Stress is a silent killer: it increases blood pressure, contributes to the development of certain types of cancer. It makes life difficult for us on a daily basis - it disturbs sleep, the ability to concentrate and clarity of thinking, it causes digestive problems. However, you can control your nerves, and some herbs are very helpful in this.
Lemon balm and St. John's wort are among the herbs that relieve tension and reduce stress. But there are others, less known, but certainly no less effective - and it's worth trying them out. Unlike many drugs, they are not addictive and can therefore be used for a long time. However, it is worth remembering that they also have side effects: some of them not only calm down, but also induce sleep, while others increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun.
It is mainly associated with beer, but both hop cones and lupulin (hop secretory glands) have sedative and hypnotic properties. They include, among others myrcene, farnesene, cumulene, caryophyllene and sulfur compounds, as well as bitter resin compounds - humulone and lupulone and their transformation products, especially methylbutenol, which is the strongest sedative component of hops.
They also contain flavonoids and tannins, purine compounds, triterpenes, choline and waxes.Hops works well in the case of problems with falling asleep, excessive nervousness, because it hinders the transmission of stimuli to the nervous system, inhibits the activity of the cerebral cortex, calms and calms.It is found in many herbal mixtures to calm down, hop cones can also be used alone.
You can put them in a pillowcase (put such a fragrant pillow next to your head) or drink 1/3 cup of an infusion prepared from 2 hop cones flooded with boiling water three times a day - when the mixture cools down, you have to strain it.
This is what hop cones look like:

Better known as valerian. It owes its calming properties to w altratom - ester-like iridoids, and essential oil, the main ingredients of which are esters of valeric and isovaleric acids.
These substances reduce the activity of the central nervous system, making us feel that the tension and feeling of anxiety disappear somewhere. They also improve the quality of sleep - it is deeper,calm .
There are many other valuable substances in the rhizomes and valerian roots, thanks to which this herb is also used in such ailments as, for example, hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, menstrual cramps, as well as dandruff and seborrhea.
Valerian root is found in many herbal mixtures,you can also prepare your own preparations from this herb- for example, a decoction or tincture. Here are the recipes:
- 3 tablespoons of shredded valerian roots pour a glass of lukewarm water and set aside for 24 hours. Filter, drink 3 times a day a tablespoon of macerate.
- 100g of crushed valerian roots pour 1/2 liter of pure vodka. Set aside for a week, shake the dish from time to time. Drain and squeeze the herbs. Add 2 cups of boiled, cool water to the tincture, mix and pour into a dark bottle. Store the tincture in the refrigerator. Take 40-50 drops in a glass of water 3 times a day after a meal.
When using pure valerian root, you just have to remember to take a break for a few days after3-4 weeks- then you can go back to using it.
This is what Valerian Valerian looks like:

Medical magnolia
We know her mainly from beautiful flowers and their stunning scent. However, magnolia owes its calming properties to the bark, and more specifically to two compounds obtained from it: honokiol and magnolol. They have - confirmed by research -anxiolytic, sedative and sleeping properties. Magnolia also has antidepressant properties, helps with low mood and energy loss.
Magnolia extracts are added to anti-stress and calming preparations, while magnolia bark can be purchased in some herbal stores and centers specializing in Chinese medicine.
This is what medical magnolia looks like: