Essential oils are liquid concentrates that are obtained from parts of plants that contain volatile fragrances. They have many uses. They are used primarily in aromatherapy and cosmetology. According to scientific research, essential oils should also be used during many viral or bacterial infections. What ailments will essential oils help with?
Healing propertiesessential oilshave been known for a long time. Already in antiquity, they were used as incense to disinfect the air in temples and reduce the risk of infection. Today we also use their beneficial properties.Essential oilsare obtained by steam distillation of plant material or by cold pressing or hydrodistillation. They consist of various chemical compounds found in secondary plant metabolites, and their uniqueness is so great that even obtained from the same species of plants growing in a similar area, they may have a slightly different composition. It all depends on the time of their harvest, the part of the plant used to make the oil, as well as the method of harvesting them, or the soil on which they grow. Hence a certain difficulty in the repeatability of the production of oils and obtaining the same results when using a product obtained from the same plant.
What are essential oils?
Essential oilshas a very intense aroma and an oily structure. They are a mixture of various chemical compounds - primarily terpenes, but also esters, aldehydes, alcohols, phenols, ketones, which makes each of them different not only in smell, but also in color. It can be green, yellow, blue, colorless, more or less intense - there are many possibilities.
Dissolve only in fats, fatty solvents and ethanol, but never in water. At room temperature, they will be liquid, oily, and sometimes solidifying.
Oils can be obtained from various parts of plants, for example :
- in Asteraceae with leaves, flowers and roots;
- u jasnowatych - leaves and flowers;
- in celery plants - fruits and roots.
The fact of using different parts causes that the oil is obtainedfrom the same plant can have different properties.
Essential oils in infections - why should you use them?
The fact that essential oils have antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasitic and fungicidal properties means that many of them can successfully inhibit the development of various infections and accelerate the healing process.
In addition, they are of natural origin, which means that they do not cause as many side effects as synthetic drugs. Nevertheless, in case of allergy sufferers, great care should be taken. Just because something is natural doesn't mean it isn't allergic.
Therefore, if, for example, we are not sure whether we respond well to thyme, eucalyptus or other oils - let's start with small doses and observe the body's reactions. And the best thing to do is rub one drop of the oil into the skin just behind the ear and watch if we have had any allergic reaction for 24 hours.
If nothing happens, we can gradually increase the use of the oil to the therapeutic dose (usually 10-15 drops).
Essential oils - antiviral effect
The development of a viral infection occurs when the virus enters the host cells and begins its replication there, producing new virions. Drugs used in these types of infections are either antiviral drugs, which either inhibit the multiplication of the virus at various stages, or virucidal drugs that, for example, have the ability to destroy the virus before it penetrates the host organism.
Essential oils primarily have the latter property. Before the virus penetrates, for example, through the nasal mucosa, they are able to destroy its cover and thus destroy it. For this reason, essential oils are better at neutralizing viruses with shells than with those without the shell.
Virucidal oils include:
- cinnamon oil (destroys herpes viruses, influenza A virus),
- Melissa oil (kills the influenza A virus),
- tea tree oil (destroys the influenza A virus)
- mugwort oil (kills yellow fever virus)
- clove oil (kills HSV-1, HSV-2 viruses)
- marjoram oil (destroys HSV-1, HSV-2 viruses)
- lemon oil (kills HSV-1)
- Anise verbena oil (kills dengue virus)
- thyme oil (destroys influenza A virus)
- fragrant geranium oil (kills the influenza A virus)
There are also oils that can inhibit the replication of the virus once it has entered the host cell.These include, among others :
- rosemary oil (inhibition of the multiplication of HSV-1),
- melissa oil (inhibition of HSV-2 replication and inhibition of the adsorption stage of HSV-1 and HSV-2),
- Anise verbena oil (inhibition of yellow fever virus multiplication),
- citronella oil (inhibition of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase),
- musk quinoa oil (inhibition of the multiplication of Coxackie B4 virus),
- sandalwood oil (inhibiting the multiplication of HSV-1 and HSV-2),
- thyme oil (active against cyclovir resistant HSV-1 and HSV-2 strains; blocking HIV transcription).
Essential oils - fighting bacterial infections
The bactericidal effect of essential oils consists primarily in disrupting the structure and function of bacterial cell membranes, which leads to their damage and then destruction. In addition, they show antibacterial properties, thanks to the ability to:
- inhibition of biofilm formation,
- blocking protein biosynthesis,
- blocking the biosynthesis of nucleic acids,
- blocking cell wall biosynthesis.
For this reason, they can be used in various types of bacterial infections.
The most well-known antibacterial properties of oils include:
- Eucalyptus essential oil that works, inter alia, in on: Streptoccocus pneumoniae, Stenotrophomonas m altophilia, Haemophilus parainfluenzae, Hemophilus influenzae. As you can see, it affects bacteria that cause infections of the upper respiratory tract, so it can be successfully used in this type of diseases. Its additional advantage is that it increases the secretion of mucus, which makes it easier to expector it from the respiratory tract. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties, which supports the entire healing process.
- Clove oil - is extremely helpful in supporting the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, because it acts on pathogens such as: H. influenzae, H. parainfluenze, S. pneumoniae, S. pyogenes. Due to the high content of eugenol, it is used in colds, rheumatism, nerve pain, digestive disorders and vomiting. It is also readily used in dentistry to disinfect e.g. root canals and cavities caused by caries. Research shows that it is able to defeat many strains of bacteria, including: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella thypi, Klebsiella ozaenae, etc.
- Thyme oil - its antibacterial effect is very strong, as evidenced by the fact that it can fight Enteroccocus faecalis, which is resistant to vancomycin. Besides, it makes it easierexpectoration and has a spasmolytic effect, which is useful in treating coughing upper respiratory tract infections. Thanks to its irritating effect on the skin (increases its congestion), it is eagerly used as an ingredient in preparations to counteract muscle and joint pains or rheumatic pains.
- Peppermint oil - has an antibacterial effect against pathogens such as: Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Microccus luteus, Streptoccocus pneumoniae, Bacillus subtillis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Haemophilus influenzae.
Use of oils in various infections
Flu is an acute viral disease. It is caused by influenza A and B viruses that affect the respiratory tract. The main symptoms of flu are:
- fever,
- sore throat,
- dry cough,
- muscle pain,
- headache,
- feeling of general breakdown,
- sometimes photophobia.
Due to the fact that viral infections are not treated with antibiotics, symptomatic treatment is applied, e.g. antipyretics, painkillers are administered.
In the case of flu, inhalation made of a mixture of oils such as:
- tea oil,
- melissa oil,
- cypress oil,
- fry oil,
- cedar oil.
Inhalation of the above-mentioned oils should be done as follows. Boil the water, measure out 2-3 glasses, and then pour it into the bowl. We wait a while until it cools down (it cannot be too hot). Then add 5-7 drops of a single selected oil or mixture. We cover our head with a towel and inhale the vapors for about 10 minutes.
Angina is an inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils, caused by bacteria - most often Streptococcus pyogenes. Occasionally, Escherichia coli, split lung or staphylococci may also contribute to its development.
The accompanying symptoms of this disease, apart from a sore throat, are:
- stomach ache,
- vomiting,
- nausea,
- fever.
Treatment of angina, unlike viral infections, is based on the administration of an antibiotic.
Inhalations of essential oil may be helpful in treating angina. They will work best in this case:
- tea tree oil,
- cinnamon oil,
- fir oil,
- melissa oil,
- peppermint oil.
You can make a mixture of these oils and then add 5 drops tohot water in a bowl (2-3 glasses). You can lean over such a bowl to feel the properties of the evaporating oils better and faster. You should inhale this type of vapor for about 10 minutes.
Infections with wet cough
There are many natural mechanisms in our body that protect us against the penetration of pathogens into the body. They are: skin, mucous membranes, sweat and tears. A very important protective element is also the mucus covering, among others serous fluid on top of the bronchial membrane.
Both the mucus and the serous fluid are designed to stop viruses and bacteria that would like to enter the bronchi. That is why they are pushed up towards the larynx so that they can be expectorated.
If an infection develops in the body, serous-mucous secretions thicken and it is difficult to excrete it. This means that germs can more easily penetrate the bronchi and cause inflammation there.
To prevent this from happening, you should thin the mucus to make it easier to expectorate (wet cough). Various types of mucolytics are used for this, be it pharmacological or herbal, such as thyme herb, marshmallow leaf or licorice root.
Essential oils are also helpful in wet cough, including :
- thyme oil,
- eucalyptus oil,
- rosemary oil,
- thyme oil,
- peppermint oil.
A mixture of these oils in the amount of 3-5 drops (you can also use a single oil in the same dose), add it to a bowl with hot water (2-3 glasses) and inhale the vapors for 5 minutes. The above inhalation can be used twice a day.
Sinusitis is an inflammation that affects the paranasal sinuses and manifests itself as a watery-mucous discharge running down the back of the throat or a feeling that the sinuses are blocked by excessively accumulated secretion in them (accompanied by a headache).
Additional symptoms are:
- olfactory disorder,
- nasal obstruction,
- cough,
- sometimes hearing impaired,
- low-grade fever.
In the treatment of sinuses, you can deal with home remedies: infusions, warming up the area around the sinuses, and essential oils. However, when the infection is bacterial in origin, antibiotic administration is necessary.
Infusion with essential oils for sinusitis should contain:
- tea tree oil (3 drops),
- cinnamon oil (2 drops),
- tea oil (2 drops).