Even the strongest bones with age become more and more fragile and prone to fracture. However, this process can be delayed. First of all, enrich your diet with fish and calcium-containing products, quit stimulants, especially smoking, and start moving. You won't wait long for the effects.
If you weighed thebonesof a newborn baby, it would turn out to be about 1 kg. Then the skeleton grows, strengthens and weighs 15-20 kg at the age of 20. The strongest bones - the so-called peak bone mass - we reach between 20 and 25 years of age. This high level remains for about 10 years. Then the bones begin to lose weight, an average of 1 percent. weight per year. It is a natural process and lasts for the rest of your life. The rate of bone demineralization may be faster, e.g. in postmenopausal women, people who abuse alcohol. But we can also make it much slower. So how to take care of the bones so that they last as long as possible?
A diet rich in calcium for strong bones
Bones don't like being overweight or obese. Each extra kilogram is an additional burden on the skeletal system. You need to make sure that your BMI (Body Mass Index) does not exceed 25 (you can calculate the BMI by dividing the weight in kilograms by the height in meters squared). What to do to maintain a he althy weight? Eat small meals 5 times a day. Limit animal fats and carbohydrates, eat lots of vegetables, fruits, dairy,fishand low-processed foods (whole grain bread, groats). Reduce s alt to the necessary minimum, as it rinses the preciouscalciumfrom the body. Drink 2 liters of fluids a day (in summer, increase this dose by up to half), preferably still mineral water, green tea and freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. Green tea and juices contain a lot of antioxidants that fight free radicals that destroy e.g. bone tissue. If you are buying ready-made fruit juices, look for those that are enriched with calcium - the basic building block of bones. An adult person needs 1200-1500 mg of calcium per day. Its main source is milk (a glass of milk has approx. 300 mg of calcium) and its products. The daily menu should include 1-2 cups of yogurt (kefir), a glass of milk, a solid slice of white cheese and a smaller yellow cheese. Some vegetables (e.g. broccoli, beans, kohlrabi) and fruits (e.g. figs) also contain calcium. Summer is the season after allfresh vegetables and fruits, so it will be easy to eat a bone-friendly diet.
Note! Preservatives do not work well with calcium. Although products with a lot of them work well during holiday trips (they are convenient, easy to prepare and have a long shelf life), choose fresh dishes.
Vitamin D necessary for bones
Bones also need vitamin D, which increases the absorption of calcium by up to 80%! It is formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. The conclusion is one - we should spend some time in the sun every day. You don't have to lie flat on the beach, a 15-20 minute walk in the park is enough. Better still, some sport or exercise in the open air. Remember that UV rays reach us even when the sky is a bit overcast. Then also enjoy the walk. You will also provide vitamin D to the body, enriching the diet with products that contain it. These include non-fat milk and its products, fish, eggs, and liver. When you spend your vacation by the lake or the sea, you not only have enough sun - you can choose from the fish offer.
ImportantAs it results from many years of medical observations, the bones of Poles are getting weaker and weaker. We "earn" for this state of affairs from early childhood. Parents seat their children too early, encourage them to walk too early, carry them in a poorly profiled stroller and overfeed them. When children are a bit older, they often do not eat properly - their diets are low on dairy products (and therefore calcium), and vegetables and fruits (i.e. vitamins). Their favorite dishes are bars, chips, fries, hamburgers - fatty and s alty foods. They also move too little and spend too little time outdoors and in the sun. Effect? As shown by studies of school students in Łódź, 40 percent. adolescents have bone density on the verge of osteopenia. Their bones are just brittle. As adults, we reproduce childhood mistakes: we move little (e.g. we drive a car almost to the staircase), rarely do any sport, eat anything and everything in a hurry, smoke, drink a lot of coffee, drink alcohol on many occasions … You don't have to wait long for the effects of such carelessness - the problem of osteoporosis is becoming more and more common.
Stimulants harm bones
Do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol, and drink coffee only occasionally. Why? Because these stimulants make calcium escape from the body faster with urine. Also, do not forget that the not-so-bone-friendly caffeine is also found in the so-called energy and cola drinks.
A daily dose of physical activity will strengthen your bones
Don't quitactive rest, because swimming, for example, greatly increases muscle mass, and strong muscles are a great support for weak bones. In addition, you will get flexible and durable joints. Until the age of 60 or so, almost any type of sport can be practiced (unless there are medical contraindications). In summer, run, walk, but also swim, rollerblade or bike, play tennis, basketball, volleyball. And, of course, you can't forget about your daily gymnastics. Try to exercise outdoors. And if not, at least with the window open.
Relaxation and rest also help bones
The time of holidays, holidays is an opportunity for a solid rest. Relaxation also serves our bones. On the one hand, by resting, we do not overload the skeletal system, and on the other, we remove muscle tension that adversely affects the skeletal system. So if you have such an opportunity, rest and sleep as much as you want, because your body will regenerate perfectly then.
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