A he althy diet for winter is not so much about losing weight as keeping weight in check and strengthening the body's immunity. A correct winter diet should affect the natural intestinal flora, thus improving immunity. Unfortunately, an average Pole in winter gains weight about 3 kg. You don't have to! We advise what to eat in order not to gain weight in winter.
How not to gain weight in winter ? A reasonablewinter dietwill help you. We excuse ourselves that we need more calories at this time of the year because we are freezing. The body actually needs a little more energy to balance the heat balance. Therefore, just in case, he signals that he wants more food than normal. And everything would be fine if we had an equally active life in the winter as in summer - says Magdalena Jarzynka from the Dietosfera dietary clinic. Unfortunately, in winter, outdoor activities are replaced by reading a book or watching TV. This makes you burn fewer calories. If you add a greater appetite for sweet and fatty foods, an excess of energy will be created, which the body will not use, but will be stored in adipose tissue. Here are some simple tips on how to eat wisely in winter to stay he althy and not gain any weight.
Winter diet - eat often, but little
In winter, you should especially eat regular meals. It's best to eat 5 smaller ones, each with 250-350 calories. They will help maintain thermal balance and lose unnecessary fat (we will use up to 90 kcal for the digestion of one meal).
Winter diet - reach for silage
A correct diet should have a good effect on the natural intestinal bacterial flora, which has a significant impact on the immunity of the whole organism - it is a kind of barrier to germs. Remember that these beneficial bacteria are found not only in fermented milk drinks, but also in sauerkraut and cucumbers. It is also worth reaching for prebiotics, which are a medium that supports the growth of good bacteria. You will find them, among others in wheat bran and grain products.
Winter diet - eat hot meals
Forget dry sandwiches and cold snacks. Winter is the time of thick, "specific" and spicy dishes. The best are soups that fill you up without causing any weight gain. Aresource of nutrients (including potassium, phosphorus and protein) and have warming properties. Also, drink as much fruit and herbal teas as possible. Reach for fruit and vegetable juices (not from cardboard, but made by yourself). They have a lot of vitamins, improve metabolism and cleanse the body.
Winter diet - eat fatty fish
Would you like something fatty? Instead of a cutlet, eat fatty sea fish (e.g. salmon, mackerel, herring). It contains omega-3 fatty acids, invaluable for the heart and brain, and antioxidants that protect cells - vitamins A and E.
Winter diet - use frozen vegetables
In winter you don't have as many fresh, valuable vegetables as in summer. But there are frozen foods - low temperature means that the products retain most of their nutritional properties. You can use them to quickly prepare filling and non-fattering dishes.
Winter diet - love spicy spices
Peppers and chili owe their spicy flavor to capsaicin. This amazing alkaloid stimulates digestion and increases body temperature. Thanks to this, it accelerates the burning of calories. Black pepper, ginger and turmeric have a similar effect. Unfortunately, those with ulcers or heart problems should avoid them.
Winter diet - don't skip breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In winter, it should be even more caloric than lunch. It can be, for example, muesli with white cheese (it contains magnesium, which regulates the nervous system). In the morning, the body's absorption of nutrients is most effective. The energy demand is also greatest then. If you forget breakfast, your body will "take revenge". During the day, he will be demanding extra calories and accumulating fat reserves. The ability to concentrate and work performance will also decrease.
Winter diet - strengthen yourself with natural antibiotics
Love garlic and onions, which naturally strengthen immunity and have antibacterial and antifungal properties. However, for them to work best and absorb well, they need to be eaten raw, not processed, such as after frying. The ginger rhizome is also good as it has anti-inflammatory properties and is a powerful antioxidant. Additionally, it warms up the body (similar to chili and cinnamon). Honey also has antibiotic properties.
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