It has been heard for many years that cancer feeds on sugar, but recently I read that cancer feeds on protein. Is it true? If so, what can you eat, if you have cancer?
Good evening, cancer feeds on protein is a myth. On the contrary, oncological patients most often have an increased need for protein - sometimes even twice. Protein is best obtained from products such as fish, lean meat, eggs, and - if there are no medical contraindications - dairy products (preferably sour and natural). Also, plant sources can be a source of protein. A lot depends on the digestive capacity of the patient. In many cases, loss of appetite is observed during treatment - then the protein (with some exceptions related to renal or hepatic insufficiency) should be supplemented with specialized preparations. These preparations should be adjusted by the attending physician. Regards
Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.
Ewa Ceborska-ScheiterbauerDietitian. A graduate of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences at the Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumption Sciences, specializing in dietetics. Nutrition specialist in civilization diseases. Answers questions about diet and nutrition during cancer treatment.
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