What is the best training for a teenager? When the virtual world is tempting, lessons often last until evening, childhood obesity increases from year to year. In the past, additional general development exercises for young people might seem like an exaggeration, but now they are even a necessity. Of course, training for a 13-year-old and a 14-year-old will be different than for older children. So let's get acquainted with the proper activity for teenagers and learn the correct movement patterns, correct their body posture and build a strong and fit body.
Exercises for adolescents can not only make their bodies he althy and strong, but also strengthen their psyche, shape their character and develop patterns and motor habits that will guide them for years.
The latest HBSC (He alth Behavior in School-aged Children) survey from 2022 shows that only 21 percent of girls and 24 percent of 11-year-old boys undertake one hour of planned physical activity each day, as recommended by the World Organization He alth. It is not better with older children. Among older children, self-esteem has a decisive influence on undertaking physical activity. 54 percent children from grades IV-VIII do not undertake specific activities due to poor self-assessment of their skills (according to the Active MultiSport Schools program research).
Read more: Physical fitness of children in Poland
During adolescence, a teenager goes through a difficult period, both mentally and physically. Training will allow him to unload his negative emotions, learn patience and calmness, get rid of complexes and improve the work of the mind and regenerate the body.
Check how and how much a teenager should exercise to achieve positive results and not hurt himself.
Training for a teenager - should a teenager exercise?
Nowadays, training in the gym or practicing sports for recreational purposes is something completely normal and common. Everyone trains - older and younger, but will physical training be appropriate for each of us? In the age of the Internet, almost everyone has access to its content - teenagers and younger children as well. What to do when a teenager wants to start exercising and is it really a good idea?
Unfortunately, in most cases we have a sedentary lifestyle and maybe that is why we are interested in sport inPoland is growing year by year. This is no wonder, physical exercise improves the quality of life, and those who do not do them quickly may feel the effect of lack of exercise on their skin. A sedentary lifestyle also applies to children.
Lessons end later and later, and most of the extracurricular activities, unfortunately, also require sitting. In addition, there is sitting at a desk at homework, driving to school by car and lying on the couch with a tablet or phone. That's why playing sports and exercising is a must, even for teenagers!
Of course, it's good to use common sense everywhere and not go to extremes. The best physical effort for a teenager is cross fit, functional training and physical exercises that evenly strengthen the whole body, e.g. full body workout or tbc. Team sports, running, hiking or swimming will also be a good solution. The most important thing is to develop the correct movement patterns and teach the body what it was created for - to move.
Training for a teenager - how often to exercise?
How much a teenager should exercise depends on how much exercise he or she gets on a daily basis and on his or her he alth condition. Teenagers who have a lot of exercise on a daily basis - actively participate in physical education classes, go to additional sks and do not spend all days in front of the computer, do not have to worry about their physical activity. On the other hand, children who avoid sports should be interested in this topic all the more, because it will be a good prognosis for the future.
As a general rule, physical training should take place three to a maximum of five times a week. This rule also applies to a teenager. Each organism must have time to regenerate. Between workouts, we should have time to rest, and the given muscle parts should not be trained day after day.
However, a single training unit should last no more than 1.5 hours. Time is also dependent on age - if we are dealing with older children, they can exercise a little longer, but if a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child is involved in the training, the exercise time should not exceed an hour. Of course, this is only a theory and will not always apply. The most important thing is to remember about common sense and observe safety, but at the same time not to be afraid of physical activity in your child - he althy movement will bring only positive effects for him.
Training for a teenager - what kind of exercise is good at this age?
The ideal exercises for teenagers are the ones thattrain the basic movement patterns of the body and evenly strengthen muscle strength and build the figure.
The best training for teenagers is primarily total body conditioning, full body workout or cross fit training.
Team games, aerobics classes, swimming or just jogging will also work great. It is important that a teenager has plenty of he althy and body-safe movement.
Training for a teenager - never do that!
There is no doubt that general development exercises for young people are a fantastic idea, but as everywhere else, unexpected extremes and negative effects can occur here too. A teenager can certainly get lost in the approach to training, diet and a he althy lifestyle. Nowadays, the Internet is flooded with photos of exaggerated fit figures, and everywhere calls for exercise and dangerous starvation, even at the expense of their own he alth.
A toxic approach to training can have a devastating effect on youth he alth and even life. If the child starves himself, trains too much, does not take care of sleep and regeneration, and, most of all, loses himself in his own reflection in the mirror - it may have the opposite effect than intended. If he achieves something with this approach, it will only be in the short term and not without consequences.
An exhausted, stressed and malnourished organism, if not immediately, will make itself felt later in life. The consequences will be hormonal problems, eating disorders, mental illness, fluctuations in weight and mood, autoimmune diseases, thyroid and heart problems, and even serious cancers!
Harmony and balance must reign everywhere, especially in a he althy lifestyle. If a teenager wants to train, he can only do it if he is equipped with two of the most important components of long-term effects - patience and responsibility.
Only this approach guarantees success not only in sports, but also in life. What's more, you have to remember that training is primarily about he alth and a strong psyche, not a beautiful body - it is only a side effect. If we exercise only for a slim figure, our goal will be very fragile. The body changes every day, it cannot be carved like plasticine. Sometimes we have a flat stomach, and sometimes we have a protruding stomach - it is impossible to change a person's physiognomy, you have to love it and accept it, and then, as if by the touch of a magic wand, our body will be beautiful with us.
Training exercises not only the body, but also the character - it teaches perseverance, toughens the spirit, gives strength, teaches not to give up, and also shows what it means to be consistent and systematic.If a teenager takes advantage of physical activity properly, he will have a chance for a great life lesson.
Training for a teenager - do you need a trainer for teens?
Training with a professional trainer in the gym is a great idea! Then we will be sure that the activity will be selected for a specific case, and the teenager will certainly learn the correct technique and training principles.
If your child has already acquired some sports experience, he or she may try to exercise at home on their own. In adolescence, nothing prevents a child from exercising independently. However, this should be monitored by parents from time to time, and the materials he uses should be well checked.
Training for a teenager - the perfect training for every teenager!
The following training will be a great exercise choice for any teenager who wants to get a little more exercise. Training primarily teaches and supports the basic human movement patterns, increases muscle strength, shapes the figure, fights excess body fat and increases the oxygen capacity of the body. Thanks to regular exercise, blood circulation improves, the heart, brain and other internal organs work better, and the body becomes stronger and more efficient.
Functional training is recommended to be performed 3-4 times a week. The training covers one circuit, but after a week of regular training, it can be extended by two circuits, and after a few weeks by three.
1. Bird-dogBird-dog is an exercise taken from yoga. It is perfect as a warm-up before more demanding exercises, and it has a corrective effect on the body. Assume a frontal support position - place your knees hip-width apart, and place your hands under your shoulders. The head should be an extension of the torso. Then extend your arm in front of you and join the opposite leg to it. Raise your limbs so that they form a line with your spine. Once they are up, hold them for a second and firmly pinch the shoulder blade and buttock together. Remember that the pelvis is tucked under you and that the abdomen is slightly taut at all times. Repeat alternately.
2. SquatStand slightly wider than your hip width, tuck your pelvis under you, lower your ribs, pull your shoulder blades down and pull your chin back. Your feet in a squat should rest on three points of support: the bones under the big toe, the outer edge and the heel, and the knees should diverge slightly outwards. Once you are in the correct posture, move down as far as you can and return to the starting position. Remember that the movement should start with the bend inhip, and then bend the knees. When you come back to a standing position, tighten your buttocks at the end.
Learn how to do squats correctly.
3. BurpeesStand slightly astride and jump up, stretching your palms to the ceiling. Then descend to the plank position in the palm rest by throwing your legs backwards. Finally, do a push-up and jump to your hands in front of you. When you get up, jump out immediately and perform another repetition. Remember that the abdomen is constantly tense and that the shoulder blades are tightened - especially in the lower positions.
4. Jump with a jumpAdopt the correct body posture. Then take a step. Your knees should be bent to approximately 90 degrees. The foot in the front position should be stable and the knee slightly pointing outwards. Then perform a jump by jumping off the back leg and put it back. Make sure your pelvis is tucked up and your hips are even. Once you've done your series on one leg, move on to the other leg. While jumping, help yourself with your hands and bend your knee hard.
Here is the correct technique of the laps:
5. Push-upsPerform the plank position in the palm rest. The hands should be the width of the mat and in line with the shoulders. Tighten your abdomen, tuck your pelvis, and bring your chest closer to the mat. The elbows should extend outward in this movement. When you come back up, remember not to overstretch your elbows. Do not strain your head while exercising.
6. Horizontal scissors, supineLie down comfortably on your back. Roll up the pelvis, tighten the buttocks and abdomen. Then lift your legs up and start making a horizontal scissor by crossing your legs. Pinch your toes and keep your head down. If you feel that your lumbar region is beginning to rise and your stomach is losing tension, place your hands under your buttocks - this will help you maintain the correct position.
7. Vertical scissors lying on the stomachLie comfortably on your stomach. Rest your forehead on the mat or your hands. Roll up the pelvis, tense the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks. Then start taking turns lifting your legs up in a dynamic movement. Keep your toes clenched. The leg movement should resemble the one you make when diving or crawling.
You can, as in Pilates, combine the movement of the arms and legs, as in the video below.
8. PlankTake the plank position - rest your weight on your elbows (they should be under the shoulders), place your palms parallel to each other, and straighten your legs and rest them on your upturned toes. Roll up the pelvis underneathyourself, gently tense your abdomen and try to lower your ribs - this will help you get a firm and firm core. Remember not to hang on your shoulder blades! To do this, push yourself strongly away from the mat while pulling your shoulder blades together and tightening your back.
Exercise | Number of repetitions | Duration |
Bird-dog | 10 repetitions per page | |
Przysiad | 12 repetitions | |
Burpees | 10 repetitions | |
Jump with jump | 10 repetitions per page | |
Pumps | 12 repetitions | |
Horizontal scissors lying on the back | 30 seconds | |
Abdominal vertical scissors | 45 seconds | |
Board | 30 seconds |

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