Cleansing diets are about removing toxins from the body. Fasting and various ways to fight obesity and skin problems are very popular. But is what we know about them always true?
There are many ways tocleansing the body-fasting ,herbal treatments , vegetable diets . A lot of myths harmful to he alth have arisen about them.
Fasting you can lose weight
MythIt is quite the opposite - with a longer fasting we can notice that we do not lose weight at all and it is much more difficult for us to lose weight. The body experiences a kind of shock during fasting. When we take nutrients from him, he defends himself by slowing down his metabolism and conserving the stored supplies. The body thus prevents disorders that could arise as a result of intake of insufficient calories. For this reason, people who have repeatedly fasted themselves notice that it is very difficult for them to lose excess kilograms. Whenever they drastically reduce the number of calories, the body immediately slows down the metabolism in self-defense.
Cleansing prevents disease
TruthCleansing the body - and thus: getting rid of unnecessary metabolic products and accumulated toxins - prevents not only civilization diseases, but also those related to the digestive system. By drinking a lot of water and cleansing herbs, and by eating vegetables and fruits, we get rid of residual food residues, harmful toxins and metabolites. Thanks to this, we feel and look better.
Herbs accelerate cleansing
TrueGreater burdock, violet tricolor, field horsetail and dandelion have a diuretic effect. The work of the liver and gallbladder is supported by milk thistle, dandelion and St. John's wort. Nettle, tricolor violet, field horsetail and calendula will help with skin problems. Mint, lemon balm, St. John's wort, dill and caraway help improve stomach function.
The cleansing of the body is best supported by ready-made teas
MythNatural remedies are better - water, green tea, vegetables, fruits, and the right herbs. Ready-made teas for detoxifying the body often contain a lot of "chemistry". Of course they doamong them excellent herbal mixtures, but we have to check it by reading the ingredients.
The body may react to cleansing with skin changes
TruePimples may appear on the face at first. It is a temporary state, caused by the removal of harmful metabolites from the body through the skin.
Cleansing can be done on the go, without any preparation
MythIn order for the cleansing to be as effective as possible and not bring us any he alth damage, you need to properly prepare for it. It is best to modify the menu a few days beforehand and exclude heavy and fatty foods, simple carbohydrates and highly processed products. You should eat more fruits and vegetables and drink a lot.
During fasting, the body burns fat reserves first
MythThe carbohydrate reserves stored as glycogen in the liver are burned first. Only after a few days, the body starts to burn fat reserves.
Each cleansing should be performed under the supervision of a doctor
TruthDuring cleansing, we also deprive the body of nutrients, so the doctor should monitor our he alth. Even a few days of cleansing on your own can lead to fainting, water and electrolyte disturbances or metabolic changes.
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