Ori Hofmekler's anti-estrogen diet is for you if you have already tried everything: extreme weight loss treatments, fasting and excessive exercise. This diet will help you lose weight, cleanse your body and regulate your hormone balance. Proper nutrition will reduce the excess of estrogens, which are responsible for the majority of civilization diseases, including obesity and overweight.
The anti-estrogen diet , according to its originator Ori Hofmekler, is based on the assumption that excess estrogen in the body is the main cause of overweight and obesity, lifestyle diseases and a decline in vitality, both in women and men. This can change the proper nutrition.
Contaminated environment and food are a source of synthetic estrogens
The modern environment is contaminated with a huge amount of chemicals that act in the body like female sex hormones or estrogens. Xenoestrogens, because that's their name, are found in plastics, toys, PVC, deodorants, perfumes, toothpastes, fillings used in dentistry, cosmetics, nail polishes, sprays. You can also find synthetic estrogens in meat, soy products and even drinking water. It gets there along with the urine of women who take birth control pills. Environmental poisoning is not the only source of estrogen. The next one is food that has the effect of changing the hormonal profile of the body. This group includes: soy products containing steroidal estrogens, pumpkin, sage and vegetables and fruit sprayed with pesticides, as well as animal or fish meat with the addition of hormones. Such a mishmash can disturb the body's hormonal balance, leading to overweight and obesity.
ImportantPros and cons
The anti-estrogen diet is very popular in the United States, and it is also starting to conquer other countries (Western Europe, Israel). Not only overweight people are interested in it, but also all those who want to eat he althily. It is even used by athletes and soldiers of elite Russian and Israeli services. Still, no one has thoroughly examined it, so it is not known if it works at all. Its creator, Ori Hofmekler, is not a dietitian or doctor, but … a commando, model and journalist. The downside to thisthe program also requires the use of special supplements, and these can only be purchased on the website and in Hofmekler's stores.
Excess estrogen causes obesity and overweight
Do you accumulate fat around your thighs and abdomen? This is the effect of "estrogen dominance" resulting from hormones that are produced in the body and eaten with chemicals. In men, excess estrogen circulating in the blood blocks the production of testosterone, enlarges the breasts and stores fat around the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, similarly to women. Both sexes experience a decline in libido, chronic fatigue and a decline in immunity.
Antiestrogen diet different than all
Regulating the hormonal balance according to Hofmekler takes place in three stages. The first stage takes about a week. It is based on the detoxification of the liver. During its duration, you eat fresh fruit and vegetables (especially cruciferous, preferably fresh), low-fat yogurt, organic eggs, beans, whole grains, uncultivated fish, and naturally ripening cheese, e.g. Parmesan. In the next step, you add more anti-estrogen products and good fats (e.g. olive oil). Olives, fresh nuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkin also have an anti-estrogenic effect. The third phase, recommended for life, is to eat naturally grown meat as well as pasta and bread. They can only be eaten with the evening meal. According to the author, the best time for the last meal is 9pm. Then the body more precisely, because it does not rush, digest and activate hormonal mechanisms (e.g. production of growth hormone) that burn fat and ensure vitality.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreAccording to the anti-estrogen diet, in order not to gain weight, you should avoid:
- Fish and poultry, beef, pork bred and killed on a massive scale. Better to pay more for organic meat that hasn't been pumped up with hormones. If you think it is too expensive, buy less. This will reduce your portions.
- Soy containing genistein and daidzein. Both compounds have a hormonal effect. In Eastern culture, it was used to lower the sex drive.
- Beer. Hops have an estrogenic effect and reduce libido. It is thanks to him that men become "man boobs", i.e. a guy with breasts.
- Use of plastic containers and foil. Absolutely do not heat them up. Phthalates pass into food, turning it into a hormone type.
- Fruit and vegetables sprayed with chemical protection agents. Instead of your usual market stall, buy them at a he alth food store.
- "Antibacterial" products with triclosan. These are soaps, toothpastes, dishwashing liquids. Triclosan has a chemical structure similar to estrogen. It has recently been recognized as a factor in disrupting the production of sex hormones in frogs.
Recommended in anti-estrogen diets
- All vegetables from the cruciferous family: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage. They contain natural indoles, the richest in them is broccoli.
- Propolis which is rich in chrysin.
- Citrus fruits: They contain flavonoids, the anti-estrogenic effects of which are currently being studied by scientists. There is narginine in bitter oranges.
- Coffee because it contains flavones.
- Tea: polyphenols
- Herbs and spices: anise, fennel, turmeric. They contain resveratrol.
- Organic milk and its products: conjugated linolenic acid (CLA)
- Nuts, avocado, organic eggs: omega 3 and 6 fatty acids
- Linseed: Contains lignin (SDG). After consumption, this compound is decomposed by the bacterial flora, as a result of which it forms phytoestrogens: enterolactone and enterodiol.
Sample menu in an anti-estrogen diet
Phase one: cleansing, you eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.
After getting up: water with propolis and lemon Breakfast: Youth salad, green tea, or coffee without sugar. The salad can be prepared in the evening. Instead of water, you can use orange or grapefruit juice.Soak 3 tablespoons of oatmeal in three tablespoons of boiled water, add 3 tablespoons of milk (2%), grate the apple on a coarse-mesh grater, mix, sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with cinnamon to taste. Lunch: Fruit cocktail: Blend a glass of blackberries with 1/2 cup of low-fat yogurt and 1 tablespoon of linseed. Lunch: Salad with melon, tomatoes and cheese, mineral water. Cut a quarter of a melon into cubes, add the tomato, crushed 50 g organic goat cheese. Stir, pour olive oil (1 tablespoon), drizzle with vinegar to taste, season with s alt, pepper and fresh herbs. Tea: Grapefruit (300g). Dinner: Broccoli cream: cook in vegetable broth (1.5 cups) about 250 g of broccoli roses. After 15 minutes, mix, add natural yoghurt, season with herbs. Sprinkle with roasted sunflower or pumpkin seeds.
Phase Two: You introduce good fats from Oil, Nuts and Fish.Breakfast: Mozzarella with tomatoes and basil, sprinkled with olive oil and a little balsamic vinegar; green tea to drink. Lunch: Natural yoghurt with a handful of hazelnuts Dinner: Cod fillet baked in foil (200 g), topped with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and sprinkled with herbs, water cauliflower (100 g); Mineral water to drink Afternoon snack: Cocktail: squeeze the grapefruit juice, half an orange and blend with 100 g melon Dinner: Two cheese pancakes mixed with walnuts and peach pieces, topped with natural yogurt and sprinkled with cinnamon
Phase three: helps to maintain the proper hormonal balance of the body
Breakfast: A glass of water with honey and propolis, grapefruit, a cup of coffee Second breakfast: A juice full of antioxidants and fiber (half a cup of blackberries, raspberries, a peeled apple, 2 tablespoons of ground linseed, a glass of grapefruit juice. in a food processor) Lunch: Leaves of spinach, arugula and iceberg lettuce, topped with olive oil and sprinkled with grated cheese. Plus two hard-boiled eggs. Organic kefir to drink. Afternoon tea: Apple mixed with powdered whey (organic). Dinner: Chicken in cheese coating, pasta. Ingredients per serving: a small chicken breast, a tablespoon of oatmeal, a tablespoon of olive oil, a glass of tomato puree, a heaped tablespoon of grated Parmesan or other cheese, a tablespoon of chopped oregano and basil leaves, 50 g spelled pasta, 2 pieces of low-fat mozzarella. Preparation: on a plate, combine flour, cheese and herbs. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan. Cover the meat in breadcrumbs and fry for 5 minutes on each side. Pour the sauce over the pasta and meat, garnish with a slice of cheese and bake in the oven (approx. 20 minutes).