I am 43 years old and 1.5 years after hormone-dependent breast tumor sparing surgery (estrogen 88%). I had radiotherapy, now I have been undergoing hormone therapy (Zoladex, Tamoxifen) for over 1 year. I have already gained 10 kg, and here are a few more years of taking hormones ahead of me, moreover, I have an artificially induced menopause. I do not know what diet I can use and how to eat in general to avoid estrogens and phytoestrogens. There are many general anti-cancer diets on the internet, but we "hormone-dependent" women (and there are many of us, unfortunately) don't know how to eat. We cannot take the recommended he althy linseed and linseed oil, soy and its derivatives. We do not know if there are any herbs, fruits, vegetables, meat that we cannot eat, which are only in small amounts and which are most desirable, and which dairy products - lean or semi-fat. There are hormones everywhere. There aren't (literally) no articles on this topic - anything in general. Oncologists tell us to avoid these hormones, but in detail, they say nothing, also being at the dietitian's I got a diet that I shouldn't use in principle (looking at various opinions on the Internet). Is there an oncology dietitian in your editorial office who would comment on this topic? A lot of women would like to know how we should eat, not only me. Just go to amazonki.pl and it turns out to be a big problem. Women exchange information that will be read or heard from a doctor. Please reply and thank you. PS. Or maybe a larger article on your website or in a magazine?

Hello, in your case the most important thing is to regulate your body weight. I am aware that it is not easy - especially if you are taking hormones. However, secondary prevention is very important, so I would encourage you to try first of all. Reducing body weight by as little as 10% would bring greater he alth benefits than eliminating any product that is a source of phytohormones from the menu. Regarding phytoestrogens, their supply in the diet should be small and it is definitely worth avoiding products such as soybeans, soy preparations, beans, lentils, mung bean sprouts, hazelnuts, large amounts of linseed and linseed oil,sesame, rye bran, etc. However, phytohormones in food products cannot be completely ruled out. You also ask about dairy products - it is worth reaching for this low-fat, natural, and therefore lean cottage cheese, yoghurt with a fat content of no more than 2%. The selection of these products will assist in the maintenance / reduction of body weight. Regards

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Ewa Ceborska-Scheiterbauer

Dietitian. A graduate of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences at the Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumption Sciences, specializing in dietetics. Nutrition specialist in civilization diseases. Answers questions about diet and nutrition during cancer treatment.

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