Children not only have a lot of fun cooking together and give them a lot of fun (little ones love to mix, roll the dough and make balls). An additional advantage of cooking with children is that they are more likely to eat their meals. See recipes for simple dishes that can be prepared with a preschooler, first-grade student and a little older child.
Before you startcooking with your child , choose a recipe together for a dish that will not be difficult for a little cook to prepare. The most important thing is for your child to be able to actively participate in cooking, not just watch an adult do it, as they will quickly get bored of it. Ask your child what they would like to cook - it will give them self-confidence and the feeling that you take their opinion into account.
Before you start, make sure that your child has easy access to the worktop (sit, for example, on a stable high stool. Wash your hands, prepare all the necessary equipment and put on aprons. You are ready to go!

Cooking with a preschooler: recipe for baked apples with jam
You need:
A few nice, equal-sized apples, honey, 1/4 cube of butter, your favorite fruit jam, an apple hollowing tool, a deep baking tray.
- Wash the apples together with your child. Then, hollow the fruit out of the fruit.
- Put a little honey and a teaspoon of jam together into the hollow apples.
- Give your baby a piece of butter to handle. Let it smear the bottom of the sheet with it.
- Pour a little water on the bottom so that the apples do not burn during baking and help your child place the apples on the baking tray.
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Bake the fruit for about 40 minutes, occasionally sprinkling the bottom of the pan with the sauce. Baked apples are ready to eat as soon as they have cooled down a little.
Cooking with a 7-year-old: a recipe for oatmeal cookies with cranberries
You need:
25 grams of mountain oats, 1 tablespoon of butter (melted), a pinch of s alt, 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, half a cup of boiling water,a handful of your favorite delicacies, e.g. dried cranberries.
- Pour oatmeal, s alt, baking soda and dried fruit into a bowl. Add butter and mix thoroughly. You can make an agreement with your child that he adds ingredients and you mix them thoroughly.
- Add the boiling water, stirring constantly, until a firm mass is formed.
- Knead the dough with your hands to make the mass smoother and more uniform.
- Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Line the baking tray with baking paper.
- Together with your child, make small balls of the dough, and after placing them on the baking tray, flatten them so that they form round cookies.
- Bake the cookies for 15-20 minutes (until the edges turn golden).
Cooking with a 10-year-old: chicken patties with mushrooms
You need:
250 dkg of chicken breast, 75 g of cheese, 75 g of mushrooms, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of flour, s alt, pepper, breadcrumbs for frying, clarified butter for frying.
- Finely dice the chicken breast. During this time, the child can grate the cheese on a large-mesh grater.
- Wash the mushrooms together with your child and chop the mushrooms finely.
- Most of the following activities can be performed by the child practically by himself (of course under close supervision). Put the chicken, mushrooms and cheese into a bowl and mix. Then (this is one of the most difficult tasks for a young chef to perform) we put an egg into the bowl. After that, all you have to do is s alt, add flour and a little pepper. Mix thoroughly.
- Now the most enjoyable activity - something that probably all children like to do, i.e. molding balls and forming chops from them.
Finally, simply roll each ball in breadcrumbs and fry in hot butter - this should be done by an adult.
Enjoy your meal!
Do you know any other ideas for dishes that can be cooked with children? Share them in the comments below the article.