The diet of Dr. Dąbrowska is a two-stage weight loss program, the purpose of which is to cleanse the body of toxins and restore its internal balance. The weight loss is a side effect of the diet. This kind of healing fast involves eating certain vegetables and fruits in small amounts. Check what are the rules of Dr. Dąbrowska's diet and what you can and can't eat while using a slimming treatment?
Dr Dąbrowska's dietis a two-stepcleansing vegetable and fruit treatment . The first stage is therapeutic fasting, which lasts a few or a dozen, and if necessary, even several dozen days. The second stage is a he althy diet based on low-processed products, typical of our latitude.
Who is Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska?
Ewa Dąbrowska is a doctor of medical sciences. For years she was an assistant professor at the Medical Academy (today the Medical University) in Gdańsk. While writing her doctoral dissertation on the importance of immunological disorders in cutaneous late porphyria, she became interested in the role of nutrition in the treatment of civilization diseases and began relevant research. As a result, she developed an innovative vegetable and fruit diet that detoxifies the body and supports its own self-healing mechanisms. She is the author of many scientific works and books promoting the so-called Daniel's diet.
Dr Dąbrowska's diet - what is it about? The rules of the vegetable and fruit diet
The vegetable and fruit diet of Dr. Dąbrowska is in facthealing fast , which is supposed to cleanse and strengthen the proper functioning of the body. After completing your detoxification treatment, you should go on a he althy diet based on vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes.
According to Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska, it is possible to restore the body's ability to heal itself, if we clean it thoroughly. And along with the accumulated deposits, you can also get rid of excess body fat. Vegetables and fruits are foods rich in natural antioxidants. They support repair processes and have a cleansing, healing and rejuvenating effect on all cells of our body. Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska's diet is low-calorie, and scientific research shows that reducing the energy of meals is an effective method of extending life,prevent cancer and other serious diseases.
Hunger is supposed to start internal digestion, the so-called endogenous, by discontinuing building and high-energy foods - proteins, fats, quickly absorbed carbohydrates. Thanks to this, the body gets rid of worthless deposits and degenerated tissues, because it uses them as a source of energy. And so, first it begins to digest excess body fat and unnecessary cells: diseased, damaged, mutated and those in which toxins and heavy metals are accumulated. In this way, we get rid of everything that interferes with the proper functioning of the body, and the natural mechanisms of self-healing begin to work.
According to Dr. Dąbrowska, as a result of a diet rich in processed and full of chemicals, the intestines become leaky and allow particles of digested food to pass, "clogging" the immune system, which ceases to recognize threats, especially those that develop over the years: atherosclerosis, cancer, joint degeneration. Vegetable and fruit therapy is therefore to seal the intestines thanks to the fact that its microflora changes.
The advantages of Dr. Dąbrowska's diet
This diet is not burdensome and does not require great discipline. Rather, it is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, such as constant sucking in the stomach, trembling hands, drowsiness. The necessity to crunch and chew for a long time in most raw and semi-raw products makes meals last a long time and we get the impression that we are constantly eating.
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Find out moreWho is Dr. Dąbrowska's diet for?
The diet of Dr. Dąbrowska is a weight loss program whose most important goal is to cleanse the body of toxins and restore its internal balance. Shedding extra pounds happens "incidentally", but usually quite quickly. Dr. Dąbrowska's diet is therefore intended not only for people struggling with overweight and obesity, but also for those complaining of various ailments. The greatest he alth benefits, according to Dr. Dąbrowska, will be achieved by people:
- with weakened immunity, and as a result often catching bacterial, viral, fungal infections, suffering from allergies, asthma, food intolerances, migraine, muscle pain, hepatitis, dry eye syndrome, acne, autoimmune diseases, e.g. rheumatism, Hashimoto's disease, psoriasis;
- with neurological conditions such ase.g. memory disorders, various types of neurosis, agitation, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, ischemic strokes;
- with hormonal problems, e.g. suffering from menstrual disorders, menopausal symptoms, hypothyroidism and nodules, excess estrogen or prolactin, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids;
- with the so-called metabolic syndrome X, which affects patients with obesity, hypertension, edema, type 2 diabetes (if it requires insulin administration, only in hospital), coronary artery disease, thrombosis.
Strengthening the general condition, more energy, improving the quality of sleep, rejuvenation, improving memory, association and mood - these are the most noticeable effects of Dr. Dąbrowska's diet. After its completion, the most important systems of the body should work better: the immune, nervous and endocrine systems.
Dr Dąbrowska's diet - stage one: detoxification. What can you eat?
The first stage of Dr. Dąbrowska's vegetable and fruit diet may last, depending on the needs, from several days to several weeks (usually 10-40 days), you eat about 600 kcal per day.
During a cleansing fast, you can eat only LOW-GAUGE VEGETABLES of the following species:
- root (e.g. carrots, beets, radishes)
- cruciferous (e.g. cauliflower, broccoli)
- onion (e.g. onion, leek)
- leafy (e.g. lettuce, all kinds of herbs)
- cucurbits (e.g. squash, cucumbers)
- nightshade (except potatoes - tomatoes, peppers)
- apples
- blueberries
- grapefruit
- lemons
Vegetables are best eaten raw in the form of salads and salads. They can also be cooked and eaten in the form of soup, aleo, stew, but without the addition of fat, cream or yoghurt. During the cleansing treatment, you should drink 2-3 liters of fluids: water (necessarily low-mineralized), fruit and vegetable juices and cocktails, herbal and fruit teas.
Prohibited productsis:
- white sugar
- white flour
- highly processed products.
Dr. Dąbrowska warns that at this stage of the diet, short-term "recovery crises" may appear, which are the result of detoxifying the body. People using the treatment may complain of general weakness, headaches, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. The crisis should not last more than 3 days. If after this time symptoms persist or worsen, consult a doctor.
Quitting Dr. Dąbrowska's diet should last at least as much as detoxing, preferably twicelonger.
Dr Dąbrowska's diet - stage two: quitting the diet. What can you eat?
After cleansing the body, Dr. Dąbrowska recommends changing your eating habits and switching to a he althy, balanced diet in which the attitude will not only include vegetables and fruits from the first stage of the diet, but also other fruits and vegetables (including legumes), groats and grains, wholemeal bread, nuts and dairy products.
Dr Dąbrowska's diet - what cannot be eaten?
Dr. Dąbrowska advises against consuming all highly processed products that contain a large amount of preservatives:
- sweets
- jams
- white flour products
- yellow cheese
- meat, sausages and kabanos sausages
- coffee and tea
- alcohol
- carbonated drinks
- s alty snacks
- artificially colored products
- powdered food
Toxin warehouse
Harmful substances that reach our body from the outside, as well as by-products of the metabolic process accumulate in various tissues and poison them. Where are they mostly deposited?
- In adipose tissue . It is located under the skin, but also around internal organs (heart, liver, kidneys, intestines) and in the muscles. If its amount is correct (up to 20% of body weight), there is little need to worry. But the more of it, the more harmful substances accumulate in it.
- In the digestive tract . The metabolism deals with a certain amount of toxins, but their excess enters the bloodstream and contributes to systemic poisoning.
- In connective tissue . It accounts for as much as 80% of the body weight. Toxic substances can accumulate and are difficult to get rid of.
- In body fluids and in the mucosa that line the sinuses and the entire respiratory system.
Dr Dąbrowska's diet - a sample daily menu
Breakfast : carrot juice, salad: tomato, pickled cucumber, celery; white cabbage salad with apple; boiled beetroot, mint tea; apple juice.
Lunch : cucumber soup; stewed peppers stuffed with vegetables; red cabbage salad with grapefruit; boiled cauliflower; apple compote (with cloves without sugar).
Dinner : warm apple sauce, carrot and apple salad; boiled white cabbage; tomato juice, rose tea. (according to "Save the body and spirit with nutrition" by Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska)
What is your daily caloric requirement? Check it out!
Dr Dąbrowska's diet - contraindications
Dr Dąbrowska's diet, like other fasts, is thereexcluded in the case of pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents, people who are underweight. People suffering from type 1 diabetes, tuberculosis, cancer, hyperthyroidism, kidney, heart, respiratory system and liver failure, as well as avitaminosis cannot afford even one day of fasting. Contraindications are also infectious and genetic diseases, depression, anorexia and bulimia. It is best to consult your doctor before starting the diet.
On very low-calorie diets, we notice the side effects of drugs more often. Therefore, if you are going to fast, tell your doctor about the measures you are taking.
This will be useful to youStay with Dr. Dąbrowska's diet
Detailed recommendations can be found in the author's book, but it is worth knowing that many holiday centers and sanatoriums offer stays with this program in mind. This has many advantages, because it is easier to avoid mistakes when composing meals, and it is easier to use the care of specialists.
- SOFRA He alth Institute, 58-540 Karpacz, ul. Zaciszna 2, phone: 75 74 28 857
- He alth Holiday Center "U Zbója", 83-316 Gołubie, ul. Wczasowa 29, tel. (58) 684-36-57
- WALDTOUR-REVITA Kashubian Center for He alth Promotion, 83-316 Gołubie, ul. see Dambka 4, tel. (58) 684-37-87
- Rehabilitation and He alth Center "U Haliny", 83-316 Gołubie, ul. Świerkowa, tel. (58) 685-20-07
- SOFRA He alth Institute, 76-032 Mielno - Unieście, ul. Chełmońskiego 2, tel. (94) 31-89-264
The centers listed here are the only centers under the patronage of Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska, where she conducts lectures and medical consultations only for patients. Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska is not the owner of any center.
The text uses excerpts from the article by Joanna Kochańska from the monthly "Zdrowie".
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