Have you gained 3 kg and your clothes show excess weight? Or maybe yesterday you let yourself eat too much? A one-day oatmeal diet will save you! This instant treatment, in addition to its slimming effect, has other advantages: it lowers cholesterol, removes fatty deposits from blood vessels and provides hormones necessary to maintain beauty.
One-dayoat weight loss dietbased on oatmeal may be used once a week, for example on Monday. Such a diet will allow you not only to lose weight, but also to keep a perfect figure, without refusing tasty, but often fattening, speci alties.
Oat diet: preparing porridge
Boil the oatmeal from 6-7 tablespoons of oatmeal in 2 liters of skim milk. The prepared food has to last for the whole day, so divide it into 5-6 servings.
Workers can take the prepared porridge to work in a thermos or heat it in a microwave
Eat the first one at e.g. 8 a.m. and then reach for the next every 2-3 hours. For each portion of heated porridge, add 2-3 tablespoons of oat bran and wait for a while until it softens under the influence of hot milk, then eat.
You must do itPeople who suffer from sharp drops in blood sugar levels may experience some fatigue and hunger. In such a situation, it is worth eating an apple, pear or other fruit (fruit is rich in easily digestible sugar). Hunger will also "cheat" drinking half a glass of water with the addition of a teaspoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon.
Oat diet: you lose weight without feeling hungry
You can be sure that you will not feel hungry on this diet and that you will lose 1 kg after the whole day. Forget about sweetening tea or coffee during your one-day oat diet. If you don't like bitter drinks, add some milk or use a sweetener. Instead, drink plenty of water or herbal teas. Chances are that after just one day of using the oat diet, your belly will stop sticking out.
Advantages of the oat diet
This quick treatment has many other advantages. Oats provide phytoestrogens, hormones that the female body produces less and less over the years, and which are essential for he alth and maintaining an attractive appearance. Oat bran, in turn, removefatty deposits from blood vessels, which significantly reduces cholesterol levels after longer treatment. For the large intestine, they are a kind of brush, which facilitates defecation.