The belly diet for a woman is slightly different from the belly diet for the opposite sex. First of all, there are elements to avoid flatulence. What should a belly diet look like for a woman?
Belly diet for a womaniseffectiveif you do not forget to increase physical exertion - if your goal is not a belly like a radiator, it doesn't have to be a gym 7 times a week, a daily walk is enough, a swimming pool twice a week.
Diet for a flat stomach for a woman: do it necessarily
- reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed (sugar, sweets, cakes, wheat flour, white bread, pasta, fruit and fruit juices) and fats
- increase the amount of products containing fiber (coarse-grained bread, groats, dark pasta, brown rice, oatmeal, raw vegetables)
- the source of protein should be mostly cooked or grilled lean meat or fish.
- eat small amounts 4-5 times a day so that the interval between meals does not exceed 3 hours, preferably at regular times
- Drink at least 6-8 glasses of still mineral water every day.
Rules for a flat stomach diet for a woman
- drink yoghurts with live bacteria cultures - they balance the intestinal flora by limiting gas production, and also prevent bloating and constipation
- avoid heavily s alted foods (they keep water in the body)
- do not use fluffing vegetables (e.g. beans, peas, broad beans, cabbage, onions)
- do not drink carbonated drinks (carbon dioxide inflates the stomach),
- avoid sucking caramels and chewing gum (you swallow a lot of air then)
- remember about herbs that accelerate digestion and relieve gas - incl. marjoram, mustard, pepper
- drink infusions of mint, chamomile, dill; if you are prone to gas, take soothing preparations (e.g. Espumisan, Boldo vera, Esputicon).
Belly diet for a woman: unlimited products
- all vegetables
- sprouts
- poultry
- whole grains
- chicken protein
- garlic
- skim dairy products
- lean meats
- fruit - melons, berries,
- large amounts of water
- herbal teas
Belly diet for a woman: limited amount of products
- olives
- olive oil
- avocado
- almonds
- peanuts
- spices
- honey and maple syrup
- fruit and vegetable juices
- caffeine
Belly diet for a woman: products in small amounts
- cream
- butter
- cheese
- sauces
- white flour products
- chocolate
- offal
- red meat
- alcohol
Diet for a belly for a woman: prohibited products
- fatty meats
- blue cheese
- fast food
- sweets