Meet 11 interesting games and activities on the beach for children and adults, thanks to which you will diversify your stay at the seaside, and at the same time burn some calories and improve your fitness.
Beachis the perfect place forgames and activitieswith family or friends.On the beachwe can run, jump, do flips, and when we get tired, cool down quickly in the sea water. The sand base is soft and absorbs shocks, sobeach gamesrarely cause injuries. An additional benefit ofhaving fun on the beachis more intense work of muscles than on paved surfaces - moving on the sand you get tired faster, but at the same time we strengthen muscles more effectively and burn more calories.
If you rest by the sea in the summer, give up blissful laziness on a sun lounger and find out about interesting beach games for children and adults.
1. Beach tennis
Beach tennis is a combination of tennis, volleyball and badminton. The players play on the court divided by a net 170 cm high. The rackets are smaller, have no strings, usually made of wood, and the balls are softer. Beach tennis is always played in pairs and the object of the game is - as in the case of badminton or volleyball - for the ball to fall onto the opponent's court. Points are counted as in tennis.
In a simplified version, you do not need a net or a pitch to play beach tennis - you just need to bounce the ball with the rackets. The game set (2 paddles + ball) costs from a dozen or so zlotys.
2. Race with water
No tools are needed for this fun beach game. It is enough to draw a long line on the seashore, where the waves reach. Competitors stand between the line and the water. The goal of the game is to stay in the designated zone as long as possible before the feet are flooded with waves. The last person to cross the line wins. This way you can play a mini-tournament, e.g. up to 10 points - the winner of the round gets 1 point, the first one to 10 points wins the whole game.
See also: Training on the beach - slimming exercises on the sand
3. Playing boules (petanka)
Petanka (Frenchpétanque ) is a French gameescort originating from Provence, known at least from the beginning of the 20th century. In the game we have 6 steel balls (Frenchboule- ball) with a diameter of 70.5 to 80 mm and a wooden ball with a diameter of 30 mm calledcochonnet, meaning "piglet" (called a pig in Poland). The players throw bullets so that their ball is as close to the pig as possible. You can play in three configurations:
- single - only two players play, they have 3 boules each;
- doublets - a game of two players on each team, each person has 3 balls;
- triplets - a game of three players on each team, each with 2 balls.
The problem is that the players throw to the pig from a predetermined circle with a diameter of approx. 40 cm. The next throws are made by the players of the team whose balls are further from the wooden ball. You get as many points for the game as you put your balls closer to the pig. The first person or team to score 13 points wins the match.
Petanka is not a cheap game - a set of good quality steel bullets costs from 200 zlotys upwards. Chinese production balls are also available, the set of which can be purchased for about PLN 40.

4. Throwing the ring at the target
Another game that works well on the beach is throwing the ring at the target. All we have to do is take a longer stick and put it vertically in the sand. A few meters from the stick, draw a line behind which the players are standing and try to throw the ring so that the stick is in the center of the ring. In sports stores, there are ready-made kits for this game, which consist of wooden posts and rings (most often plastic), which are thrown at the target. Each bar has a different score. The cost of such a set is about PLN 60.
See also: Scooter for adults - advantages of riding a scooter
5. Frisbee
Frisbee is a flying plastic disc. The game is to throw a disc towards you and catch it. It can be difficult to give the plate such a path that it goes straight into the hands of the other player. Sometimes, to reach the incoming disc, you need to run a few meters quickly, or even fall on the sand and catch the disc while it is flying.
We can also play Frisbee standing waist-deep in the sea - the resistance of the water will also make the game more difficult.
Playing Frisbee is a lot of fun, and at the same time it is child's play. You can buy a plastic plate for as little as PLN 30 and take it with you wherever you go. However, you can throw the disc only on days when there is no wind, because it is very light and gives up easilygusts of air. During more turbulent weather, a rubber ringo will be better.
6. Ringo
Ringo is a rubber hoop that flies like a Frisbee, but is heavier and easier to throw. Playing ringo is the same as throwing a plastic disc - we pass the hoop towards ourselves, setting the object in motion around its axis.
Ringo is also a type of team game played on a court divided by a net. There are two players in one team, and their goal is to throw the hoop in such a way that the item falls onto the opponent's field. The game comprehensively strengthens the whole body, improves condition, agility and develops motor coordination. It was invented by a Pole, fencer Włodzimierz Strzyżewski. It has existed as a team sport since 1973.
7. Hammer in the water
I think everyone played dodgeball at school - it's worth playing dodgeball on the beach. Just like in the game on land, we split into two teams and throw the ball at each other. The winner is the one whose members are the first to capture all their opponents. To avoid crashing, you can dive, hide in any way you want under water.
This will be useful to youPlaying on the beach is a great opportunity to get an even, natural tan. Unlike lying on a towel, when we move, the sun tans us on all sides, which is why the skin turns brown evenly. What's more, while playing, time passes faster, we don't feel any burning on our skin, so the golden shade appears instantly.
Of course, tanning the skin so quickly carries a greater risk of burns, so use high sunscreen (at least 30 SPF) when playing at the beach. Also remember to reapply the cream each time you enter the water.
8. Beach volleyball
On many beaches you can find ready-made volleyball courts. Then you only need to get a good ball. Contrary to indoor volleyball, the beach version assumes the participation of a smaller number of participants (minimum 2 people in the team, but you can actually play with 12 people). Playing volleyball on the beach can make you sweat and rush, especially when playing with only one partner.
If you do not find a ready-made pitch on the beach, you can buy a portable beach volleyball set. It consists of two posts, a retractable net, tapes to mark the field and pegs to attach them. The assembly is very simple, and the net and playing field have the same dimensions as a professional pitch. You can buy such a set for around PLN 320.
9. Limbo
Limbo is a party game in which any number of players can take part. Two people are holding in betweenat a certain height with a stick. The task is apparently simple - the point is to walk under the pole while bending backwards. In each round, the leaders lower the height at which the stick is suspended. Whoever falls - is out of the game. The only person who manages to pass the obstacle at the lowest height wins.
To be good at limbo, you need to have very strong legs and buttocks to keep your balance and not to fall backwards.
10. Catch Ball (ball with velcro pads)
The game is about throwing and catching a ball that sticks to the velcro disc. It's easier to play than with beach tennis or Frisbee, so it's perfect for kids. For a catach ball, however, you must have a set of two discs and a special ball - the cost is not high, it amounts to a dozen or so zlotys.
11. Beach soccer
Equivalent to traditional football. As with volleyball, additional equipment is needed to play - two goals and a ball. These can be mini-gates for easy portability.
The official rules of the game say that each beach soccer team should consist of 4 players and a goalkeeper. The pitch area is a rectangle measuring 35-37 m long and 26-28 m wide. Beach soccer goals are smaller than in "traditional" football - 2.2 meters high and 5.5 meters wide. The edges of the playing area are marked with lines made of colored tape. The entire match lasts 36 minutes and is divided into 12-minute periods. It is allowed to touch the ball with any part of the body, except the hands.