Traveling with a dog does not have to be a chore - some quadrupeds are true car enthusiasts and do not cause any problems on the way. Traveling with a dog, however, may turn out to be a difficult attempt when the pet does not want to be calm. So, read the tips that will make your journey with your dog go without major complications.
Traveling with a dogand its comfort depend primarily on the travel experience of a pet. An animal unfamiliar with a car, first of all, fidgets, moves from place to place, squeezes between the seats. And when you finally let him go forward, he immediately wants to come back. Large dogs have a habit of standing over their heads and panting, and they drool a lot. Sometimes in the car you can hear uninterrupted whining, howling or barking at all the cars driving by or overtaking us. You have to have really strong nerves to endure a few hours of traveling with a dog in such conditions. We should remember about it and from the puppy we should try to accustom the four-legged to traveling, preferably lying down. So that we have less trouble (not only when traveling), but above all for safety, let's also teach him to respond to basic commands. Especially "sit", "lie down" and "stay" are very helpful when traveling with a dog.
Traveling with the dog - remember this before you go
1.Before going outdoors, protect your dog against ticks and fleas with an anti-insect collar or a special liquid preparation (available at veterinary clinics). It is easy to come into contact with a sick animal in the forest, so the dog must be vaccinated against rabies.
2.Puppies suffer from motion sickness, which they often outgrow, but an individual with a sensitive digestive tract is better not to feed before the road, and give Aviomarin half an hour before departure (dose agreed with the veterinarian).
3.It is a good idea to attach sun visors to your car windows. When traveling with your dog, avoid wide open windows and do not let your dog stick his head through them, because it is very easy to catch a cold!
4.Even on a short trip, let's take a dog's bowl and a bottle of water with us. InOn hot days, remember to make frequent stops to give your pet a drink and let him do his best. Before we open the door, however, let's take him on a leash.
5.In foreign areas, the dog should always wear a collar with an attached identifier (enter our name, address and telephone number there). This will prevent a lot of drama.
How does a dog affect human he alth and life?
Worth knowingDog in the car - summer trip
In summer, whatever the weather, never leave your dog in a locked car, even if parked in the shade, under any circumstances!The dog has a poor thermoregulation mechanism, so it is easily affected by thermal shock, which can end, and often ends, death! We should especially take care of short-nosed dogs (pugs, boxers, bulldogs) on the way. They suffer from overheating even while driving. In hot weather it is better to travel early in the morning or at night so as not to endanger their lives.
Dog in the car - useful accessories
You can buy specialdog transport harnessin pet supplies stores, which are attached to the car seat belts. The harness cushions the impact in the event of an accident, protects against neck injuries during sudden braking, but also immobilizes the pet and prevents it from prowling around the car.
If we do not have a harness, tie the dog to the headrest on a leash. The leash should be of such length that the dog can lie down freely. He is not allowed to wear an earring or a chain.
Large dogs are best transported in the trunk. To prevent them from escaping, it should be fenced off from the cabin with a string net or a metal grate (they are sometimes factory-fitted in station wagons, they can also be purchased in automotive or pet shops).
Traveling with a dog: or maybe a transport cage?
If you often travel with a dog, it is worth investing in a specialtransport cage . It is commonly used by cat owners, but it is also useful for transporting dogs (not only to shows). When we lock our quadruped in it, the problem of fidgeting disappears. We do not have to be constantly careful during stops so that, for example, when opening the car door, he does not jump under the wheels of oncoming vehicles. The size of the cage should be adjusted to the size of the pet: it should be able to stand and lie down freely in it. Plastic cages are usually intended for small dogs, metal (often foldable) - for large dogs. You also need to get your dog used to traveling in a cage. Let him associate it withpleasure, not just visiting the vet. It is worth getting the dog familiar with it in advance, encouraging him to stay inside, arranging a bed for him there, and when he lies down, treat him to some treats.
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