Cieczka u suki (heat) is a topic quite important for every owner. Because although in heat is primarily vaginal bleeding, it is not the same as women's menstruation - it's the only time a female dog can get pregnant. Therefore, if you have or are planning to have a female at home, it is worth knowing when the first heat appears, how long it takes to heat and how to protect the female from unwanted advances during the heat.

Liquid in a bitch, in other words: heat, heat, chasing, estrus, or simply bleeding, is a hot time in the life of every house where a female dog is. Partly because it is impossible to go out with your pet for a walk without all the dogs from the area converging. Partly because heat is abundant and often leaves traces on the carpet, armchairs or the couch.

Heat in bitches usually occurs every 6-7 months, but in larger breeds this time may be extended up to a year.

During heat, a female dog bleeds, and may behave differently than usual - it has to do with the stage of heat she is going through.

Worth knowing

The date of the first heat depends on the breed of the dog

The first heat in a bitch usually occurs between 6 and 12 months of age, although it happens that it occurs for the first time around 24 months of age (if it does not appear after the age of 2, consult a vet) .

In bitches of small breeds, heat usually appears faster than in large breeds, even at 5 months of age.

Stages of heat

In most bitches, heat lasts about 21 days, although it sometimes becomes a bit longer. The heat of a bitch is not the same all the time. As hormones rage in the bitch's body during this time, estrus is divided into four phases, which result from changes that take place in the bitch's reproductive organs.

- Pre-heat phase .The pre-heat phase usually lasts 7 to 10 days from the start of bleeding. During this time, follicles develop on the ovaries and the uterus prepares to receive fertilized eggs. The bitch's vulva is swollen and bloodshot, the female dog urinates frequently, and if she does this while walking (rather than running around an enclosed yard) spreadsby the way, a scent trail that lures all the dogs in the area. For now, however, the female dog will not allow herself to be covered, and will probably also be hostile to dogs. Most bitches during this period also have no appetite, but drink more often.-Proper heat.It usually lasts for about 9 days. During this time, the blood is initially pinkish, appears thinned, and then brightens to an almost milky color. The behavior of the bitch changes a lot: she demands to be petted, cuddles up to her guardian, arches her back and folds her tail back - these signs indicate that she is ready to receive the male. During this period, ovulation occurs, which usually lasts about 4 days. The pheromones secreted by the bitch at that time attract crowds of dogs and are so strong that it is impossible to escape from admirers on a walk, and if the female dog is in the yard, determined males are often able to get to her through the fence. Between the 9th and 13th day of heat, fertilization is the easiest, so it is the best time for mating.-Pore phase . It lasts no more than 5 days. During this time, the corpus luteum cells form, which produce hormones that prepare the lining of the womb to accept a fertilized egg. The discharge from the reproductive organs may turn darker again.-Dirt-free phase . This is a state that ends in heat and continues until the next heat.


When to plan the first mating of a female?

During the first heat, a dog should not be admitted to a bitch, because although she is sexually mature, she is neither physically nor mentally ready to have puppies. In young bitches, early pregnancy carries a risk of perinatal complications, as well as later, sometimes serious, he alth problems. On the other hand, mental immaturity, especially the lack of the maternal instinct, may result in rejection of the litter. The recommended mating date is only the third heat.

How to prevent a bitch getting pregnant?

Since an unattended female dog in heat easily finds admirers and becomes pregnant, she must not be let loose, even in a fenced area. Walks should be kept to a minimum and the bitch should always be on a leash. If we do not want to breed the bitch, the simplest method of preventing unwanted pregnancy in bitches is sterilization - as a result of this procedure the female dog becomes sterile.

The term in heat can also be moved, and the heat itself can be interrupted - for this purpose, hormonal agents are used in injections, which are given to the female by the vet. This method, however, is not recommended for permanent use, as the female dogs subjected to it are more susceptible topyomyositis, cysts, and neoplasms.


How to recognize silent heat?

Some female dogs go through the so-called oestrus quiet, otherwise also known as asymptomatic oestrus. Then there is almost no bleeding (or it is so slight that the female dog licks its traces away). However, there are some signs that indicate a hidden heat: the female dog has a swollen vulva, she is willing to be caressed, urinates frequently and licks herself constantly.

Asymptomatic liquid usually does not arouse interest in dogs, but the female dog is ready for fertilization, however, so the owner who suspects this type of heat in his bitch should make sure that she does not have contact with any male during this time .
