids are released, irritate the skin and cause inflammation. As a result, the blackheads turn into papules or pustules, lumps.
What is conducive to the development of this disease?
Observations show that acne may worsen due to fatigue and stress. The so-called neurogenic inflammation, a lesion appears. The disease is also favored by air pollution, temperature changes as well as improper hygiene and skin care, which does not remove excess sebum and does not eliminate bacteria or irritate it. The deterioration of the condition is influenced by a diet rich in spicy spices, dairy products - but the reaction to these stimuli is very individual.
From when should acne be treated and how?
The disease begins with blackheads. Then it is good to use over-the-counter cosmeceuticals that have a caring and healing effect. They contain active ingredients that influence the physiological processes taking place in the skin. Acne is about drying out the skin. There is a good substance - azelaic acid, which has a preventive effect against blackheads. If this does not help and you start to form lumps, pimples with purulent discharge or painful infiltrates, you need to see a dermatologist. Although, in my opinion, it is also worthwhile in a mild and moderate periodconsult a doctor. May use retinoids - they act locally on keratosis, inflammation, antibacterial. Or topical antibiotics, which are always used with benzoyl peroxide to prevent the formation of resistant bacteria. Or combined preparations. Treatment also includes the administration of oral antibiotics, oral retinoids. Among them is isotretinoin, a derivative of vitamin A. This substance dries the skin, which reduces the production of sebum, keratinization of the epidermis, and as a result reduces the growth of bacteria and inflammation. My observations show that its administration gives very good results - 70-80 percent. cures after one treatment cycle. However, the drug has side effects, so you need to monitor the level of lipids and the condition of the liver. Pregnancy is a contraindication - it must be ruled out one month before and one month after the end of treatment.
How should acne affected skin be cared for?
First of all, use cosmetics intended for acne-prone skin. These are cleansing cleansing gels, sebum-regulating creams or emulsions, matting creams, camouflage foundations and concealers. If a single blackhead appears, you can apply a gel with fruit acids. It is also worth making a chamomile sausage to fluff the skin, and then squeeze out the blackhead and rinse with spirit. If a purulent pustule appears, pierce it with a clean needle tangentially to the skin and disinfect it with alcohol. You have to do it
in hygienic conditions - in your own bathroom, with clean hands, using cotton pads or tissues.
Will the body cope with the disease without supporting treatment?
Although the disease passes along with hormonal disruptions, it leaves traces in the form of scars if left untreated or insufficiently treated. But when the treatment begins - remembering that acne is a chronic disease - it must be completed, that is, to the last tablet. A frequent mistake of patients is to stop taking medication at the first noticeable improvement. It is a disease that proceeds in waves, sometimes it gets better or worse, depending on the factors causing its exacerbation. Of course, the therapy is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.