Glucagon is a hormone produced in the α cells of the pancreas. Together with the insulin to which it has an opposite effect, it is responsible in the body for controlling the level of glucose in the bloodstream. Correct storage of glucagon-containing preparations is extremely important.
Glucagon: indications
In a he althy body, a drop in glucose causes the release of glucagon, which breaks down hepatic glycogen into glucose, and thus equalizes its concentration in the blood. However, people with diabetes who are treated with insulin are at risk of developing life-threatening hypoglycaemia that cannot be corrected by the body. It is necessary to administer glucagon to the patient in this situation.
Glucagon: dosage
Glucagon is injectable and should be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. A single dose contains 1 mg of glucagon. This dose should be halved for a child weighing less than 25 kg or under 8 years of age. Visible improvement in the patient's condition should be noticeable after 10 minutes. Oral carbohydrates should be given to prevent the hypoglycaemia from coming back.
Glucagon is also administered by medical personnel for diagnostic purposes in adults, as it reduces the tension and motor activity of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.
Glucagon: side effects
The most common side effects of glucagon are gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea and vomiting.
Glucagon: contraindications and precautions
Contraindication to the use of glucagon is the patient's hypersensitivity to glucagon or the presence of an adrenal tumor. Particular caution should also be exercised in patients after fasting, after consuming alcohol, and in patients with chronic hypoglycaemia.
Patient taking additional preparations such as:
- insulin,
- indomethacin,
- warfarin,
- beta blockers
should report it to the attending physician in order to exclude any adverse interactions.
Before driving or using machines, patients should take carbohydrate intake to prevent the occurrence of a relapse.
Glucagon: storage
Extremely importantis the correct storage of preparations containing glucagon. They should be stored at a temperature of 2 ° C to 8 ° C, in a place protected from exposure to light. Products containing glucagon should not be frozen. Storage at a temperature below 25 ° C is possible, however, for a maximum of 18 months, with the expiry date.
Glucagon and pregnancy and breastfeeding
Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not a contraindication to the use of glucagon.