In a microwave oven, you can cook a refined dinner and even bake a cake in no time. Dishes prepared in this way are tasty and he althy. Find out how to choose a microwave and what to use it for.

Do you only use it forreheating ? You don't know what a modernmicrowave ovencan do and how to use it safely? Time to change it!

Read: Practical tips for microwave cooking

The microwave ovenis an indispensable device for people who live actively and do not have time to cook. It also makes life easier for singles, as it allows you to prepare small portions in a short time. But these are not the end of the advantages: those who take their first steps in the kitchen can even cook complicated dishes in the microwave.
Are you afraid that the electromagnetic waves sent by the stove are harmful? Unnecessarily! Scientists reassure that the design of the stove protects us from the harmful effects of microwaves on the body. Also, the energy with which they act on food is too small to change the structure of the molecules, so in this respect, too, the microwave is safe. Nutritionists have pointed out that some dishes cooked in a microwave oven provide more valuable nutrients than conventionally cooked or fat-fried.
Before making your choice, think about what you want from the oven. Will it be used only for heating and defrosting dishes, or for baking, and how many people will use it?

Microwave oven - the magic power of microwaves

Unlike a conventional gas or electric stove, where the pot heats up first, the microwave produces heat in the food itself. The microwaves are only approx. 2 cm deep, heating the outside of the food. The rest is heated thanks to the spreading heat. That is why it is so important to mix the food.


Pots and pans made of stainless steel, copper, aluminum, enameled cast iron, ordinary aluminum foil (reflect microwaves and prevent heat generation) are not suitable for microwave ovens. They may damage the oven over time. It is better to give up dishes with silver or gold decorations, as they can get damaged.

Stoves have powerfixed or adjustable microwave oven. The greater the power, the more waves are involved in heating. If you want to cook more food with the same power, you need to extend the heating time. There is a universal rule: twice the amount of the product requires twice as much time. Before using the stove for the first time, study the instructions. There you will find information on the power and time of heating some dishes.
The simplest microwaves are perfect for defrosting, heating and cooking, but they cannot be frying or baking. To provide minimal browning of the food, special glass-ceramic dishes have been invented with a metal oxide layer on the bottom. The empty dish should be preheated in the oven at full power, and then put in, for example, pieces of roast. Such dishes can be used as ordinary dishes for microwave ovens, but then they should not be heated beforehand.

Microwave oven for special tasks

Toasting and baking enable the so-called combination cookers. They differ from ordinary microwave ovens in that they are additionally equipped with an upper and lower heater, a fan that allows the circulation of heated air (known from traditional ovens) and a grill. The advantage of such cookers is that they can be freely combined with different heating methods. This shortens the preparation time, the food has a browned crust and is juicier than baked in an oven or on a spit.
Our tip: The combination of microwaves and heating with heating elements works well for baking cakes and cooking low-fat dishes (e.g. rice baked with vegetables). The microwave grill is irreplaceable for making casseroles and roasts. Food that requires a short grilling, such as vegetables, only grill, without having to use the microwaves, as they will be ready to eat before they brown. Use air circulating microwaves for soufflés and casseroles with a lot of sauce and fatty meat.

Select the vessel

For simple microwave ovens, all glass and porcelain dishes are ideal, because they heat up only slightly from hot food. Earthenware dishes also work well, provided that the glaze they are covered with does not contain any admixture of metal compounds, and clay ones without glaze. Because pottery cookware absorbs a certain amount of moisture, it becomes hot during cooking, so remember to remove it with gloves. In earthenware dishes, food needs to be heated for 2-3 minutes longer than in other dishes, but the food will slowly cool down.
The microwave oven works well with plastic dishes resistant totemperature 65 ° C. Look for cookware that says "microwave safe." Some of them can be frozen, thawed and warmed up.
Only heat-resistant cookware (glass, earthenware, porcelain) may be used in combination microwave ovens. Not all plastic dishes that work well in a simple microwave are suitable for a combined one, so pay attention to the permissible temperature. Plastic cookware and baking bags are generally not suitable for grilling food. However, made of heat-resistant foil, they can be used for baking with heaters or circulating air. The bag should not be closed with metal clips, because this is where it will melt. Bake in a black or silicone tray.
A vessel that does not have its own lid can be covered with a transparent foil with holes (special for microwave ovens) or an ordinary, but heat-resistant foil - then it needs to be punctured so that steam can escape through the openings.
Choose low cookware (microwaves penetrate the food faster and cooking faster) and round and oval (food cooks evenly in them).

Our tip: Not sure if the dish is microwave safe? Make a simple test. Put the empty pan in the oven at full power for half a minute. If it is hot when removed, it is not suitable for microwave cooking.

No loss of vitamins

Foods cooked in the microwave require less cooking time than in the traditional way, so they retain more of the heat-sensitive nutrients, e.g. vitamin C. They are also richer in vitamins B1 and A.
Due to The fact that most dishes are cooked in a microwave oven with steam or a little water, the valuable vitamins and minerals are not poured out with the water. Another plus is that many dishes do not require the addition of fat. Therefore, food from the microwave is easily digestible and less caloric.
Foods cooked in a microwave oven retain their natural flavor and aroma to a great extent. Therefore, s alt them sparingly, and only after cooking. S alt restriction has a positive effect on our he alth, mainly on the cardiovascular system and kidneys. Food defrosted in a microwave oven has better taste and greater nutritional value.
Our tip: We often heat ready-made meals (deep-frozen or refrigerated) in microwave ovens. Nutritionists pay attention not to overdo eating industrially prepared dishes, because they contain various chemicals and preservatives. Let us reach for them only in "emergency" situations, when we really do notwe have time to prepare something ourselves.

You must do it

What to look for when choosing a cooker?

  • Power. If the cooker is to be used only for quick heating or defrosting, 700 W is enough. But when you also use it, choose a higher power.
  • Capacity. You can heat up or defrost small portions in a small oven. But you will need a larger or semi-circular chamber to make a pizza.
  • Control. Automatic is more convenient than mechanical (most cookers work this way). All you need to do is select the type of dish, enter the approximate weight and choose e.g. cooking or defrosting, and the device will automatically adjust the power and time. In the latest generation microwave ovens, the so-called intelligent control. You don't have to choose the type of food. You only set the appropriate function, e.g. cooking.
  • Loading door lock. The ovens turn off automatically when the door is opened, even during cooking. However, if you have small children, choose a microwave with a door lock function or one in which you can lock them with a combination of keys.
