Chelated preparations provide us with the necessary elements without the risk of overdosing, and thus - poisoning. There are minerals that are easy to overdose, such as zinc and chromium. However, thanks to the chelation process, they are not harmful and can be safely removed from our body. Check how chelate minerals (chelates) work and why you should take them.

Chelates - function and application of chelated minerals

Mineral elements, taken in the right proportions, have he alth properties. However, their lack can lead to serious diseases, and overdosing can poison our body. To prevent this, you need chemical compounds that will help maintain the proper level of these substances in the body, i.e. chelates.

Chelatesare substances that consist of 2 amino acid particles and 1 part of a given mineral. Chelates chemically transform elements in an inorganic form (e.g. magnesium and iron) into a form that is available to our body, i.e. an organic form. Chelates are responsible for the rate of absorption of these elements, their transport and the process of removal from our body. Therefore, chelates protect our body against deficiency, poisoning and too high concentration of elements, especially those that are easy to overdose.

Due to the he alth benefits of chelates, they are used to treat conditions such as atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and psoriasis. Chelates also improve motor coordination and increase sex drive.

Chelated supplements

Chelated supplements are available in the form of tablets, which we usually take once a day, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. Chelated minerals cannot be overdosed because the body only releases the minerals hidden in chelates when it needs them. Otherwise, they are removed from the body.

  • ironis one of the least digestible elements, therefore its supplementation should be taken care of with special care. Iron in the form of amino acid chelate is recommended primarily to people who regularly consume dairy products, because calcium reducesabsorption of this element. It can also be consumed by women who struggle with too much menstruation.
  • zincis recommended for people who live in a polluted environment, do hard work every day or exercise regularly. Doctors recommend chelated zinc to pregnant women. Zinc supplementation helps detoxify the body of toxins and slow down the aging process.
  • magnesium -highly digestible source of magnesium will support the proper functioning of the nervous system and maintain proper psychological functions.
  • potassium -potassium chelate supports the work of the circulatory system, incl. regulates blood pressure and prevents blood clots. It also soothes bones and joints.
  • calcium- the calcium amino acid complex helps in the process of building bones and teeth: it prevents decalcification, deformation and crushing of bones. For this reason, it is recommended for menopausal women, the elderly, as well as for children and adolescents.
  • chrom- chromium chelate is an essential part of a slimming diet. Chromium supports the reduction of body fat and suppresses the appetite for sweets. In addition, it regulates the level of glucose in the blood, therefore it is recommended for diabetics.
  • seleniumis a micronutrient with antioxidant properties that aims to fight free radicals. One selenium chelated tablet provides the same nutritional value as three eggs.
  • vitamin Cincl. will lower cholesterol and support the immune system. Chelated vitamin C can be used by people who tolerate ascorbic acid poorly.
  • vitamin B6is involved in the absorption of magnesium amino acid chelates from the gastrointestinal tract and supports the proper functioning of the immune system.

In addition, vitamins A, D, E, K, C, B1, B2, B12 are chelated. The remaining vitamins do not have the ability to chelate and in a chemical process do not become chelates, but semi-synthetics, i.e. artificial vitamins. Probably because they are not chemically stable and cannot be "caught" by chelation. These substances are absorbed by our body only in about 5%, and the rest is removed from the body, burdening the liver and even causing poisoning.
