Muscle corset is used to define the muscles that are responsible for the correct stabilization of the figure. Where a sedentary lifestyle predominates, it is safe to say that almost everyone has a problem with the muscles of the body. That is why training is so important, which consists of proper exercises for the torso. Check how to perform general muscle corset exercises.
When we think about good body stabilization, we think about deep muscles, stabilizing muscles, core muscles and corset muscles. It is important to realize that all the muscles mentioned above have the same function and that their names are interchangeable. In the end, it is about the corset muscles that are responsible for the central stabilization of our figure. This is the most important function of our body, not only for people who practice sports.
The muscular corset in our body is made up of the muscles around the abdomen and the lumbar spine. If they are too weak or their work is disturbed to some extent, the entire figure is gradually deformed, which leads to later pathological changes in the hip, knee and even shoulder joints! Fortunately, there are many torso exercises that will allow us to gain strong muscles and a he althy body.
What muscles make up a corset?
The muscle corset is made up of the core muscles, which mark the base, center, and core. The very nomenclature suggests that the definition of a muscular corset will clearly indicate their great importance in relation to our body. The muscular corset acts as a scaffold for our spine, and its good support translates into the proper functioning and stabilization of the appropriate structures: pelvis, hips, knees and shoulders.
Corset muscles are divided into two groups:
- deep muscles (inner core)
- outer core muscles.
The most important deep muscles are:
- transverse abdominal muscle
- pelvic floor muscles
- diaphragm
- back muscle (polygonal)
External muscles, due to their more superficial location, can be divided into:
- rectus abdominis muscle
- oblique abdominals
- spine extensor
- latissimus dorsi muscle
- gluteus muscles
Likestrengthen the corset - a set of exercises
1. Bird-dog
Bird-dog is an exercise that comes from yoga. It consists in alternating movements of the opposite limbs of the body.
To do this exercise, assume a propped kneeling position. Then slide one leg back and the opposite arm forward. Roll up your pelvis, tense your abs and pelvic floor muscles. Then lift your leg and arm simultaneously upwards until they are in line with your spine and come back to the starting position. Repeat the exercise for both sides.
If you want to diversify this exercise, you can, when the ends are raised up, try to bring your elbow and knee closer to you. Remember not to rock your pelvis sideways and keep your spine straight.
2. Board
Many people do this exercise, but are they doing it correctly? It is not for nothing that it is said that anyone who performs a plank properly cannot exceed 1 minute of a popular plank. The plank is an exercise not only for the stomach, but for the whole body. It is a universal exercise that allows us to train all core muscles, which translates into better maintenance of the correct body posture when standing or walking.
To plank, use a frontal support position, resting on your toes and elbows. Your shoulders should be above your elbows and your hands should be parallel to each other. Then take care to stabilize the shoulders and activate the shoulder blades. To do this, try to pull your shoulders in and pull your shoulder blades as much as possible. There should be tension between the shoulder blades.
Now contract your abdominal muscles and at the same time pull the pelvis inwards by doing its retroversion. This will allow the buttocks to tighten strongly and thus ensure that our figure is tightened in a way that is correct for the body. Moving on, keep your knees straight and your thigh muscles strong and tense. Do not perform the hip-lowering motion! The back should be in one line and the buttocks should be slightly raised. It is important that you make a gentle push off the ground while planking, but also make good use of the toes of your feet, which should press against the body, directing them gently forward. Do the exercise isometrically.
3. Side board
A side board has the same task as a traditional board, but this time we will work harder on the lateral stabilization of the left and right sides of our body.
Lie on your side and prop up on your elbow. Your legs should be straight and your ankles slightly tense. Remember to keep your hips pushed forward! Pushing them back, unfortunatelyit happens very often among exercisers, which is a big mistake! Then, pinch the shoulder blade on which you are supporting and bring your head in line with your spine. Once you are positioned correctly, perform the hip lift. If your shoulder blade is properly tightened, all the tension should be felt in your upper back, not in the shoulder you are leaning on. Do the exercise isometrically.
4. One leg bridge
The sternum is an exercise that, if done well, will have a positive effect on the muscles of the whole body.
Lie on your back with your knees bent. Make sure your back is fully attached to the mat. If you feel your lumbar region begin to break away, tense your abdomen tightly and pull your pelvis underneath you. In this position, straighten one leg, support yourself firmly on the bent leg, and lift your hips up. Your hands should rest comfortably alongside your body.
Make sure your body is lined up. Control your hips and prevent any of them from falling. Maybe you include a strong tense of the gluteal muscles and the muscles of the pelvic floor. Do the exercise isometrically.
If you want to work on your corset muscles, you can try general conditioning exercises on a barefoot ball or an exercise ball. The unstable base additionally affects the activation of corset muscles, and at the same time it will be a new challenge and form of entertainment for you.
Corset and discopathy - how to strengthen a corset with discopathy
When we find out that we suffer from discopathy, doctors often advise us to train the corset muscles that support the work of the spine and diaphragm. However, not everyone will find such a recommendation good.
When we suffer from discopathy, our body creates completely new movement patterns. The body starts the process of increased muscle tension, which is to protect against the exacerbation of the inflammation of the spine, and the muscles damaged by the prolapse of the disc are weakened (hypotonic). Our body is extremely intelligent, and this way it wants to protect the source of the injury from another injury.
This defense mechanism is called Brugger's nociceptive somatomotor blocking effect. A person with discopathy feels pain and weakness in the affected muscles and excessive tension and even stiffness in the defense muscles. In addition, in hypertonic or tight muscles, myogeloses occur, which cause a nociceptive reaction that causes an increase in symptoms.
Discopathy is a condition that occurs when the body is leaning forward. The disc is pushed back excessively and thus the rectus abdominis musclebecomes weakened. This leads to a defensive reaction in the body that increases the tension in the back muscles. This situation will persist as long as we have incorrect body posture, whether we are exercising our corset muscles or not.
Important!Training of corset muscles should take place only under the supervision of a qualified orthopedist or physiotherapist. Exercises for the muscular corset should begin after the pain and neurological symptoms have subsided. The moment when you need to start performing the first corset muscle exercises with discopathy will manifest itself as a symptom of centralization according to McKenzie. But this can only be judged by a professional and you have to go to him after the first symptoms of discopathy.