In the Indian diet, you have to choose three ingredients. However, think carefully beforehand, because you will not be eating anything else for the next week or two. The Indian diet is a diet for persistent people who are not afraid of monotonous nutrition. It has its supporters, but many nutritionists believe that it is not a he althy way to lose weight.
Once upon a time, in the days of the god Brahma, a text was written covering 100,000 verses in thousands of chapters. Since the mere mortal was unable to assimilate them, Brahma shortened the text and made it more accessible. And it might not be a story worth remembering, but it is from this gigantic text and the god Brahma that Ayurvedic philosophy and the diet associated with it took their roots.
The principle of the Indian diet: three-ingredient meals
If there's a dish you love above all else, and it's something less caloric and he althier than Fried Chicken & Chips,diet Indianwill be a paradise on earth for you. And certainly for the first two days, until you get bored of the dish so much that you won't want to look at it again.
The basis of the Indian slimming diet is monogamy. You choose one three-ingredient dish or three separate products. However, if you plan to eat a bar of chocolate, a drink of cola and a bite of jelly beans, then three-product monogamy is not for you. The products must come from different "shelves"food pyramid . And there is no room for any sweets here. So reach for one product from the protein cabinet (e.g. egg or poultry breast), the second from the vegetable one and the third from the fruit one. So zero carbohydrates, minimal fat intake, but unlimited, in any amount.
According to an expertAnna Karwańska, nutritionist from the Institute of VitalityThe Indian diet is based on the principle that food products can support a given type of energy. To ensure your well-being, it is worth reaching for sathwic foods, i.e. strengthening and supplementing types of energy. The aim is to obtain the best type of energy known as sattwaguna. Foods with a strong sathwic effect that we lack on a daily basis are legume sprouts, as well as nuts, seeds, raw vegetables, including lettuce. It does have a similar tonic effect tooclean water.
It is also worth mentioning that the basic principle of the Indian diet is to obtain spiritual balance through proper eating. People whose mind is in a chaotic state are said to be filled with rajoguna, which means attachment to external factors and addiction to consumption. They are characterized by excessive and immoderate consumption of dairy products. According to the rules of the Indian diet, food such as wine or meat can lead to dullness, lethargy and apathy.
Eating certain foods from your chosen balancing energy group aims to change your habits and balance your senses. All joys and sorrows come from the senses. Just as a rush of thoughts promotes chaos and nervousness, so too much food leads to shocks and deregulation. Eating foods from the sathwic group helps to restore emotional, spiritual and body he alth.
Indian diet rule: decent breakfast
Although eating only three products for a week may seem a bit murderous, it should be comforted to mention that in the past four weeks in India, pregnant women in the last four weeks before the planned delivery ate only one dish.
And so, as part of the Indian diet, for breakfast you can eat grated carrots with apples and a few slices of poultry sausage, chicken breast with baked apples for dinner, and carrots for dinner, but cooked with chicken. Only three products and what room for maneuver. It doesn't have to be bland and boring.
One of the main principles of the diet is a decent breakfast. If you don't like apples, take a banana. Add it to the bran and pour over the yogurt. Before lunch, you can also drink a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice (not necessarily banana) or a few glasses of vegetable juice. But what to eat for dinner in this case? Bran baked under a banana - this does not sound good even to the most persistent. So you can compose a mega portion of fruit salad with a banana in the main role, with the addition of, for example, cooked turkey and crisp bread.
The principle of the Indian diet: lunch is the basis
According to Ayurvedic guidelines, each meal should contain a set of six flavors: sweet, sour, s alty, spicy, bitter and tart. But how can this be achieved with a minimum number of products? The secret is in the spices. The point is not to combine many products, but to season them skillfully. Thanks to this, you do not clutter the digestive system and do not weaken the metabolic process.
To maintain the effect of the Indian slimming diet, it's worth sticking tothe following rules to protect you from the yo-yo effect. First of all, an early breakfast is not very important in Ayurveda, because a proper dose of energy should be provided by a night's sleep. However, do not delay your lunch. The best time for your first big meal is 12-13. Although scientists have recently proved that whether we eat during the day or at night is practically irrelevant to our weight, Indians try not to eat after 7 p.m.