Workout8 challengesFit4Summer consists of "up" exercises to raise the heart rate alternated with exercises for a firm, flat stomach. This combination guarantees that you will quickly get rid of stubborn folds and unwanted sides. Exercise with Fit Mom Ania Dziedzic!
It's time for the belly!In the 8th challenge trainingFit4Summer Fit Mom Ania Dziedzic has prepared a set of exercises that will help you get rid of the "belly" and sides. Ready? Click play and let's start!
How to exercise?
Training lasts less than 20 minutes. Perform each of the exercises shown by Ania for 50 seconds. You have a 10-second break, then immediately move on to the next exercise. Remember to warm up and stretch at the end!
The first week of the challenge is behind us. How is your form? Write in the comments:)