What should a diet look like for lymphoma chemotherapy? What can you eat and what is not recommended?
Good morning, the diet always depends on the nutritional status of the patient, as well as the side effects of the therapy. There is no one diet that is right for any particular type of cancer. What is worth paying attention to are for sure:
- taking care of maintaining a stable body weight. If your body weight goes down it is a bad sign. You should then increase the energy of meals or, if necessary, add specialized nutritional preparations. The choice of preparations should be agreed with the attending physician.
- during chemotherapy we do not serve raw meat (also undercooked), fish (e.g. sushi) and dishes with raw eggs. Dairy products should be natural and pasteurized (of course, if not for contraindications to its consumption).
- it is also necessary to adequately respond to the side effects of therapy. For example, in the event of a lack of appetite, it is worth taking care of smaller meals, served every 2-3 hours throughout the day. You can also - especially in case of nausea - serve meals at room temperature. Creams with boiled meat and eggs are perfect for this. In the case of a metallic aftertaste in the mouth, you can opt out of using metal cutlery in favor of plastic, etc.
Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.
Ewa Ceborska-ScheiterbauerDietitian. A graduate of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences at the Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumption Sciences, specializing in dietetics. Nutrition specialist in civilization diseases. Answers questions about diet and nutrition during cancer treatment.
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