Which products are harmful to the heart? When planning a daily menu, hardly anyone thinks about it. This is a mistake, especially since heart disease is the most common cause of death in Poland, and an optimal diet reduces their risk, as it affects not only the condition of the heart, but also the entire circulatory system. Here are the products that harm your heart the most.
Products that harm the heartare available in the kitchen by almost everyone. Cardiologists report that many people use them even several times a day, which significantly increases the risk of heart disease, and even a heart attack.
And yet the heart is the most important muscle of our body - during each day of life it pumps nearly 350 liters of blood without even resting for a moment. That is why it is worth ensuring that it is in the best condition at all times. Which products do not have a place in the diets of people who care about the heart?
S alt and s alty snacks
S alt harms the heart as it increases the risk of high blood pressure, which is one of the main causes of heart attacks and heart failure. Therefore, it should be limited. The recommended maximum daily dose of s alt, which the WHO (World He alth Organization) deems safe, is no more than 4-5 g, i.e. as much as a teaspoon.
Poles eat much more of it - even 7-10 g. However, most of them do not come from the s alt shaker, but from processed products - s alty snacks, cold meats, powdered soups, cheeses or breakfast cereals. So it's better to avoid them.
Sugar and confectionery
Sugar and s alt are sometimes called white death, because its excess in the diet leads, among others, to for fatty degeneration of internal organs and problems with blood vessels, which translates into cardiovascular and heart problems. Excess sugar also increases blood pressure.
Harmful to the heart is not only the sugar that we add to coffee or tea, but also all products containing the so-called added sugar, such as sweetened yoghurts, breakfast cereals, sweet carbonated drinks, etc. And of course sweets. Those that can be bought in stores often also contain another ingredient that is unfavorable for the heart: trans fats, i.e. hydrogenated vegetable oils. Their consumption increases the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Cold cuts and canned meat
Processedmeat such as ham, sausages, bacon, bacon, sausage, sausage, canned luncheon meat is a source of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, as well as s alt (there is even several hundred percent more s alt in them than in fresh meat) and preservatives. Eating them frequently is a straightforward pathway to high blood pressure and atherosclerosis - and can result in a heart attack or stroke. Cold cuts that we make at home will be he althier for the heart.

Deep-Fried Food
French fries, Asian dishes, fried bananas, pork loin in batter - all these dishes have in common that they are deep-fried, and such processing not only makes them more caloric. Such dishes usually also contain a lot of trans fats, which increase the risk of, e.g. heart disease. Eating such foods frequently increases the concentration of bad LDL cholesterol and lowers the concentration of good HDL cholesterol, and an imbalance in these proportions can lead to atherosclerosis.
Fast food dishes
Hamburger, pizza, chicken nuggets, kebab … These dishes are undoubtedly tasty, but they do not provide many nutrients - but they do. Why do they hurt the heart? This is due to the high s alt and saturated fat content. Many studies have shown that frequent eating of fast food is closely related to cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart disease, and heart attack.
Energy drinks
Already one can of "energetics" may have serious consequences in the form of heart palpitations. Regular drinking of such drinks is a huge burden for the heart: very high concentrations of ingredients contained in them (e.g. caffeine, taurine, guarana) reduce the lumen of blood vessels, and this in turn causes an increase in blood pressure. As is well known, too high blood pressure can lead to serious problems with the heart: heart failure or heart attack.