Coronavirus from China spreads by airborne droplets: You can get COVID-19 when an infected person coughs or exhales. But it's not the only route of infection - that's why the World He alth Organization (WHO) has developed rules to help protect against infection. Learn about WHO's top recommendations.
The question of how to protect ourselves against theChinese coronavirusis asked by many of us - especially since there are disturbing reports in the media about the rapid spread of COVID-19 disease. There are many myths about this on the Internet, which is why the World He alth Organization has developed its own recommendations to help prevent the disease.
- Wash your hands often
- Disinfect objects and surfaces
- Keep away from colds
- Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose with your hands
- Cover your mouth or nose when you cough or sneeze
- If you feel unwell, stay home
- Use reliable sources of information
Wash your hands often
This is a basic recommendation: washing your hands with soap and water removes any viruses that may be on them. Hands should be washed thoroughly for 30 seconds. If you don't have running water, wipe your hands with an alcohol-based disinfectant.
Disinfect objects and surfaces
According to scientistsSARS-CoV-2 coronavirus , like other coronaviruses, is able to survive on the surfaces of objects such as door handles, tables, kitchen worktops, keyboards and screens smartphone, from a few hours to even 9 days. So it is safer to wipe them with a disinfectant.

Together Against Coronavirus
Keep away from colds
According to the latest research in the Annals of Internal Medicine, it is recommended that you stay at least 4-5 meters away from someone who is sneezing or coughing. Coronavirus from China is transmitted by airborne droplets: standing too close, you can inhale droplets of air infected with it (of course, provided that the person who coughs is sick with COVID-19).
Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose with your hands
Hands touching different surfaces are the sourcegerms: coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 may also be affected. By touching them to the eyes, mouth or nose, you can easily transfer the virus to the mucous membranes.
Cover your mouth or nose when you cough or sneeze
This is an important element of prophylaxis: when sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth and nose with a bent elbow or a handkerchief (the latter must be disposed of immediately in a closed bin), and then immediately wash your hands.
If you feel unwell, stay home
Cough, fever, shortness of breath are symptoms of not only COVID-19, but also well-known infections, such as colds or flu. Before you go to the doctor, contact the clinic by phone. People who have returned from areas affected by the epidemic (including from China or Italy) or have a reasonable suspicion that they may have COVID-19 (because the infection was detected, for example, in a family member), should contact the nearest sanitary station in such a situation. -epidemiology or with an infectious disease department.
Use reliable sources of information
The World He alth Organization also recommends not to panic, but to check the current guidelines for dealing with suspected infection, either on the WHO website, or use data provided by local public he alth offices (e.g. the Polish Chief Sanitary Inspectorate ).
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