There is no shortage of "miraculous" slimming pills on the Internet, thanks to which "without sacrifice, you will lose 15 kg in 2 months". Many of these chemicals contain toxic and even life-threatening chemicals such as dinitrophenol or sibutramine. How do they work and why is it so dangerous?
There is no shortage of desperate people. In pursuit of the ideal figure, people, especially women, are ready for any sacrifice. A cabbage or protein diet is no longer sufficient. It takes too long and the effect is not spectacular. Something else has to be found. Unfortunately, sometimes the price is he alth, sometimes - life.
Tablets with tapeworm
The tapeworm diet appeared in the United States in the early 1930s. It was used then not only by movie stars, but also by jockeys who tried to achieve the lowest possible weight. The treatment consists in taking tablets with a tapeworm head. An adult individual may be 4 to 20 m long and 10 to 20 cm wide. Tablets containing eggs or tapeworm heads most often come from China. Parasites are obtained from domestic cattle, mainly from infected cows, but there are also parasites from pigs. Swallowing tablets with tapeworm is fatal.
Caucasian Moroznik
This plant in the helleborus family contains bufadienol glycosides, which act on the heart muscle similar to purple digitalis. Foxglove is still used medicinally, and hellebore medicines have been phased out because they were considered poisonous. The hellebore, in addition to glycosides, contains ballast substances that cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Overdose may cause cardiac arrhythmias, delirium and atrial fibrillation. These are life-threatening conditions.
DNP Fat Burner- under this name hidesdinitrophenol(DNP), which is advertised on the Internet as a fat eater and an excellent remedy slimming. Indeed, you can effectively lose weight with it, even to death (in June 2013, there was a lot of talk about the case of a 20-year-old woman who died after taking DNP).
Why is dinitrophenol so dangerous? After taking it, the cells of our body "go dumb". They begin to burn fat in the body without reflection, and this continues until all the fat cells are gone. Intense combustion causes a sharp rise in temperature and the body begins"Boil" from the inside. This destroys the nervous system in the first place. Dinitrophenol is a phytotoxic poisonous warfare agent that was used during the Vietnam War to destroy crops and forests. Indeed, it strongly accelerates the metabolism in fat cells, but due to its toxic properties, it has never been approved for human use.
Don't do thatHow about a boost?
Afetamine, although it seems unlikely, is also used as a slimming agent. Indeed, it suppresses the appetite, so it automatically contributes to weight loss. However, the price of such treatment is usually addiction. In addition, the body deprived of nutrients becomes very susceptible to viral and bacterial infections. Amphetamine is a drug researchers find in weight loss drugs on the internet. Of course, this information is not made public. There is probably no need to convince anyone about the negative effects of taking drugs. Diarrhea, convulsions, problems with the nervous system, increased blood pressure, palpitations - these are just some of the effects of amphetamines.
Sibutramineis an organic chemical appetite suppressant that has been used, under various trade names, to treat obesity. However, when it turned out that it had many side effects, it was withdrawn from sale. Unfortunately, this substance is still added to many herbal slimming preparations imported from the Far East. But customers are not informed about it.
The list of side effects of sibutramine is long: insomnia, nausea, constipation, pain and dizziness, dry mouth, palpitations, hot flushes, hypertension, worsening of symptoms associated with bleeding nodules, anxiety, increased sweating, disorders taste. There may also be skin eruptions, atrial fibrillation, agitation, ejaculation disorders, impotence, depression, vomiting, blurred vision, diarrhea, alopecia, urinary retention, and disturbances in the menstrual cycle.
ImportantWatch out for senna!
From the legal point of view, dietary supplements or herbs for slimming are food products - their manufacturer is not obliged to include information on indications and contraindications on the packaging. Meanwhile, in many such preparations, the ingredient is senna leaves, rich in anthranoid compounds that have a laxative effect.Senna can be used occasionally , in case of troublesome constipation. Prolonged use disturbs the electrolyte balance, which may cause serious arrhythmias.
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