VI edition of the SGH Run is coming soon - it is a great opportunity to spend your free time actively, and above all to do something good, because the event is organized for a good cause.

The SGH run is currently the largest student street run in Poland. The 6th edition starts on April 28, 2022 in Warsaw.

The collected funds will be used to treat 3-year-old Teoś, who has been suffering from muscle laxity, bone dysplasia and dwarfism since birth. The boy cannot develop physically like his peers. It was only after undergoing a few complicated surgeries that he started learning to walk.

This year there will be another operation that will give Teodorek a chance for a better life. However, its cost exceeds the financial capacity of parents - all help is needed. Teoś dreams about walking, so run with us and help make this dream come true!

Run route

The routes of the run will be led along the streets of Mokotów. Adults have a choice of two certified distances: 5 and 10 km. The organizers also thought about children and a 1.1 km long route will be prepared especially for them. Traditionally, participants will also be able to relax in the Running Village full of attractions, which will be located at the Warsaw School of Economics, in the Rector's Gardens.

Support for athletes

Due to its charitable nature, the SGH Run is willingly supported by athletes such as Julia Kotecka-Nerek, Łukasz Oskierko, Mateusz Jasiński, Angelika Cichocka, Joanna Kajstura, Wojciech Kopeć and Marcin Suski. The portal also supports charity initiatives and became the Media Patron of the 6th edition of the SGH Run.

Registration for helping by running has already started! The prices of adult starter packages range from 45 to 55 PLN (depending on the date of purchase), and for a child - 20 PLN.

Information on the website and on Facebook.

We cordially invite you to participate!
